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Everything posted by Francis

  1. But they kill undead. Those are for vampirism.
  2. Oh, yeah, remember this? Maybe this is what swimming's good for.
  3. Well, I don't particularly hate any of the races, but my bottom tiers are a tie between Altmer, Orc and Argonian. Haha... you forgot to include Orcs. Poor Orcs. Just goes to show how unloved they are. Yeah, this is pretty hypocritical.
  4. Oh, I get it now. You always knew these reptile facts because you always wanted to play as an argonian. Cheer up, Brodo Swimmins. Just find a healer, call him "Sam", and I'm sure that you'll find that the dream of being an anthropomorphic lizard is still worth holding on to.
  5. Oh, thought you entered an alt too. Nevermind.
  6. Eh, saw the older bracket pool. Same number of people, except you had an alt join in too.
  7. But I don't even know what Wofford is. I pictured it as a small town by the woodlands with a team of skinny children who win by the power of friendship. Michigan lacked heart and had internal conflicts, you see. Plus their coach was Tim Allen.
  8. Welcome. Divines smile upon you.
  9. I picked the teams by imagining movie-like scenarios purely by name. Which one's the underdog? Which one's the douchebag ivy league? Do the small town kids with spunk triumph at the end by a single point? Or do they walk away empty-handed, while nonetheless having learned a valuable lesson in friendship? And does the funny and inspiring substitute coach with a secret die of cancer at the end? The stakes are high. In the end, it was a close match between Ohio and Wichita--because Zombieland. Two underdogs vying for the place on top. In the end, Ohio trumps Wichita, and gets to be on top.
  10. Wait until they forget your sins. Press T, or run off into the sunset for a while.
  11. I had to search out what a bracket competition was. I don't have an interest in sports, except for the IKTHOF. Found a guy offering a billion for a perfect prediction. [Link]
  12. Francis

    Kharjo the Modest Khajiit

    Ah, so that explains where this guy came from.
  13. Damn them. Damn them all. They will rue the day they denied us the possibility of chastizing our admin.
  14. Wow. Now those are the cutest/ugliest things I've ever seen.
  15. Wish I could draw something, but I've got 24 hours to complete a thesis from scratch. Instead, here's a picture of a real one I stole. Secunda must have goddamn collided with Masser.
  16. Just a suspicion, but I think Musclemagic already sent David a code. Saw that he was using the personal messenger right after David made a post before I could say anything. But if not, I guess we've got an offer from Thal and the Cheshire Khajiit over here. Guess you guys hold ultimate judgement. Yeah, sure, he could. But I doubt we'll be able to respect him afterwards. Now way am I letting a dirty interpretive dancer administrate my ramblings. ....So, really? No other ideas? ...God dammit, we need Blake for this.
  17. Francis


    Ain't it supposed to end with a "z"?
  18. Well then, that makes things infinitely more interesting. Gentlemen, how shall we make David earn his Beta key? I propose a zany challenge for the sake of needless complication.
  19. No problem, and me too. I can't wait to try out the collision detection.
  20. The next and probably last Beta has been confirmed for this weekend, March 14. Invites coming this Tuesday.
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