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Everything posted by destiny

  1. the event is tomorrow not thursday 17th october is a monday for me well tuesday morning but monday for most people
  2. Uploaded with ImageShack.us my 99 screenie thanks to everyone that came to that party on the 17th october please come and on my 99 wcing thread will be putting a new goal on there so dont have to open a new thread
  3. destiny


    i love being a rebel
  4. thanks im really close now
  5. i did say bk quite a few posts doesnt matter ut quite alot of people carried on
  6. i have an idea posted in ec section
  7. blue did u vote on the poll wht u wanted to win
  8. theres a new thread where to post your awards u need adding
  9. destiny

    Posting Awards

    100 posts i have achieved like the new awards traag
  10. posted in event coordinator section u may be impressed to see and may need to clarify a few things and tht

  11. please vote if you havent already
  12. i just thought it could be used by a trusted member not tht complicated there could be a special area on forum tht only clan bank can see to upgrade wht goes in nd out
  13. well maybe one of the council or someone considered staff like ec,s will look after it like there will be a record made of who took what and what needs to be paid back plus if any low levels join that are new it wud be good for them to be started off with armour and that of course if anyone got hacked they would have to provide any evidence to make sure there just not saying it there is a way to make this work my old clan did it and it was succesful so thought it would be good here as for fights it would be good to help them with food and such we wud make a record of what is put in and taken out like a normal bank statement in real life kinda thing
  14. well as my old clan did this its a good idea have a clan bank we can fill with food and such its good if someone in clan got hacked we can refund them with money to buy back there items and then they can pay back as soon as they can plus its good if with food in there like lobbies and such people in clan could loan for fights like clan wars and so forth thought i would put this forward for council and everyone to discuss
  15. hey im new from 28 th september my names destiny in game
  16. re posted this as mine havent been updated rank achievement event coordinator combat sergant major total level 1000 dunno if u can class total level 800 aswell but put 1000 as 1183 is my total level
  17. thanksand he was there as a special guest crazy knew about it
  18. haha i think im gonna have to get it for 15th and have party 17th its been posted on calendar now im down to bout 974k til 99
  19. Event: 99 party wcing Meeting Place: falador town square Date: 17th october Notes: make sure to come if you want to see me get 99 ask me every now and then on the 15th how much til 99 and i will stop at 1k for you to see me get it and you can get in the picture and say gratz wen u see stars the 15th is when i will be aiming to get the 99 if you want to see it it will be before the war and 17th the party will be held sorry bout times if you cant make it , will be pushed later if i know your coming just i will be on for the set time and as you come on we can then meet when everyone is online just post below if your coming and if you can make that time or give me a time TIME CHART ----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) 2am Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 10pm Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 9pm Central Time (GMT -6:00) 8pm Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 7pm Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 6pm Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 5pm Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 4pm If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  20. my next one is mole hunting after the war made it later or it could be straight after war do mole hunting
  21. did mixed events due to one didnt like dungeoneering so did conquest then went to dung but did one floor with one person then someone else came online and did another with someone else event: conquest amount of people attended : 2 who attended : me (destiny) and tynisia special guests: none notes: we did conquest as tynisia doesnt like dung we did one round first and i died pretty quickly photos will show why hopefully when we finished i asked if we could do another round and then i lasted alot longer hehe came up with a good stragegy that would of worked but tynisia had a plan that worked and stopped it. pictures: Uploaded with the start of the battle between me and tynisia ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us me dying noooooo Uploaded with ImageShack.us tynisia dying hehe got you back Uploaded with ImageShack.us look at the amount of troops left Uploaded with ImageShack.us just 2 troops left Uploaded with ImageShack.us by this time it was chase the scout as i only had one left Uploaded with ImageShack.us i died nooooooooooooooooooo after that round we did one more round which i didnt take screenies of but it did last longer event: dungeoneering amount of people : 3 who in TRR attended: me ( destiny) tomba special guests : bgs notes: first i did some dungeoneering with bgs we did a medium floor we was on a right go of finishing rooms we came to a dreadful switch room which we both hate it was really fun pics can do the talking hehe most of the pics where from the medium. pictures: Uploaded with ImageShack.us me and Bgs after killing some monsters we stood still for one pic Uploaded with ImageShack.us me and bgs fighting together Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us soloing what we fought Uploaded with ImageShack.us piling again due to it being a high level Uploaded with ImageShack.us the amount of rooms we opened Uploaded with ImageShack.us end of dung nice xp for floor 24 then i left the dung and came back in to do floor 13 with tomba didnt take many pics of this one as have loads already but it was really fun Uploaded with ImageShack.us tomba kills Uploaded with ImageShack.us me hunting to show tomba how to hunt in a dungeon and got him up to level 17 Uploaded with ImageShack.us end of dungeon with tomba after this we was supposed to do another one so i could get 571 xp but tomba wanted to do c1 we did but then he left and said brb and then i thought i will do c6 floor 25 and then finally got level 53 dung overall notes : both events where really fun wish people would turn up to the events so i didnt have to plan some on the spot but it was still fun and thank you for those that did make it
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