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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. Thank you Jake, I'll add that method and give you credit for it
  2. Well I can't believe the past couple weeks or months. I haven't been active here in such a long time. Well, I made my first welcome back guide for a post 1.9 update power-leveling. Recently I got back into Magic:The Gathering and have been playing Borderlands 2 like a cocaine addict. My main Assassin has over 19 days of game time and about 1,000+ items in my bank. I hope to get around to more builds for Skyrim and even Borderlands 2. I hope somebody can beat my record for hitting 251, as I currently sit at 81-252 in 3 hours and 55 minutes. short entry, pain and love mixed in my life, no idea what to do with the dawn of official adulthood looming.
  3. He posted it as well, I'll mention you both, remove the list and instead hyperlink both along with the Article change, thanks for the feedback! How is it?
  4. Hey everybody, after a long time, I am finally back! As most of you may know, with the coming of this update, it came with a long list of fixes - Skyrim 1.9 Update Arrives on Consoles. Well, as you know, the Oghma Infinium era is over; however this is not the end of the ridiculous leveling schemes that have been devised. This is for the player who doesn't mind to get his hands a little "dirty" with using some in-game glitches. If you'd rather level legitimately, check out our Fastest Ways to Level in Skyrim guide, which contains a break-down of the best methods for every skill. This glitch is Alchemic potion for Fortify Restoration. With a few of these, your crafting armor can and will be anywhere up to 1,000,000%! now, hopefully if you did not do it too much (enough to completely destroy using Smithing and Alchemy forever [a glitch explained later on]), you should be able to temper a single item from 15 to 100 with a legendary skill. You can do this same thing with Alchemy as well, though it is highly ill advised. As with my personal experience, it took 125 full (15-100) Legendary levels of Smithing, and 21 full Legendary levels of Alchemy to hit level 251 (the level at which a player can acquire every perk in skyrim) I chose Smithing, though if anybody can inform me to any other method of this, I'm open to ideas. On to the bread and butter of this guide!: Method 1: Crafting armor, Smithing and You Skill Raised: Smithing Since you should already be level 81 with 100 smithing you should make about 10-15 Iron daggers and make sets of 6 Dwarven bows. From my personal experience, after tempering the first three bows in Legendary, you should be at about 29 Smithing. Temper the dagger and you'll hit 32. Invest two points into until you hit Dwarven Metal Smithing and temper the last three to 100. rinse and repeat until you decide you are happy. Method 2: Starting from scratch with Alchemy and Smithing Skill Raised: Smithing (and Alchemy) Using the Fortify Restoration potion method (you need the reagents for it, along with a set of crafting armor), make anywhere between 3-7 of these potions in that order of: Make --> Drink --> Unequip armor/Reequip armor --> repeat. This'll make it so that each re-equip and un-equip will make the effect stick. If you keep one extra potion, then drink it when you are smithing, then it'll take 1 item per 15-100 Legendary level. Repeat until happy Method 3: Fortify Restoration and the benefits of Alchemy Skill Raised: Alchemy This method is extremely simple; however, doing this runs the risk of making your Alchemy "level" value high enough to the point where it isn't functional anymore. Do the Restoration glitch 2-4 times and the +100% of the item potency on your crafting set will multiply ridiculously. After this, if you so choose, then just simply make some other potion that you already have a bulk of Reagents for. Hopefully it should get you from 15-100. Rinse and repeat. Method 4: 100 Illusion and harmony for days Skill Raised: Illusion (Credit for this addition goes to Jake) Acquire 100 Illusion by whatever means you see fit and buy the Harmony Spell (now findable in vendors pre-Master quest due to 1.9) and Legendary your Illusion, then head to Whiterun and cast it about nine times. This should get you to 100 Illusion again. Rinse and repeat till desired level. Method 5: 100 sneaking and Anti-PETA Skill Raised: Sneak (Credit for this addition goes to dan_Guy) Acquire 100 sneaking normally or however you fancy, then invest a point or a couple into the first skill so you can gain levels faster as you go back to stealth faster. spend about 1,000 gold to get a horse (the poster suggested Whiterun) then corner the animal. Using an iron dagger, go into sneak and swing away, he recommends waiting for 1 hour at about 50, 80, and 90 so the horse's health is fully restored. Method 6: beginning speedrun? Skill Raised: Sneak There is a way in the very beginning of the game to get level 100 sneak. This way was that you would sneak attack the Stormcloak fellow (pardon me for forgetting his name) that is helping you escape. with this update, you should be able to hit 