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Dark Mana

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Everything posted by Dark Mana

  1. Im stickin with Fire Fox and I don't give a shit about some lame goggles :ogoogle is takin over the world for realz xD
  2. I instantly thought B-rad like off Malibu's Most Wanted xD
  3. they made more than one dusk til dawn movie ?! O.O
  4. I like fighting moss giants, and cockroach soldiers. At least I use 2 on my old main.
  5. I understand I could practice now but I think I would be better off getting my cb lv up more cause i suck right now
  6. I would like to start attending these eventually but I feel like I should get my combat up a little first. Any cb level recommendations before I start attending weekly clan wars practices?
  7. lol never played them. My friend is a big FF fan though and ive played the newer ones a couple times.
  8. haha ya super mario rpg was beast
  9. I was playing Banjo Kazooie today on N64 for the first time in fuckin ages haha. What are your favorite N64 games if you can even recall such a game console xDMy absolute favorite is Conker's Bad Fur DayI also like the South Park games as well as Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, and of course the classic Super Smash Bros.
  10. Dark Mana


    haha can't be that bad
  11. Hey how's it goin? I was wonderin if you ever decided on a f2p world?

  12. Dark Mana


    kool kool my step dad just got MW3. Im not a big COD fan but maybe i can learn some things from your vidz.
  13. Dark Mana


    Hey anyone have a youtube channel that they upload vids on 2.I would love 2 check em out.they don't have 2 pertain 2 runescape btw.
  14. lol well maybe they just selected the better looking people's responses
  15. Neither do I. I hate the wrestling aspect of MMA but I still think it's an important part of it.
  16. I am going 2 become a much more active TRR Member (:I will try to attend as many event as possible and id like to make friends with other clan members.
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