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Everything posted by Buttons

  1. Anyway, turning the game off and on did actually help in bringing up a marker on my map. But I will write that set stage thingy down for future ref. Thank you. I did know about it but I like to try everything else to solve the problem first. Buttons hopes you have a nice new home to live in... and so does Buttons
  2. Well, Buttons, I tried that and it worked. Woo-hoo! So, ahh... Sorry all you nice people out there for being such a goofy, short tempered twit. And thank you Buttons for your brutally honest help
  3. Buttons, you're very annoying! Look here you weirdo; try shutting down the game for a minute, maybe go and have a strong drink, or maybe go and write about the problem on the Questions and Help Elder Souls Web site, then go back to the game where you might find that shutting down and restarting the game has given it the prompt it needed to provide you a marker on your map. Then, once you're done completing your final Miscellaneous quest you can go back on the Elder Souls question and help line and tell all those nice people out there how much of a goofy, short tempered twit you are! Wierdo!
  4. I am playing Elder scroll V on pc and am stuck on a miscellaneous quest called "Find the copy of the last king of Ayleids!". I have researched Wiki and it has given me 10 possible locations to search, unless I have read it wrong? Unfortunately I have already cleared most of those location and REFUSE TO GO THROUGH THEM ALL AGAIN IN ORDER TO FIND A STUPID MISCELANEUOS BOOK!!!!!!! I have also marked the quest and searched the map but there is no marker on the map. I have gone to that Org book guy at the Winterhold College and he doesn't have one for sale. Which makes sense seeing that he was the one who asked me to find the friggen book in the first place!!! I have also used console codes to add the item, then used console to drop it then pick it up again, and that didn't work either!! This is a problem because I have challenged myself to complete all my miscellaneous quests to date, and this is the last one on the list. This book is pissing me off! I'm at level 39. Does anyone know where I can find The Last stupid F#%ing King Of Ayleids???????????????? AAAARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for your attention.....
  5. I know what you're thinking, The Dark Brotherhood Forever goes on indefinitely. But that is a problem for me. I know, I have a lot of problems, right? Here's the thing though, I was hoping to try and complete all the quests on my list, not to end the game, but rather just to be free for a day, or just see if it is possible. I know that sometimes the game just imposes a quest on you without even seeing it coming, like when someone just pulls you up on the street without warming, which is hard to avoid, but not impossible I assume. So I'm guessing that the Dark brotherhood forever is the only quest that seriously stands in the way of clearing all my quests; so are there any codes to end the endless quest on pc?
  6. I think the answer may be in your first sentence. What's your graphics chip like? Sounds like a suspicious component to me.... Otherwise, you might want to buy the game on disc, rather than download. I've had nothing but problem when downloading data for games and updates.
  7. mmm. sounds like a plan. I do know that the +500 codes didn't work because I accidently killed Vig soon after when a skeleton I was attempting to kill stepped out of my path and left Vig to take the blow. oops. But I should have tried again I guess. I will keep trying these various commands and let you guys know how it goes.... Thanks Dave
  8. As most of you probably already know, the assassination of the Grim Shieldmaiden in Markarth isn't the easiest murder to perform without adding a bounty to your own head. A bounty, I might add, which cost roughly the same amount that you are paid to do the job. So, after about twenty attempts I'm fairly confident I can share how to do get away with murder successfully. First I thought, on about my fifteenth attempt, that standing in the mist of the waterfall on the Wizards Balcony would probably do the trick, and on the most part it did, except for one thing; when I came back down through the museum and out of the Understone Keep I discovered that Ghorza Gra-Bagol, the local Blacksmith who seems to like me a lot, had been killed while trying to defend me against the female guard who kept ruining my plans. Otherwise the mission was a success. BUT unfortunately I like Ghorza and didn't want her to die for me so I had to find another way. A few attempts later I found myself on the roof "to the North of the Blacksmiths Forge", next to a birds nest amidst the branches of a shrub. From there I took out the shieldmaided with a clean shot, again, which still somehow managed to infuriate that annoying female guard, who I now believe to be a close friend of the Shieldmaiden. As the female guard came running in my direction I swiftly jumped backwards off the roof, spun around mid-air, and hightailed it out of Markarth before the bitch could catch me. Once I was outside the city limits I went back inside and found that everything had blown over... even that female guard made a comment about my Ebony Armour, which was nice I think. And, of course, my secret admirer Ghorza didn't get herself killed trying to defend me. All Good. (remember, stay in sneak mode until you need to hightail it of the city. And keep your followers locked away in your house.) I hope this helps someone.