100, then reset while you're still there. rinse and repeat because he is considered quest and will never die. *Note: There possibly runs a problem with the higher leveled Legendary "Prestiges" where you'll get less levels per Prestige. I encountered this around Le80 Smithing and was getting just barely one Smithing level per Prestige. Keeps this in mind and if you happen to go the smithing route, the second method may be more material conservative in the long run. *Note2: With the Restoration "glitch" people including myself have seemed to run into the effect where elongated use of the glitch will cause your Alchemy and Smithing (if used while under the effects) Will become unable to function. When under normal level 100 Smithing, you'll see ALL tempered or improved items will only temper to fine, and ALL potions will be 1% and possibly sell for 1 coin. Method 7: Being a Mule across the world Skill Raised: Alteration (Credit to Randy_Cabbage for this addition) This is pretty simple actually. Just make a full set of armor that reduces your alteration to 0% per cast and grip something in your telekinetic grip and keep on holding it. now simply press B (or the same constant for PS3, I'm having a brain fart) and click a location to fast-travel to. voila! you should now have leveled your Alteration skill from 15 to 100 within a single trip! Method 8: Being a Fish above water, still deadly... Skill Raised: Illusion (Credit to DeathclawSlayer for this addition) This one came in recently and what you have to do is maybe one of the more simple ones. This method deals in illusion and after casting Water-Breathing and equilibrium and running while in shallow water. The method will bring up illusion somewhat fast and eventually get you to 100. Hopefully this makes Illusion easier for everybody! This is not for everybody, keep this in mind before deciding to power-level. -Original Guide by Unknown ProbLem
  5. Well, with my other post, it wasn't and Enchanting isn't quickly 100-able. I'm stuck at Legendary 1 Level 59
  6. It's a pain, if you do the restoration glitch, you run the risk of "breaking" Alchemy and Smithing. Where they don't work. I basically broke my Alchemy in the process.
  7. Started at 3:00Pm CST, as of 6:17pm CST, I am level 230 with Legendary 100 Smithing at level 1003 hours and 55 minutes later, I have reached level 251.Total stats are Legendary 20 Alchemy, Legendary 125 Smithing. Lol
  8. lol my bad, umm well with the Restoration glitch (or even if you quickly unpatched) you could make an enchantment for a ring that increases your Alchemy potentcy and Smithing strength to go from directly 15 to 100 in one temperment/potion. you could simply do a rotation and with an enchanting potion and would be able to continuously reset it over and over again after the rotation. This is just my theory. so broken down, looks like this: [*]use alchemy to craft a ridiculous enchanting potion (Such as +1,000,000%) and make two. (in case of mess ups) [*]go to your enchanting table and make an Alchemy & Smithing Ring. [*]Reset your Smithing first, to make sure it works, then if it does, make a set of alchemy armor to keep your alchemy % up. then reset that after it's made. *Note*: Now no matter what your alchemy and Smithing will be extremely high. [*]Rinse and repeat and you'll be able to reset at least your Alchemy and Smithing about every minute or so, depending how much materials you have, along with how fast you can manuver.
  9. While our Wonderful Eldersoulers continue to Legendary their skills, doing a small chunk of research has lead me to learn that while there being no set cap, the player officially will acquire EVERY perk in the game at level 251.If they did not patch the Restoration glitch, this could theoretically be reached in a single day if you are so inclined. Even with Legendary, this may ruin the game. I will later comment how many Legendary reca EDIT: I will later comment how many Legendary "recaps" it'll take to hit this massively daunting number. My guess will be that it will take a rather long time but i'll sacrifice one of my 81's to power level him to 251. Wish me luck!
  10. So... Restoration glitch is still functional? Lol. Alchemy --> Enchanting --> Smithing&Alchemy Reset, rinse, repeat lol
  11. If you are mod savvy, this is doable for consoles as well just requires a little explaining.To mod this for consoles, load up Modio or Horizon and extract your .exs skyrim save file. ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS(This is in case you mess up)Now this requires a pc skyrim playing friend. If you figure out what to change the file extension as (.exs --> .ess, i think) you can load up the save from the pc version.Now do the above and save thrn quit.This part is rather tricky and requires you to retake the .ess and convert it back. This will take some trial and error.Voila! You hopefully have fixed this problem,Get back to us please if we helped:D
  12. To become an actual Vampire Lord, then you sided with the Vampires, this'll flag you as hostile to Dawnguard, whether you are Vampire, Lycan, or human. That's probably why they attack you.
