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Everything posted by MstrMonopoly

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSeriously, I've only known you a short time but you've already shown that you're one of the coolest members around here. Stick around on forums/IRC pl0x?
  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGet back quickly, and beat up the guy who slammed the phone to your ground.
  3. A bag of chocolate hammers isn't useless, anyway. You can always eat the hammers.
  4. A computer without peripherals is like a bag of chocolate hammers – no use to anyone. You’ve just got to have them. With so many peripherals on offer, though, choosing the right mouse and keyboard combination can be a tricky business. Specialised or generic? Super expensive or whatever’s to hand? High tech mouse or a live mouse with a wire? We're running a poll to find out what you think, so tell us about your preferred peripherals when playing RuneScape.https://secure.runescape.com/m=weblogin/loginform.ws?mod=poll&ssl=0&expired=0&dest=vote.ws?id=-1^ Poll link.
  5. Last week, we released a RuneScape Content Poll asking you to determine the final name for the Geomancer in our latest lore - Daemonheim Asunder. The poll has now been closed and we can reveal that the winning option is: Gra'magor!Many thanks to all of you who got involved in the suggestion thread and our Facebook page; and especially to those that voted.Expect to see Gra'magor's name up in lights on the lores and histories very soon.
  6. True, but I took a 3 month break from playing RS and now I'm back into it (sadly?).
  7. Get mems first. I swear to god, it's like playing a different game. The only problem is that if your mems runs out, you really won't want to play F2P.
  8. Cooking? That's always an easy way to trim your cape.
  9. Delroth, where the [bleep] are you?
  10. This used to be Turmoil. After I got that, it became Overloads. After I got those, it became the Slayer skillcape. I'm currently on a break from slayer, finishing up some 99s, but I still want that shiny red and black glory like nothing else.
  11. Say you can make 2m an hour, that's like 1000 hours for a blue partyhat. 1000 / 24 is only 41 or 42 days, that's not too bad.
  12. David, I have a little bit of experience with videomaking. I can get a new cool clan video up and running by next Sunday or thereabouts. What sort of stuff would you want me to include?
  13. I would agree. Is she hot? Yes. But is she ultra-hot? No. If I saw her on the street, I probably wouldn't double-take.
  14. MstrMonopoly


    Any of you guys have a last.fm? It's this super cool music site that gives you music recommendations and keeps statistics and stuff about the music that you listen to (which artists you have the most plays of). It's like the Facebook for music, but with moar cool charts.You have to download the scrobbler if you want to keep statistics music from iTunes, though. It's easy to download and runs in the background, though, so not bad.http://www.last.fm/user/SenorBendycockThis is mine.
  15. Fell In Love With A Girl - The White Stripes
  16. I'll be there. Oh, but I also need to leave at 7:20 or so.
  17. This was pretty awesome, I have to say.
  18. Ololol got 94 Fletching but WC is getting boring fast
  19. Good luck, Drunky. The quests are going to be a lot easier than the fish, I promise you...
  20. I'm totally down for Penguins and Shooting Stars with you guys, but Tears of Guthix requires a quest to do and isn't really a team activity, not to mention most people just do it by themselves.
  21. The 5v5 Tournament is coming to RuneScape soon. You will be able to fight alongside four of your friends for a chance to be VIPs at RuneFest 2011. Not only will we fly the victorious combatants over to London and put them in a swanky hotel – they will have the privilege of facing off against the Jagex Clan Wars Pro team live at RuneFest on the big stage!But that’s not all; each member in every team that takes part will be given 100 Loyalty Points if they have signed up to our newly released Members Loyalty Programme. Those that battle their way to the last 32 teams and our tournament stages will earn themselves 250 points instead of 100 and both team’s players that reach the Grand Final will earn 500 points instead of 250. Definitely suitable recognition for the loyal warriors who have proven themselves in battle throughout the tournament!Signups are open until 22nd July so there is plenty of time to grab a group of your friends and give it your best shot. Anyone has a chance to win the tournament - tactics, skill and careful planning are all key elements to any strategy and the 5v5 Tournament is no different. You could just be up for some epic battles or just want buckets of fun along the way – no matter how you want to play it, you should sign up and give it a go.We’re always looking at player feedback and changes to the tournament so that you can maximise your gaming experience and we’ve made a few based on feedback already! Shortening the tournament, allowing a substitutes bench and more customisation of battles have already made it into the rules so don’t hesitate to let us know as you signup.For more information about the tournament click here and to sign up to the tournament click here.The RuneFest Team
  22. I'm KidA on DotA/Battlenet for Warcraft III, I'll be MstrMonopoly for DotA 2. It's the only game besides RuneScape I can tolerate playing.
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