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Status Replies posted by gotab0ner4xmas

  1. Considering becoming an Agnostic. Any thoughts?

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      yea.. you dont convert to be agnostic. you use logic, science and whatever faith you may or may not have...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. That `Coma` series is pretty freaky! Anyone else see it?

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      saw the previews a while back in the theatresl.. looks....interesting

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. was hoping there would be someone still up to talk to, however there is not.

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      whats your rsn? i tend to be on obscene hours

  4. kickass party, new boyfreind, got a job and my car fixed at the same time. been a flippin kickass week lol

  5. Peaches!! Hospital bound ;3

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      now you find out how good you were to him by how good he is to you>.>

      =p good luck

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. scary how fast life moves

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      'life is a blast just its moving really fast/ better stay on top or life will kick you in the ass' good luck with whatevers got your concerns

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. budweiser makes you wiser. bud light makes you lighter.

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      fuck me. i was a letter off. for as much spanish as ive learned,spoken,dealt with... never had to spell the sound of 'x'

      good save, cheeks

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. budweiser makes you wiser. bud light makes you lighter.

  9. We need a name of TRR members who are also a part of the Skyrim group. So I came up with this. Coalition League (Inner Tamriel) Of Rebels In Skyrim. Thoughts?

  10. 33 weeks! Holy hell, time is flying by o.O

  11. Just let out everything how I feel for my older brother and I feel so much better. Was a bad night at work, was sleep deprived, over heated, nicotine withdrawled and was constantly being bothered every 5mins while trying to sleep. So I lost my temper when my brother tried to use my truck even though I told him no. Afterwards we were forced to confront each other by our father and I angrily told him how I had absolutely no respect what so ever for him and was waiting for him to get up in my fa...

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      oh brother.

      if it had to be done, so be it. good for you. everything hppens for a reason

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. The game crashed, I seem to have died without a grave...Kept more than 3 items (and not in any order of value) and had a heap of seeds and nests in my inventory. items in my bank were also switched with other items or completely removed. Really frustrated, dont feel like playing (hopefully they fix it up but I doubt it)

  13. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      lol/ the wieghts are different, so its more or less that same. no comaprison to straigh blades. and sir, youre not retarded. i give you permission to procreate

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      seen nutshots, concussions... hurting the guy next to you.. i got a blackbelt plus played with bunch of other arts.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Ordered some nunchucks online, should have em by middle of next week, bet yall never would of guessed a bored asian buying and learning how to use nunchucks

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      armalite? can only assume youre talking bout an ar type rifle... i can help you there. been playing with firearms and other weaponry since i could hold em. advice on the 'nunchucks' tho, buy the foam covered ones to learn with, theyre more forgiving then the one i made [wood/rope & steel/chain]

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      lol. i was pulling for poland... but other than group a, im spot on with the cup =\

      get on now, so i can get you the gp so i dont have to keep checkin back on the site lol

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  17. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      lol. i was pulling for poland... but other than group a, im spot on with the cup =\

      get on now, so i can get you the gp so i dont have to keep checkin back on the site lol

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      ive never seen you on... guess thats timezones tho. im on genereally between 2pm and 2am est... i think thats like gmt-5?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      ive never seen you on... guess thats timezones tho. im on genereally between 2pm and 2am est... i think thats like gmt-5?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  20. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      sucks dude. i can give ya some gp to get back on yer feet

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  21. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      sucks dude. i can give ya some gp to get back on yer feet

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. 700 members. Unfortunately there is no $10,000 prize to give.

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      what about a celebratory round of champagne? wait, i have a pair. make it a round of beers

  23. recruited my first clan member :) and is there a reward for tht

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      im nearly at 9. 10 should be a cookie. or.. a box of cookies

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Strict bedrest.

    1. gotab0ner4xmas


      sounds like a good thing... unless its doctor prescribed =\

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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