  9. UPDATE: <setessential> <BaseID> <1> DID NOT work. Vigilance fell down a waterfall from the Wizards Balcony in Markarth when I was attempting to assess my vantage points in the assassination of some grim shield maiden, and after the fall his health was half way down. if he was invincible that shouldn't happen, right? Lydia ended up even worse, she never again emerged from the water... mustn't be the best swimmer. What am I doing wrong?
  10. Dalilah, always good to hear from you. Thanks for going out of your way for me, that was very cool. You're Very Cool. I took your advice and after putting in the codes you mentioned it didn't work, but it did get me digging deeper into the internet discussions, maybe the same ones you found. Apparently, to make a follower indestructible, the correct way of putting in the command is to use the followers (chaeractors) Base Id, not their RefID, and instead of typing in the 1 at the end of the Id you've got to leave a space. So these are, supposedly, the proper way of doing it for all three of my followers: Vigilance: setessential 9a7aa 1 Frost: setessential 97e1e 1 Lydia: setessential a2c8e 1 Still, I did do it like this, but I am uncertain if it actually worked because even though the computer didn't tell me that I failed, it didn't tell me if I succeeded either.... "setessential 9a7aa 1" just rolled up the screen with no comment at all. Therefore I am guessing that it is much like marking an item of furniture for delete. When you delete the item nothing happens until you walk out of the building and let the game reset with the new information, after which you can walk back into the building and find the item has vanished. However, in this case I haven't asked Vigilance or Frost to disappear and so there is still no way of telling if the command worked.... Unless I try beating the shit of my dog to see if he will die, which I'm not going to do. I know they're just computer programs, but still... So, I now need to know how to check the health status of my followers without having to beat them up, any ideas?
  11. This is the second time iv made a post on this topic because the first time didn't quite cut the mustard. Thanks for the effort anyway David, I thought your way should have worked as well. So I'm trying to increase the health of Vigilance to 500. Frost too if possible, but Frost runs away from a lot of fights so he is less of a concern. But Vig runs head on into any damn danger. I realise that on pc it is easy enough to get my followers back if they die, but I also realise that if they were harder to kill I could play without worrying about how they're doing all the time, and it would also save me a lot of F#%ing around.... For Vig I have already tried typing: 0009a7ab.setav health 500, but as far as I can tell it didn't work. I tried a few variations of that as well, and I even used my wabbajack, which resulted in eventually killing the pooch. So I kinda went the other way on that one... Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or even some other code to increase Vigilance's health? Wouldn't hold it against you if you told me how to increase Frosts health a well, yes? And while your at it, any ideas about Lydia? Also, can you tell me how to check on the status of my followers health? I think it should be the same as mine, but I need them to have more than me.... From your very persistent and possibly annoying friend, Buttons....
  12. aha.... interesting. any more ideas on how to increase Vigies life to 500?
  13. David, It didn't work.. I tried multiple ways, with and without the +, and with and without the 000 at the beginning, and I even tried with the code that came up when I clicked on Vigilance himself. I know what I'm attempting is possible, but I just cant get it right. For the first ten attempts it came up as "script unknown" or "not saved" or something like that, then in the end I put in my code without the 000 and it didn't say anything at all, "<refid>.setav health 500" just rolled up the screen without any commentary whatsoever - which would have been great had I been placing some furniture. So I'm guessing that I gave 500 health to the floor because i thought it would have told me in no uncertain terms that I had succeeded, had I succeeded.... So now what? Is it possible it worked without telling me? how can I check? or maybe I didn't complete the work, like... maybe I was meant to click on Vigilance at a specific time or something? I wouldn't have a clue....
