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Dark Mana

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Everything posted by Dark Mana

  1. Ya it does haha. No thats just the elf class.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miwOd9k6bxI&list=PL9A94744243A9B2B5&feature=mh_lolz
  3. New song from my fav band The Usedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWt9ODqyMnM
  4. Dark Mana


    I'm 2 new 2 TRR 2 know you but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  5. I love pking but suck at it
  6. It's all good you like what you like. I was just excited they came out with a new song (: Here is a pretty dope music vid from them that's not so happy and energetic haha.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bEDM4bsfWg
  7. lol we would kill at LARPing xD or what ever it's called
  8. Start workin out 5 times a week (:I would also like 2 graduate from high school, get a car, and a job haha.
  9. I hate school. This is my last semester FUCK YEAAHH
  10. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all that shizz (:
  11. Hey what is Elder Souls?

  12. Well I only played for about an hour last night so I don't really know the game all that well yet. If you're interested you can go check out some youtube vids or somthin.
  13. Anyone play Dragon Nest? I just downloaded it last night and it seems pretty fun. I'm not usually a fan of cartoony graphics but this game seems pretty good.
  14. I wouldn't get either (:I would buy a WoW membership or somthin hahaPC gaming FTW
  15. Really a RS toolbar lol.No matter how much RS promotes Google Chrome I'm stickin with Fire Fox!!!And who the fuck do you think you are saying that your RS name is Zezima xD
  16. There are more than 2 parties just 2 main parties. And it is very unlikely for any other party to win. And you don't have to agree with everything in a party that you follow.
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