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Unknown ProbLem

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Status Updates posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. My girlfriend is the shit <3 I love my nerd :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      tis a little far, but it's alright xD and hey Jamie, sup?

    3. Jamie


      Not much, chillin, I just wanted to crash your status.

    4. Unknown ProbLem

      Unknown ProbLem

      sounds like a fun time xD

  2. Enchanting guide is now a published Article <3

  3. Anybody got any guides they want done?

  4. My Alchemy Guide made it as a Published guide on the Guides page!

  5. possibly getting my guide on the Featured page!

  6. Dubstep (the better kind, not just WUB WUB face-ownage)

  7. I like making Character Builds! Check out my thread for some examples! :D

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