  14. No, I come across that problem now and then, and it is only because you have killed a guard at some point outside of the quest parameters. It doesn't even matter if you kill one on a country road somewhere with no witnesses, they all seem to find out about it anyway, unless you kill them as part of a quest. E.g. I had to kill some girl at a wedding in a solitude, but I couldn't do so without having to kill a guard or two, but that was ok because the game was programmed to allow that. There was one time I was killing a dragon, during which I used my unrelenting force voice on the dragon and a guard happened to get in the way, and before I knew it I was fighting guards as well as a dragon. very annoying. So, whenever I kill a guard outside of a quest I need to go back to a previous save point and undo my damage. There may be another way to stop them from attacking you but I don't know what it is. Try wiki.
  15. Cursed or not Mr. Goldblade, I just got my hands on the Hevnoraak Mask, so there aint no disease or poison that can touch me any more. I guess you could say I can plunder all the tithes I want off those weird-ass gods and there aint no dang curse that can touch this biatch!!!!
  16. Thanks Dave, I've written that down and will try it out tomorrow and let you know. Gotta go to snooze land now
  17. Hey guys I've been trying to increase Vigilances health by clicking on him while in console and typing: "setav health 500", but it doesn't work. He's dying just as easy as before. I tried using the Wabbajack staff thingy (whatever you call it) on him too, but that only turned him into a crab, then a goat, then he went invisible before I did it one more time and killed him. so the wabbajack doesn't increase his health, and, just so you know, trying to bring Vigilance back to life with the wabbajack doesn't work either... My bad. So, have I got the code wrong to increase his health to 500? have I left something out? or is there a better code altogether
  18. Wiki says that you can always go back and repurchase Vigilance if you let him go home to Banning, but it also says that there is a bug which, even after repurchasing the dog, will prevent Vigilance from following you again and even causes him to disappear altogether, which would then disallow you to get any more pet followers.... Is this bug still around? If so, is it only on the xbox, pc, or both? I'm on pc.
  19. Wait, I thought I recall reading on Wiki that if you leave a dog to go home to its origin, then you couldn't get him to follow you again, that's why I've been so careful not to let him go.... I must have read it wrong, I'm gonna have to go back and read that part again. Is it just me, or do they have difficulty explaining it properly? Hell, if you can always go and reclaim your horse and dog then that would be an unnecessary load off my mind.... UPDATE: I just read up on Vigilance again, and now I remember why I was worried about letting vigilance go. Yes, I can always buy him back if he goes home to Banning, but there a couple of bugs, apparently, one bug which doesn't allow Vig to follow you again and he may even disappear even though you have paid for him again... and if this happens you wont be able to get any more pet followers at all. Is this bug typical for Xbox as well as pc?
  20. Really, Tynisa? Far out... Francis, Not all followers are the same, right? I can let Lydia go and find her back doing her duty in Whiterun, and then I could just get her to follow me again, but if I let the dog go I wouldn't be able to get him back so easy.... So I'm guessing that Frost is more like Vigilance than Lydia... right? I cant get frost back? Brad, thanks for the Vid
  21. Ok, so... I've just killed the jester guy, who really annoyed me so I'm glad he is dead, but I've just been given the opportunity to ride the horse from the dark brotherhood (Shadowmere I think his name is). But now I don't know what to do. I love my Frost. Frost has been with me forever, so I cant just leave him behind, right? And so I'm standing outside the dark brotherhood sanctuary not knowing which horse to take. These are my questions: 1) If I take Shadowmere, how long can I keep him? 2) If I take Shadowmere, what happens to Frost? 3) And if I take Shadowmere, and then later decide I want Frost back, can I get Frost back? And if I can get Frost back later, where will I find him? 4) However, if I decide not to take Shadowmere, and keep Frost, can I still get Shadowmere later on?
  22. Thanks I will try that. As you can see I'm no computer wiz
  23. I don't know all the proper names of these things, but I'm sure its not hard for you guys to figure out, so here it goes: At the moment all I have is the standard Skyrim scrolls V, whatever its called, but I am unable to build my own home, which I need Hearthfire for (I think that's what you guys call it). But I don't want to download from steam because the data costs shitloads on my prepaid wi-fi device. so I went to the shop to get the update on disc, decided to try and get Skyrim Legendary edition (I think that's what they called it), because it has like 3 updates on it including hearthfire, but no one in this entire town has it, and they seem to have a hard time figuring out how to order it in.... I really don't believe it should be this hard, do you? Any ideas, outside of ebay? I got ripped off on ebay once and would prefer not to have the hassle. Am I making any sense?
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