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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Yeah, of course. They had it posted days ago.
  2. Maybe 12 or so, the guy I set the event with wasn't even online, I plan on talking to him when I see him, as I wasn't too happy about this.
  3. Notes: The event was terrible, the attendance was low, and on top of that our allies didn't even show up even after I went into their CC and reminded them. Attendance: Myself Yak Eric Super Screenies:
  4. Jamie

    Clan Citadel

    Wednesday, resets around 5 est. or so.
  5. Jamie

    Clan Citadel

    It's Saturday morning and we have about 17k resources collected, which is more than we have had in as long as I can remember, thank you to those that contribute every week. If you've yet to contribute, now is a good time to jump in and start helping! I appreciate everyones dedication, keep up the good work.
  6. Please do come, as it is a special event to get to know our alliance, just hanging out.
  7. Pyramid Plunder Date: April 21, 2012 @ 2Est. Location: W. 88 Shantay Pass or Pyramid Notes: This event will be co-hosted with our alliance Subsistance! Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 7:00 P.M. [/td] 2:00 P.M. [/td] 1:00 P.M. [/td] 12:00 P.M. [/td] 11:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  8. Just copy the following application form, fill it out and post it in this topic. Shortly after the post is made, it will be moved for review to top secret forums. Positions Available : [*]Event Coordinators [*]Council
  9. Jamie

    Clan Fealty

    Yeah, I agree with Isaiah, looking at the same color every day is blah, we can't keep up with the new clan world if we don't change and try new things.
  10. Here's just a little proof to everyone, that I have the cash, and can provide the winnings!
  11. Jamie

    Clan Citadel

    Shouldn't you want to help either way? We need people to be capping every week, this week alone we have made major improvement already. Maybe if I put it this way you will wanna help, citadel effects the new world of recruiting! You should see that enough on RSOF though, tier 3 will bring in way more recruits.
  12. Jamie

    Clan Citadel

    Hey, the rest of us work hard too !
  13. Jamie

    Clan Citadel

    I'm confident that we can pull it together, so let's just remember to motivate everyone else to do their part as well.
  14. Congratulations Swifty, make me proud girl!
  15. It's important that you show up if you can and bring your clan spirit!
  16. Oh yeah, looks like there's gonna be some competition during the week. I look forward to seeing who claims the title of "Beast Skiller."
  17. Of course there is prizes, donated by your one and only favorite staff member.
  18. May Skilling Contest Date: May 1st - 8th Location: Anywhere you want in RS! Notes: Here's the deal, a week of any skilling of your choice, the experience will be based off your total, so you don't have to dedicate yourself to one single skill. There will be a tracker displayed here for everyone to see, so signup while you have the chance! You must signup on the forums to join the contest, so spread it around in the clan chat! Leave your RSN to join! Also, remember during the week of the competition no name changes are allowed, this will throw off the trackers. Prizes: 1st Place - 10m GP, 2nd Place - 5m GP, 3rd Place - 2m GP Signups: [*]Bionic Yoshi [*]Willowboy [*]EricBloodAxe [*]Swaffle [*]Kosher [*]TRR Mageman [*]Yak 3pt14159 [*]Cheekychips [*]o_Oranges [*]SwiftAngel [*]Huygenssauce [*]14 King 14 [*]Dy3nasty666 [*]TC Stormborn [*]Brad x [*]JubileeJones [*]Apollyon3x6 Tracker Link : http://runetrack.com...er.php?id=10247 Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 5:00 A.M. [/td] 4:00 A.M. [/td] 12:00 A.M. [/td] 11:00 P.M. [/td] 10:00 P.M. [/td] 9:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  19. I got 94 FARM today, beat that, lol.
  20. Why thank you love, this was a bitch for my first time, but I think I got it down pat now.
  21. I was so angry...what a big fail...
  22. Notes: Here I will keep track of my big drops and my clues, (mainly being elites}, god wars and corp drops, etc. April 15 - 1st Elite Clue
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