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Timber Wolfs

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Everything posted by Timber Wolfs

  1. Ready for Timber IRL? Hold on to your seats. The most recent picture of me - Smoking some freshly hand-rolled (rolled right in front of me) tabbaco during my trip in Dominican Republic - Naturally, I brought the thunder - Living la vida loca- With my wolf - Pretty self-explanatory. She was pretty cool, really cute too - I'm trusting you guys in not attempting to stalk me or anything, thanks.
  2. I've seen this before. Pretty sure it was a one time thing.But it could be useful in a Runescape signature of some sorts.
  3. I just like to dance for money. But when people are being ass holes I just head down to the Lumbridge cows and make a huge profit off that cow hide. You can even ask Traag, he visited me at the cows once.
  4. Why don't we just have a 500mill drop party instead? LOLBut I'll try be there, I'll buy some sets of armor to give out.
  5. I needed a way to keep track of what I need to get done online and what better way than sharing it with my clan mates! I will update this thread regularly so I encourage you guys to post regularly in support! <3 -----------Starting level/Current Level/Goal level---------- 67/70/85 Dung: 80/80/99 Summoning: 96/99/99 Mage: 99 MAGIC ACHIEVED! 90/99/99 Range: 99 RANGE ACHIEVED! 67/86/99 Thieving: Right now I'm making back the cash I spent in buying torva. But after that I should be getting 99 range and mage within 3 weeks. Remember post your support!
  6. Just simultaneously trolled over 80 people. That's how it's done. ;)

  7. Just had my first baby.

    1. Deus


      congrats timber!!! Its a fucking joy man! I just had my first 6 months ago! :) My second is on the way man. It is something you cant explain broski.

    2. Tynisa


      I had my first rack of ribs in BBQ sauce today .. to be honest that is like something that cannot be explained either. so amazing.

    3. Timber Wolfs
  8. Dude that was too epic. :)I bet we could have gotten more people if more clan mates would have halped out. And I'll lend you red phat in the next one so people think I gave it to you LOLOL.Next time we'll get it on video and it will be an official clan event.
  9. So, where the hell is my "welcome Back Timber <3" event? Get off your asses Event Coordinators and get to it! ;)

    1. Timber Wolfs

      Timber Wolfs

      I might or might not be dropping 100-200mill worth of goodies.

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Lolol ok ill make you one xD

  10. Ready for this?Constitution, Attack, Strength, Defense, Cooking, Fire Making, Hunter, Prayer, 130+ CB, 300+ QP, Skilling Olympics 1ST PLACE, Moderator achieved, 2400+ total level.
  11. See what you assholes made me do, I had to post a clan application. I hope you all die in a hole.

  12. Whoever gets me to post an application wins it all. >;O
  13. Earning some gp killing cows.

    1. David


      The sad thing is I believe you now.

    2. Tynisa


      Can u teach me pls? Do i pick up or drop the hides, and should i cook the meat on a fire? Do i bring Tinderbox and hatchet?

    3. Blakelington


      Tan the hides, cook the meat, and bury the bones. Anything else sell at a General Store.

  14. If I apply do i get a welcome back event? ;)

  15. I think Traag actually expects me to post an application. Oh hell naw.

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      And thats why your a rebel ;)

  16. I'm naked under these clothes. ;)

  17. Just hit me up when you guys wanna go to Nex.
  18. Haha love you guys, can't wait to talk to you all on the CC. I'll join as a full clan member as soon as I pay for RS membership. I know I'm a lousy RS player, but you guys better accept my application.
  19. Haha yeah sorry about that. You see, my forum account was deleted during some big update and I kept telling everyone on the CC to talk to our tech admin. No one did, and without a forum and planned events Runescape got pretty boring and I quit. With more time on my hands, i had one hell of a summer; Which I plan to write about later in the appropriate section. But now since school is starting up again, I might get back into RS. So I decided to check this place out. <3
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