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Status Replies posted by Anarchy

  1. recently bought Assassins Creed Revelations for 97cents :D

    1. Anarchy


      WALMART!!!! i think they marked it wrong..and I happened to see it and bought it :D

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. 35 weeks & probably one-two more to go! Tired of these status updates yet? xD

  3. 35 weeks & probably one-two more to go! Tired of these status updates yet? xD

  4. 33 weeks! Holy hell, time is flying by o.O

    1. Anarchy


      few more weeks and he'll be as good as healthy :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. My friend came over and played his game on my Ps3. That's just great, because now I have to live with a trophy list I'll never complete.

  6. 32 weeks! I'm definitely feelin' it lol. Dr appt later today w/my dadzilla, then weekend shopping for babystuff :3

  7. lvl 97 fishing tonight and then 2 more levels

    1. Anarchy


      I might have 98 by then I already have 97 atm

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. lvl 97 fishing tonight and then 2 more levels

  9. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

  10. Found out I got hacked in my time of absence, probably won't return to Runescape. Was planing to do so next week when school ends... :(

  11. GSUS the Netherlands suck at Euro 2012.... Well, I guess it will be either Germany or Spain, then.... :(

  12. recruited my first clan member :) and is there a reward for tht

  13. 99 Firemaking seems so far away -.-

  14. Amber Alert - A Blexun has been missing for two days.

  15. Should I ever finish getting 99 smithing? I mean...I have all the materials for it and it might make me get on rs more often again lol

  16. Hitting the road pretty soon ~ Have a nice weekend everyone!

  17. Accepted my first TRR application. I'm moving up in this world.

  18. 100 reputation. Let's hear it for 100 more!

  19. 100 reputation. Let's hear it for 100 more!

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