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Everything posted by Judobreaker

  1. It's missing the cape spot.
  2. Memories..?To be honest I still feel like Roaches are one of the new features. xD
  3. Well if that's the case and you are really aiming to stake a lot you could consider not training summoning.I mean, you can live without it I guess, it's just really handy and saves a lot of food with slayer. ^^
  4. Well, summoning is only really a problem when dueling.The wilderness is designed to split up your combat on entering it.So, what you're going to need to decide is what you find most important.Do you really need the lowest possible combat level you can get for the duel arena?One combat level gets added for every 8 summoning levels.If you like slayer think you should at least get 68 summoning for a bunyip because it saves loads of money and inventory space when doing tasks.If you're really serious about it you might even want to consider the unicorn (the only reason I haven't got the unicorn yet is because I'm broke, I have the charms ready).So, basically we're looking at 8-11 extra combat levels.If you ask me I'd say get 68 summoning at least.Slayer is a fun way to raise combat and you're going to do quite a lot of it before you reach those levels.Because dueling is the only downside I wouldn't care too much, if you're 99 mage+range I'm guessing you should do rather fine in the arena even with those extra combat levels.Actually, now that I think about it, I think it might even be a good thing.You're probably going to duel for big money.If you keep your combat as low as possible your main opponents are either poor melee based noobs of the same level or people exactly like you.If your combat is a bit higher your main targets are a bit higher too which usually means they have more money even if they are melee based.My suggestion is to train summoning, I doubt you'll regret it much.The decision is of course completely yours.
  5. Lol...Nice edit Ferg. xDThere's a bug in the custom layout which makes the html code show in the edit window.If you edit the post without removing it it'll appear in the post.Edit it again and all the html code will be translated into html code itself so it's a bit of an exponential problem... :PI suggest using the standard IP.Board layout as it does not have that bug.
  6. If we're looking at melee strictly for training purposes 70/70 is much better than 60/88.My little brother and me did some research on how much one would hit in a battle and my little brother came up with some calculations with which I can calculate an average damage/second ratio.Let's say we're fighting a random monster with 50 defense.Using a Dragon scimitar with 60/88 stats would give you an average dmg/sec ratio of 53.However using an Abyssal whip with 70/70 stats would give you a much higher average dmg/sec ratio of 65.When training on random monsters we're looking for the best average damage as that would give the highest training speed.You can see that 70/70 is a much better option there.Besides hitting much better 70/70 also requires a much lower total experience.The total experience of 70/70 is 1,475,254 whereas the total experience of 60/88 is a whopping 4,659,518!That's a difference of roughly 3 million experience points!You can see that training attack and strength equally results in higher average damage for a lot less experience.That means you need less experience to get more experience in the same time!
  7. Summoning is a must for every serious slayer because of familiars like the bunyip and unicorn.However if your focus lies with PKing you could consider keeping it low.
  8. Ah, time to get me some of those shineys! :)If I am correct the following awards apply to me:Combat: Major - My combat level is 126.Total level: 1800 - My total level is 1973.100% Quest Completion - I am the proud owner of a Quest Cape.Member of the Month - As you can see in the list I was the 10th MotM in October 2009, I plan to make sure to show everyone why I got that badge back then in the first place.
  9. Tjah, hoe moeten we anders samen de clan op z'n oer-hollands terroriseren.Dat gaat het best met z'n tweetjes he.
  10. Oh darn, it's Fergal...*hides*Hiya Fergie.
  11. Thanks. ^^Yeah I remember you mage.I did indeed log all my Slayer tasks, though I stopped doing that when free trade returned.I still keep a list with Slayer notes for each kind of task I've done so I might post that sometime.
  12. Hello everyone! You might've read my application topic but since a lot of people do not I'll just repeat stuff I said there and add some more irrelevant stuff about myself. (That's what these kinds of topics are for aren't they?) I am Judobreaker. Former Administrator of Legacy of Legends, a clan which was recently closed down. Some of you older TRR members may know me because I also happen to be a former Council member of TRR itself, which was before LoL was founded. Who is Judobreaker (the Runescape character): My account is roughly 8 years old. I've had a few longer breaks (just like most other long-term players) but besides that I've played most of these years. I'm not one to play many hours a week though as I have a rather busy schedule so my levels aren't the best. My account currently has a combat level of 126 and a total level of 1973. I am a complete quest addict (I usually do every new quest within a few days and I do not use guides) so naturally I am the owner of the Quest Cape. I do not own any 99 capes at all so far (I'm not one to grind levels) although I'm sloooowly getting closer to maxing my combat levels. My second addiction is Slayer. If there are no quests to be done I'm usually out slaying some monster. My Slayer level is 90 at the moment. Who is Judobreaker (in Real Lifeâ„¢): My real name is Reinier van Antwerpen (don't try to pronounce it if you do not speak Dutch or German because you'll probably do it wrong). Just like Huygens I am from Holland. No, I have never smoked marihuana. I am 23 years old and employed as a precision mechanics engineer at a hospital specialized in treating cancer patients. Basically what I do is design, create and/or repair the tools and machines the doctors use to treat the patients. Besides my job I am really into singing. I currently sing in 2 gospel/soul choirs which perform throughout the whole country and have singing lessons every other week. Other hobbies are photography (favorite being macro photography) and photoshop. I used to design a lot of websites too but lately I haven't been doing that a lot. I'm very capable with the programming language php, I'm also pretty handy with (X)HTML and MySOL, and I have some experience with JavaScript. My coolest website job is a temporary administration system I built for our national air travelling company (KLM). I think that's probably the most notable things I have to tell about myself... Oh right, if you'd like to look at my photography you can check out my blog at RvAntwerpen.com. I hope to see you all in game sometime. ^^
  13. Hey guys. Some of you may know me, others may not... I am Judobreaker. Former administrator of Legacy of Legends, a clan which has recently been shut down and was on good terms with TRR. Besides that I am also a former council member of TRR, which was in the time before LoL was founded. This is why older members will probably remember me. If you do not anymore: I have some cool TRR signatures I made to remind you. I'll dig them up sometime soon for you guys. Anyways, as LoL has been closed down I thought I'd get back to the first clan I've ever joined. So, without further ado, here's my application: What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Judobreaker Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 126 Total: 1973 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Yes, I have been Council member of TRR and Council member/Administrator of LoL. Where did you hear about TRR? This was the first clan I ever joined. I've known you guys for quite a while now. What were your first impressions of us? Quite frankly I don't really know anymore as it's been so long ago, but I do know they were very positive. Why do you wish to join our clan? Because LoL has been closed down I wish to join another clan. I very much prefer community clans like TRR and I know a lot of people here as I have been TRR member before. Well, that should do I think.
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