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Everything posted by destiny

  1. u put 21/20/11 what date is tht supposed to be
  2. where can u go to fill baskets with oranges i might do that after slayer im trying to make money to buy loads of food so i cn do agil to 99
  3. thanks of course this sort of event needs quite a few people as there will b one commander a few protectors and a attacker which i will select via pm
  4. theres a new members choice poll up please vote

  5. please vote on the event you would like to do this is a member choice from you as a clan.7 days to vote after that no voting please. if there is a specific time please post it below please and can mods or anyone that can close my last members choice please do so this is a new one
  6. Event: protect the commander Meeting Place: world 93 gamers grotto Date: 10/22/11 or 22nd october Notes: bring armour , weps no food TIME CHART ----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) 10pm Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 6pm Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 5pm Central Time (GMT -6:00) 4pm Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 3pm Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 2pm Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 1pm Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) 12pm If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  7. never will trust paypal at all
  8. i might depends how many charms i have im doing slayer right now to collect them i am getting loads so far im doing ankous so if i get some more before event ill be there
  9. nope wont trust it never will
  10. i dont trust anything like paypal or anything
  11. oh and tynisa is 2 another legend
  12. i do herb runs in druids in edgeville area pick up the herbs save them nd sell them wen i have loads
  13. i would but dont trust paypal
  14. protect the commander might b different to wht everyone is thinking
  15. please vote on members choice if u havent already u have reast of tuesday nd then wednesday and thats it

  16. whatever wins go on calendar please keep voting there is just the rest of today and then tomorrow and thats it
  17. im stuck between thieving to 99 or agil to 99 since agil is quite rare to get
  18. event :99 wcing party amount attended : 3 who in trr attended : me RR destiny , jonny special guests : goldmage162 notes : well we all met up at edgeville bank paraded to find wilfred to get my cape and was going to do dung but one couldnt go so decided to leave it there . and crazy was going to come but with having internet problems before by time i got on he was gone. pictures: Uploaded with ImageShack.us was doing emote in this one Uploaded with ImageShack.us close up
  19. thnks everyone nd whts the user titles nd what posts will it be at
  20. its ok just hope some people can make it
  21. thanks crazy and do u know under ur acatar picture wen u reach so many posts my says skeptic and crazies is cynic what are the posting ranks
  22. 99 wcing achieved Uploaded with ImageShack.us woot new goal is 99 thieving i am level 70 on this goal
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