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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Erm we never agreed to it...I will try and get hold you when I get home to sort out the finer details you dissapeared last night
  2. Topic has already been made http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/topic/1169-what-do-you-want-for-christmas/Therefore I am locking this topic sorry
  3. Brad

    Diablo 3

    Alright I'll stick it on Pre-order try and get the name brad LMAO never gona happen
  4. Brad


    How did the surgery go? :DNice to meet you
  5. Brad

    Diablo 3

    Looks alright yer ill give it a crack there a release date on it?
  6. hey bro welcome back :DI'm Brad hope to see you kicking around
  7. Brad

    Diablo 3

    what other games is it like? WoW? seem as its done by blizzard
  8. Okay guys, David just had mini freak out that we forgot about this. Remember in through the nose and out through the mouth David. So Here it is The TRR Winter Olympics! The TRR Olympics is a 2 week skilling event.The first week would be the individual skilling event . So its time to lock yourself in your room and ignore everyone In the second week its a team challenge So you best work together! Give each other some supportive encouragement when there chopping them trees, or better yet get off your fat ass and rack up some exp for your team! Prizes Include - - The Super Awesomely Fandabydozy Cultural Olympics Awards (can be seen in the awards section) - A Surprise Cash Pot! All you have to do right now is fill out the form below: Thankyou! Oh and if you take a look to your left you will see that this my 400th Post!! Please feel free to PM your warm condolences and congratulations
  9. ElderSouls?is it going to be based around Dark Souls (and the first one) and the Elder scrolls series then?
  10. Brad

    Diablo 3

    wtf is the D series about?
  11. Brad

    Guild Wars 2

    "one of guys" how many you tailing along behind you!? lol
  12. whorendogWelcome back bro
  13. yes it was easier than the Halloween event! I raged like 3x at that event bad day for Bradsnakes gay, wands gay but the emotes better than past seasonal festivities
  14. now you've turned your spamming post into a spamming thread
  15. Brad


    haha did they think you were younger fergie wergie?
  16. I count this as spam....
  17. Brad


    i think we were meant to die last week aswell...
  18. dont you mean.... purrrrfect? haha someone had to say it.
  19. no cause we are just warring when there are enough people online hopefully but I will make a few set probably like 10pm gmt on thursdays or some shit
  20. Brad


    jeeze could of atleast made a new intro just for us nah just joking was a sweet intro :)Glad to hear you play football (soccer) you follow english football teams? and what position do you play? Im gona guess at a wing player?Hey Im Brad The Northern Brit of the clan so sorry if you struggle with my humour need any help im right hereoh and get in the IRC its where the cool kids hang haha
  21. Brad

    Guild Wars 2

    its a desktop game can be downloaded think it can be bought on disk though?its kinda like wow but you pay 20-30£ to have it for life not for a month
  22. To be fair you cant really lump European humour all together lmao
  23. Haha I haven't really met this holly person your on about? Lol you back now then?
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