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Everything posted by Judobreaker

  1. I don't really give a darn about compensation as long as they can keep those bots out.That's enough compensation for me. ^^
  2. They can't tell you everything, they've explained that.The fact that judges are in their favor a lot means they are winning some important battles though.
  3. This one does. :PIt's a first though and the fact that your own comments are not voice acted is rather weird. xD
  4. Yeah it mostly is I guess.Voice acting was funny for a while though, singing was nice. :PI didn't really expect that much anyways as it was a no-reqs quest so I'm not really disappointed. ^^
  5. I love this quest!God pages skyrocketed because of it, just made 1m with a Bandos page. xD
  6. 112 days 2 hours spread over about 8 years.
  7. I think people are wondering what the consequences actually are and they're willing to find out...
  8. Well at the moment I don't really have any big future plans... :)I got a job a little more than a year ago so school isn't really a goal for me anymore.Just got my drivers license too.We're trying to get some new cool computer controlled machinery for the workshop at work which will give me something new to figure out but that's not really huge plans. :)I'll probably move out somewhere in the future (yes I still live with my parents, believe me it saves a shitload of money and I like to spend on fun things ) but I don't expect that to happen for the next few years...My biggest goal may be to improve my singing.I'm in 2 Gospel&Soul choirs, one singing throughout the whole country, and I have personal singing lessons.There's not really a clear goal there though, I just want to improve and I don't think I'll ever stop wanting that. ^^
  9. They cannot win this lawsuit with these demands.You can only sign up for RS if you agree with their rules. If you do not hold those rules they are in their full right to take action against you by banning you from their service.Demanding RS to allow bots is utter bullshit and an impossible fight.
  10. I know you're being serious. I just find it funny Huygens is calling you bro while you are a girl. :)Even I know you're a girl.
  11. W00t! I passed my driving exams! :D:D

  12. Hmm, that should work well!*Looks around*Anyone wanna help me transfer some items? (a)
  13. Well ok then.Quest cape is an honorable goal anyways.
  14. Erm...You do realize that would involve having to try 5,000 averagely and the bank closes for a few minutes every 3 tries?(Total possible pins is 10^4=10,000)Good luck trying every possible sequence.
  15. And that's why you always need to have a bank pin. :PGood that nothing happened to your account.
  16. Quest cape isn't on the list..?
  17. If Apple releases a new version of OSX and Adobe Photoshop doesn't work on that do you expect Adobe to say:"Yeah, it broke Photoshop. Shit happens, we ain't gonna do shit about it."Of course not, they'll tell you they'll get it running asap even if they know it's going to take them weeks.
  18. Kalphite task + Dwarven cannon + 3x Slayer exp = 50k Slayer exp in 30 minutes.Damn I like this Nuke Day.
  19. I'm not online loads, but I'm in the clan chat whenever I am and I'm always in for some pointless chatting. xD
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