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Everything posted by itichie99

  1. Well then... did anyone go? I did not go because I was offline?.... erm..
  2. -UPDATE-Hey guys sorry for the late update on the event. We had thanksgiving break and I was gone from last Tuesday till today. If you guys remember how many you killed then please post I would like to see who the winner was. Also if you liked this event then please comment & I will begin making it! -itichie99
  3. All the past events would go into an Archive no?
  4. Okay clan members I know that our forums get cluttered with all the events being made. So I went ahead and created my own forum, I am not saying you have to use it but I made it so the EC's could make all the drafts they wanted and revise them. BUT I did not make this just for Runescape. I made this for any game our members play, for example (Tho I doubt it) if any of you guys were to play WoW (world of warcraft) I would make an forum for WoW that includes an General Chat, Questions area, Ect. If you guys play any big game I would be glad to make an forum for it. So what do you guys think?
  5. A few days ago I was sitting here thinking about what event I could make that has never been done before. I ask that no one uses this idea except for me because I plan to improve this event and in the future make it even better! I will even add prizes if we get enough people participating! Now below you will see somthing marked IMPORTANT please take the time to read this before continuing to the event details. IMPORTANT!! 1. Keep track of how many you have killed! 2. Once the event is over please post how many you killed! 3. Please bring food so you do not die! 4. Also if you liked this event and would like to see more please say you liked this! 5. PLEASE DO NOT POST REPLYS TILL THE EVENT IS OVER. --------------------------- Event: Killing Water feinds Date: EVENT OVER ----------------------------- TIME CHART ----------------------------- 6.00 pm GMT Time (GMT) 2.00 pm Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 1.00 pm Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 12.00 pm Central Time (GMT -6:00) 11.00 am Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 10.00 am Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 09.00 am Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 08.00 am Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  6. Oops lol and I can't seem to find it so can someone post a time chart I can copy and paste for this event?
  7. Okay so I have world 112 there is no world 112. We also have world 64 and it is a members world. So we will use 64 as our members world. I will go ahead and select world 38 for our F2P world. Now what day would you guys like this event to be held on? Look up in my very first post for updated info.
  8. Sitting here wide awake.. Girlfriends mom had a stroke agian... and she sent a text to my gf saying she don't think she will make it this time :/ :/

    1. Fergal


      Ah dude, that sucks. Hope she will be okay. D:

    2. Coffee4Godot
    3. Huygens


      that sucks dude..:(

  9. -Update- Okay guys so I guess you all will be hunting Waterfeinds. Now we need to decide what Non-Members/Members World this event will take place on. (The reason being that if members want to use there good gear to kill these they can.) And also what day do we have free that we can have this event on? Oh and after we get all the info above decided idk can I move this to the events thread or does someone else have to do that? *If you have any other good ideas for an future event please send me a message.* *What level are Waterfeinds?? I have never seen them so idk please post telling me* -itchie Side note: I am now retired from the game (Afer what... 5 years?) I will no longer play but I will continue to keep making events for this clan to enjoy!.
  10. Most Kills Event - Okay guys I was thinking about having one of these. Who can kill the most of a certain monster? I really need your help I also need to know what FREE & MEMBERS world you would like this to be on. - Worlds Free World: 38 Members World: 64 (Updated Nov 11th) - Date of event: N/A (Will be updated) - ***IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU AT LEAST HAVE A COMBAT LEVEL OF 60*** Bring food and make sure that you do not die!! What you will be hunting. - - - Waterfeinds!
  11. Omg lol enough with the fails guys!! anyways does anyone play Lord of the rings online jw?
  12. Ok alot has been happening sorry for missing the war/wars guys! NIGHT!

  13. Well I can now say this was a fail lol
  14. Ok so I keep logging into TS3 and no one is ever in there! so I was wondering if you do use skype and would like to voice or video whichever if you would please post your username.
  15. Woot I got EC!!! :D

    1. Fergal


      Congrats! :) Make sure to keep making events though. xD

    2. itichie99
  16. Got total level of 1,000!!

    1. Blake


      Nice. NOW GO FOR 2000

    2. itichie99


      2000 do you know how long that will take? lol

  17. I now have a total level of 1,000!~Yeaa!My goals/ Since I am a non member I want to alleast get all of my levels above 60,And to get dungeneering to Max.Skills above 60 currently (Oct, 23rd 2011)Attack, Strength, Defense, Consitution, Woodcutting, Cooking, Fishing
  18. I got this after trying to join Private Channels, Clan Information, And the AFK room.<22:28:17> channel maxclient reached
  19. - 1st off who here has a playlist? Well I do and if you have one share it with the rest of us - 2nd if anyone wants later I was thinking about going into wildly to see what we find. - 3rd if you need smelting/fishing/smiting done then please contact me. I need something to do anyways. - 4th who is your fav band? fav movie? etc.- 5th IF you would like to voice while playing RS then message me and ill add you on Skype. <--- I use it since it seems to work better for me.For those of you that might want to go explore the wilderness with me reply and if I get more than 1 other person that wants to come I will set up a world. (probably one with the fewest players)It will be F2P!~Diablo
  20. Maybe just got back from church and going back to my moms house. So ill try sorry if I can't
  21. I guess your right mhmm save it ill do then.
  22. Age: 17 Length of time in TRR: Since October 7th 2011 Positions applying for: Moderator What you will change in TRR I will make sure that all posts are in the proper places and delete any really old posts/Archive. (plus what is there to change about TRR. It is already a great clan and has a great forum.) Anything else: I have been a mod for some other game forums. I know I have not been in TRR for very long but I believe I could help keep TRR's forums well managed. I have also been playing Runescape for about 3 and half years. So I could help with any new players question.
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