  13. Sir, 99-100% of all PS3 and Xbox "mods" are modded via your gamesave and if you which to get physical PC mods such as a graphics mod for example, you'd need a J-Tag (aka Developer's kit) or for a PS3 i'm unsure. Some people find using glitches, exploits and mods fun. There is really no risk involved either. Aside a Jtag, but you shouldn't be using it online anyways.
  14. Aside from using the "Alchemy/Enchanting Loop" as it's now called, power-leveling smithing is basically a thing of the past. if you want a legitimate experience with smithing, I suggest that you take time out every couple of levels to just binge on your smithing, sell it for extra gold and craft gear appropriate. the "easy" way out is to make a single enchanted item that would in turn boost your smithing to such a high level that tempering an object would make you hit 100. you'll want to not be too geared for your adventure because while there is no level requirements, you may find yourself bored wearing daedric at 20 if you aren't a dedicated ES player. Just good luck finding the materials and such to craft the higher leveled items to hit 100 if that is your goal. for heavy, you could stop at 90 unless you'd like Dragon weapons (not the greatest looking IMO, but they are better than daedric weapons) and you could create Daedric which should still be better than dragon plate even when tempered. Also the secret intimidate bonus that Daedric has is a nice bonus.
  15. nobody seemed to cover it in summary, but The "Alchemy/Enchanting Loop" is a method where using the Alchemy tree to create potions of restoration. for some reason this potion will boost all the enchantments on the items you are wearing. if you un-equip then re-equip your items the stats are supposed to stick. you can use this with a full set of alchemy armor (+100% towards the potency of your potions) and with this, after a few potions, the percent will increase exponentially. Then just craft yourself a couple of Fortify Enchanting potions and pick whatever enchantment you want (in your case, carry weight). Now you should have some either barely realistic, or some ridiculous amount of carry weight (such as my dragon boots of holding with a +850,000 towards Carry weight)
  16. What I mean is that pending on what save you come across, I know of one that made you level 250. you started off in a slightly (heavily) modded room in the starting area where you could loot basically any item in the game, then continue on with the very very beginning of the game. There is no "multiplayer" and story leveling will already be maxed at 50 due to that specific saves level. most people mod Skyrim to break level caps (which there shortly should not be), modify inventory carry weight, max out a skill (or all skills) and just to give the person using it a much much different and more "free" experience to do what he/she pleases.
  17. The best way to learn potions, or what to use is to (provided you have completed it) to possibly invest into alchemy enough that eating will teach you all four ingredients then *spoiler* to reset your perks in that tree to move somewhere else. after you have all your ingredients figured out, you can work from there. If you are looking for something in a very specific scope or range, you can always use a guide of some sort as hunting recipes may be a hassle. If you opt the "easy" way out and look for a guide, you can use the resources on this site (we have two guides dedicated to Alchemy) or the vast resources of Google's search engine. As Jake said, be careful of using a third ingredient, sometimes it can barely affect the potion, or sometimes it can drastically change your smithing potion into a poison by accident. Overall, if you completely wing it, just harvest a bunch of ingredients (and i mean a lot) and just sit at an alchemy table and have a field day. Sure you'll probably waste some money or ingredients but you'll learn some new potions you didn't know before.
  18. @Gatorpossum: I can only hope. My main level 81 has had only Enchanting as a working skill for seemingly ever now. Has the 1.9 dropped yet or no? I've been Borderlands 2 heavy, in anticipation for the new Level Cap and several updates, but would like to reobtain my skills for those.
  19. I've been meaning to come back for a while now. I'm two months from graduating so i'm trying hard to graduate. Thank you for the welcoming David! I've been havung xbox troubles and with me having a 1550/1550 skyrim, it's been hard to break my 500 total hours on my 81. I've been playing a lot of borderlands 2 as well because I came into a group of "vault hunters". So i farm raid bosses now lol. I could throw together some guides etc. on those too it's great to be back here.
  20. Back to having all the achievements for Skyrim. woo! 1550/1550

  21. I'll get it and edit it into this post, hold on. Enchanting Guide
  22. I posted up a guide in the guides section, it also became an article, if you'd like to give it a look.
  23. so your 51 was a Mage i take it? because normally the most annoying were the mage skills. provided you didn't power level them.
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