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Everything posted by Yoshi

  1. I'm well aware . I just got very annoyed at it because my original five plans didn't work.
  2. I think it came out ok. Here's the link I used to post it to reddit:http://imgur.com/a/xTTNx
  3. Why couldn't it have been the 200 mil?! I WANT MONIIIIIIIEEEEEESSSSSI've only got ~4.6 mil, it's really pretty pitiful for someone of my stats.
  4. I ALREADY HAVE 99 COOKING DAMMIT and I took the 68k xp anyway, instead of the 500k >.<. What was I thinking?!
  5. For me, it's gotta be Magnemite, Politoed, Bellsprout, or MOTHERFUCKING SCIZOR, BITCHES See avatar for a pic.
  6. Well I got 87 construction for free, so fuck yeah promissory notes.
  7. I'll probably need some sharks eventually. I'm set for now, but in a while. So save ~100 for me.
  8. Thanks guys, I hope to see you around as well.
  9. Exactly what the title says. I sorta faded out of the clan a while back, but now I'm bored so I decided to pick up Runescape again so I have something to do while I fold some modular origami projects.So...yeah. Hi.
  10. Yoshi


    Gah, I'm sorry. I usually deal with this stuff before I go to bed, so I might've forgotten >.<.Is May 20th good for anyone, or is that another holiday?
  11. Yoshi


    I need a calendar in my room or something, or at least something to get my brain working >.<.Bumped the event to May 20th.
  12. Yoshi


    KBD Date: 5/20/12. There. Now it's not on Mother's Day anymore. Location: Edgeville Bank, w64 Notes: Standard KBD. I'm only CB 97 so someone's going to have to hop-check if there's someone already there. Also, let me know if I screwed up the chart again. Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 7:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] 1:00 P.M. [/td] 12:00 A.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  13. Oops >.<. Thanks for fixing it. As it turns out, I won't be able to make it to this event at any point today (things popped up). I need someone to host it for me, or I'll have to kick it to next week, and I don't want to have to do that.
  14. 1600+, Cooking, and All skills 50+.
  15. Yoshi

    Dirty Mind

    The eye one HAD to be an eye. I can't imagine it being anything else, because if it was something else, it would look like there were spiders crawling out of it.
  16. We made our events at the same time >.< I'll bump mine to the week after. Everyone'll be drunk on May 5th and 3:00 is the best time for me.I'll show up, though, assuming nothing gets in the way.
  17. The Art of War Date: May 19, 2012 Location: Tzhaar Bank Notes: This is a revival of my favorite event, the Fight Pits. But don't worry, we'll be doing more than that. We'll give the clan wars portals some company afterwards, and if enough people show up, there might be a pottery class. In short: Fight Pits, then Clan Wars, and if ten or greater people show up we can do Stealing Creation. Prepare yourself! Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 7:00 P.M. [/td] 3:00 P.M. [/td] 4:00 P.M. [/td] 5:00 P.M. [/td] 6:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". Tell me if the times don't work for anyone, and if I get enough messages telling me about it I'll bump them as necessary.
  18. Now I don't feel so bad about completely forgetting about it.
  19. Go for turmoil if you don't already have it, but otherwise don't spend the money. If you're looking for a money sink, do herb, that has a rarer skillcape.
  20. Damn, I'm sorry I missed it >.<Maybe we should have a P2P one sometime so we can rack up that xp.
  21. Welcome! It's a great place here, I'm sure you'll have a good time.
  22. I hate to be the bringer of doom here but we're never going to get rid of all the bots. They will exist forever, or at least adapt faster than we can kill them.
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