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Everything posted by destiny

  1. we need more practice brad 1st need a warlord 2nd we are mainly all low lvs
  2. lol as if christine wud allow that and besides we are a no req clan wont be ready yet less you brought your lower lvs brad
  3. yes tynisa im clan leader of it now and re opened it )
  4. david you told me i could post a thread then brad said to and wasnt sure where to put it so put it in gaming
  5. well guys im posting this here as the rebelz section isnt open on here so anyway we are re open since it closed in November last year and are recruiting those still playing runescape no requirements to join. forums are therebelz.boards.net , you will need to register then an admin will accept pending registration for you to then activate your account which the code is sent to your email once activated log in and post an application in app section. if interested to join back would be great to have as many of you back as possible
  6. we now have 23 members and rising xd

  7. woot well if any rebelz tht used to be are interested rebelz are open for recruiting here is forum http://therebelz.boards.net/ and cc is The Runescape Rebelz

    1. David
    2. Nathan


      I think I'm done with Runescape otherwise I would join, but Good Luck! :)

  8. well i was wondering are any of you that where trr members wanting to bring it back i wish to re open nd lead rebelz

  9. whats the app thing for about guilds
  10. destiny

    Anyone here?

    my absense was only coz of my net issues
  11. destiny

    Anyone here?

    hi all just to let you know im still active as i posted in absense runescape wouldnt load for me on my broken laptop i had i could not get on at all hoewver much runescape tried giving me instructions to get it to work they kept giving some that wont work at all im back now and staying i am not in ANOTHER CLan im staying here
  12. im still playing ive had log in issues and back again so please dont boot me from clan at all please i have been updating my situation throughout on that
  13. how come everyone has quit :((( i havent got another clan i still like it here

    1. Nathan


      I've posted a reply to one of the topics you posted in that explains it (atleast from my perspective). Sorry you had to come back to find the clan in this state.

  14. 0.0 ive not found another clan i thought this one is still going how come everyone has quit im confused
  15. woot level 98 firemaking

  16. woot level 98 firemaking

  17. lvl 98 firemaking got it today im now aiming for the final level Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  18. Nope I just missed the clan and working on my goals but by 1st feb ill be back on again a laptop with a graphics card )
  19. goals will continue wen im back online when i get a new laptop then once i build activity back up events and such will be planned again and aim to get bk on events team
  20. well as you know runescape stopped working on my old laptop and that has now broken til i get a new one i dont think ill be on a while once i have a new one it would be empty memory so runescape should work again i miss you all and will be back soon TRR rules
  21. hi all im not inactive i currently still unable to ork runescape and my laptop has broke til i get a new one get jave downloaded i should be back on runescape on a working laptop again i miss you all TRR just know im still here i havent left you i wouldnt

  22. getting my laptop wiped clean soon so can get runescape back
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