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Everything posted by Deus

  1. Yep, I would have loved to be there. If my fucking woman wouldnt have busted my phone I would have been. Eh, I'll be there this friday. We'll own some noobs. We should make it mandatory that you need to eventually purchase full sara! I mean we need to be rolling in style no? lulz. Looked like an awesome time though.
  2. Skill Goals [*]Ranged from 83 to 99 Accomplished [*]Dungeoneering from 87 to 90 Accomplished [*]Herbalore 66 to 94 [*]Prayer 71 to 95 @ 93 now Item Goals [*]Ags [*]Bcp [*]Tassies [*]Barrows Gloves [*]Chaotic Kiteshield Accomplished And I also have my goal for quest cape.
  3. Gl nelly, and ill hax u for ur divine! Btw, cks coming soon
  4. If we get enough people to do the hide n seek, ill top kaidens bid for hider by 1gp.
  5. Deus


    Back in action shortly, phone here, pdanet installed, now just ironing out a few things within my new phone. I have internet access now!!! woootness. ugh ive been in withdrawl for 3 days!!!! lock and close plox.
  6. Deus


    It was a chick lol no can do and it was supposed to be here today but will be by three tomorrow my chicks blackberry won't let me use pdanet so that sucks
  7. Deus


    I've been without internet since my phone was slammed to the ground on friday my new phone will be in tomorrow and ill be back
  8. This is what is put away for the drop party guys.
  9. Deus


    gonna_getcha612 on psn though i dont have a ps3 anymore
  10. Deus

    Real Life Names

    Shawn here, and delly er i mean gregory, BOOOM!
  11. Deus

    End of Month

    Well, until I access my old photobucket account and post a screen, I have already purchased 15 rune sets, 14 rune 2h swords, and 40 rune scimitars for the drop party. All but 4 of the rune sets will be broken up into counter parts for more drops.
  12. At the end of every month, I will host a drop party. I will put up 3-4m in f2p weapons and armor (rune most likely) and drop it for those who make it to 65% of our events. Those who do not make it to the required percentage of events do not qualify for the drop party. If anybody else would like to contribute to the monthly drop party pm me or post here. The drop party will take place after the last event of every month starting in the month of August.
  13. lol funny stuff, I can say for certain that both tynisa and kaiden are not the mole. I havent talked to delly or zeus for some time, but I couldnt see either of them doing it either. The mole deal is most likely a fake. Ive suggested this before, and I'll suggest this again, make a new 'Friends Chat' Hell, use that TRR Events account I gave you a few months ago mono, and make it ranked. It will keep them from trolling our cc, and possibly trying to recruit our members in that single way. I heard about bgs's porn shit and trying to get kids naked, and if he got demoted because of it, it serves him right. On another note, if a merger were to ever happen, in my experience with clans, they happen on an even note. Though one person 'figure' ultimately still holds the most power, those in each others prospective positions, merge in and work with the others in their own respective position. Simple as that, though I know that the chat was a hoax between traag and bgs, simply put thats how it would go. The recruiting by tlol of trr imo was pretty bogus and I have disagreed with it from the get go. I like a lot of members of tlol don't get me wrong, but imo, its just stupid to have two separate clans when we all know eachother and have been around eachother for so long. And even if we have split, why poach members off one another, just go on and recruit from other places. I still intend on dragging my little pinhead back here into trr btw bgs And btw, there all in all, was little trolling. Head to tribalwars and learn about trolling bud. And learn about community, and working together there while you're at it. That game takes 10x what this game takes in organization. That could be said to any of you btw, not directed at one single person. Cheers!!! BEER!!! love it! lmao TRR FTW!
  14. I know I hate the way craigslist has the same thing now days. Tons of company adds crowding the actual people selling, or looking for actual real employment.
  15. See you soon!! Woot + Woot = Wootness!!
  16. Demoted, and I hope youre having fun!!!
  17. Thanks Kaiden. And mono, I was thinking about that, I know not all of us play on the same time zones. So it is a possibility, to have this event twice a week, for two different timezones.
  18. Recruiting Event! Well It was a pretty good turnout, all but one in our friends chat showed up! We picked up a few prospects, and marched single file through Falador, Draynor, and up to Varrock on world 93. We had a few people join our cc, Nintendo was the biggest prospect for a new member. (hopefully pwnu didnt scare him off :/) Kaiden got hit on, and asked if he would be somebodies gf, its too bad I didn't screen that! Capt was banging his head on the wall in Falador, which was pretty amusing! Waiting for everyone to show up, TRR ftw. Thanks everybody for coming!!! Wootness was a blast! (look into getting auto typers) I am planning on making this a weekly event. We might change the time and day, but still it would be a good idea. Kaiden post screenies now plox The Runescape Rebelz army. Recruiting on the run!
  19. You could event place it below the new content box you know what im saying? yeah the shout box wouldnt be that big, and the talks would look like a small paragraph, but they are kind of fun.
  20. Nice guide mono yet again, thanks for this. We need to gather some peeps up for a corp trip!
  21. You un delete that post pinbitch! I wanna trolololol
  22. Looks nice, though i would take haides (pinoy) off of there until he decides whats best for him and comes back to trr
  23. Fixed the layout for easier reading. Be there, lets go advertise TRR in style!
  24. It would be nice to have a shout box or something of the sort at the top of our forums. I checked out the chat room that the forum has, but Im unsure if the messages would be saved for the next person. It might make it a bit more worthwhile to move it to the main page in-between the header and the forums.
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