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Everything posted by Saucy

  1. I remember you drank a lot, and played rs when you were pooping.
  2. Summoner name: NoobSaucseServer: North AmericaUsual Positions: Top>Mid>Bottom>JunlgeUsual Champions: Cho, Kayle, Ryze, Brand, Veigar, YiMost Hated Champions: Teemo, BlitzChampions that give me cancer: Nidalee
  3. I vaguely remember you from the rebelz once upon a time; welcome back.
  4. Can't help but hesitate your weight loss diet. I mean I'm certainly no dietitian but this sounds like one of those diets where you lose the weight fast but if you don't continue doing it you gain it all back. I've always heard these diets can be hazardous to your health due to lack of nutrients vitamins etc. from foods you've taken out of your diet. In all honesty i would rather go with cardio versus dieting. You say lungs are not exercisable which is probably very true, but your heart IS a muscle and it CAN be conditioned. honestly there are way too many benefits of cardio to list. It may not be the easiest way to lose weight that's for damn sure, but it's probably the healthiest way you can. Sorry for ranting about your post I'm just throwing in my 2 cents. Your lifting routine looks great though no issues there
  5. I don't even have enough disk space left for all of those games but i donated anyways.
  6. P.S. All the charities listed including the San Francisco AIDS Foundation are fake... David created them and linked them to his bank account so people would donate money unknowingly to the site while thinking they are doing some good in the world, when really they are just paying for David's giant interwebz bills that he is always complaining about.
  7. My god you talk as if you've been playing the game for a year, but i guess more power to you for utilizing resources. I haven't even decided what I'm going to play yet but I'm probably going to be a mage and go for maximum damage which means I'll probably end up being a glass cannon. If more than one character is allowed I'll probably make a tank of some sort.
  8. I wouldn't mind one or the other, but like you said both is just a little much. Although I would probably still buy it anyways. A one time fee of $60 would be perfectly acceptable for me but I feel like they wouldn't be pumping out much content, and the content that is released would probably have to be purchased separately. If it were a monthly subscription $15 is comfortable but anything higher I start to hesitate as well. At $15 a month you are already giving them $180 a year so if it were anything higher I would have very high expectations for Bethesda. This also brings into the question if there will be a free/premium system where you gain more benefits for paying more.
  9. Based on from what I've seen in this video I'd give it a 9/10. The quest aspect seems a lot like other ES games which is nice, and the PvP looks pretty nuts. Having one giant server is really cool but at the same time it seems like a double edged sword. Having only one server just seems like it would be much more vulnerable to crashes, hackers, ddos etc... One thing I'd like to know is are you allowed to make more than one character on this one giant server? or would you be forced to create a whole separate account?
  10. Hey now not everyone that's old has many posts. Anyways hi, I contribute about nothing to the site as far as helping people out goes. I more often than not just throw in my 2 cents to a topic. I play different games all the time (right now i play Forza 4) and the occasional LoL. I like the occasional party but I prefer sitting around the fire with some alcohol and cigars and just shoot the shit.
  11. this^ Also, the day Sony and Microsoft cooperate will be the day Blake loses his virginity... in other words it will probably never happen as much as we would like it to. aside from that i will be on PC also
  12. I have no idea what to rate it. I'm going to let the developers surprise me and hope that the combat/PvP(if it exists) is good.
  13. Welcome to the forums. I'm in the same boat as Tynisa as far as posting goes, but I do plan on playing the game.
  14. Blake was so yesterday, Nuggeh is who the cool kids hang out with now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Hey, I spent like 5 mins making my avvy. I'll never get those 5 mins back, better use this avvy.

    3. Blake


      HE IS BACK?????

    4. Saucy



  15. I got a OEM of windows 7 pro for ~$70 from here. Dunno if they still sell them for the same price or not. From what I've seen on my brothers lappy I would recommend windows 7 over windows 8. He got used to it after a while though so if you really want it then go for it.
  16. I don't even know how to Runescape anymore...
  17. Saucy

    Board Games

    a group of people used to play risk/monopoly etc back in the irc days but not anymore really.
  18. I guess when Blake means soon he means in a year or so.

    1. David


      I know right. I hate that guy.

      But Delly is still around. I guess.

  19. The only reason I don't participate is because David's post count is much too intimidating. THIS IS TYRANNY
  20. I live about 45 minutes North of the Minneapolis/St Paul Minnesota where this storm had hit. This was the first flash flood i had ever seen myself. Where I live we own 50 acres of swamp/forest so the rain never really builds up it just soaks in thankfully. My work is located a few miles outside of Minneapolis in the metropolitan area so there isnt many places for the rain to go besides the backed up drains.
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