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Timber Wolfs

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Everything posted by Timber Wolfs

  1. Thanks!Lol I never rely on my looks; looks in general can't really get you very far in life (as a male anyways). I have always relied on sheer humor, confidence, and charm.
  2. Let's kill cows together whilst wearing party hats?I'm down.
  3. That's the plan, and thanks! :mellow:96 Range btw. Now I'm working on getting 98 mage down until there's 100k xp until 99. Attempting to get both 99's right after the other.
  4. Pussies. Besides, Runescape gets me laid -
  5. So I can't use my weapons and armor to kill cows? I'm screwed.But it does sound like a pretty solid idea.
  6. Post pictures of your BEST in-game outfit. I'm not asking for best armor;I'm talking about showing some style by mix and matching your favorite gear that compliment the looks of each other to get one sick looking outfit to show off. Here's my personal favorite - I got the ball rolling, now go and get them screenies!
  7. Michael, Mike; But everyone calls me Wolf.
  8. Added 99 thieving. Speaking of which, I just got 67-78 thieving in about 5 minutes (1mill xp).
  9. I'm glad to hear that babe. I took them all just hoping they would give you the greatest pleasure.
  10. Good luck on your goals man! Remember to stay strong at times of boredom.
  11. Who's no-lifing the hell out of this weekend?

    1. Deus


      Im no lifing the 10 hours. After that Idgaf. 99 range buddy oh yeah!

    2. Fergal


      I afk-no lifed 1 hour. :D

  12. You a little bitch. I haven't gotten an "I love you Timber" in days. -____-

  13. Got 92 range. :)Might add 99 thieving to the list.------------------------------------------------------------------------@Zeph:I hop around from skill to skill every couple of hours.For me dung turns into a drag after the 2nd of 3rd dungeon lol.Since I have plenty money to burn, I bought some 40mill worth of red chinchompas some time ago. I get a decent 70-80k xp per hour. The cheaper way to do things would be Yaks with iron knives, you get some 50k xp an hour but it's decent xp.------------------------------------------------------------------------I might get up to 98 or 99 mage on double xp weekend. It's just something I want to get out of the way.Thanks for the support guys! <3
  14. Since I'm a thoughtful clanmate and all; I posted pictures of me in real life for you don't run out of something to wank off too. Your welcome. <3

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