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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. Hope you have a great time here Glad to see other clans join our forums
  2. My first runescape name was Link358, then i thought of the "T" Series. Going from T_Shadow10 to T_Ranger101
  3. Only 2 mill more exp to go Good progress bro!
  4. Very sorry deus, boss called me and wanted me to work someone's shift (Getting paid alot for working alot of overtime) Very sorry man :/
  5. Glad to hear you were safe Bro and Mono, hope you are safe
  6. Congrats to you drunk for participating in all the events and also making my events fun
  7. agreed. I think the higher your agility level, the more emotes you should be able to unlock. Also i think new agility arenas are in order. *Thinks a unlimited sprint at level 99 would be awesome :3*
  8. Once again, http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSp2KGMQEk8hahaha. Also yeah, we need more Clan Citadel Awareness within the clan. Possibly all our staff; Diplomats, Event Coordinators, Council, High Council and Clan Leaders and Founders should go into both the IRC and CC and spam off their ass for people to go into the citadel EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY and do their part. The way it looks right now if really fucking unacceptable.
  9. Its alright though, because we love you muscle <3
  10. I was that guy talking smack xD
  11. Mine ftw plox? Lol jking. In all seriousness, i think 85's is perfect
  12. Ill pray for you bro And i hope everything goes well. Be safe please! And i dont take offense to you cursing me xD
  13. Or a tripod to put on your bow, Just like sniper rifles to keep it steady and accurate...... or perhaps a silencer? For Lol's
  14. You're very welcome bro! and Kaiden, you are too genorous
  15. Some people say agility is a dead skill. Personally i dont believe so. Its a VERY valuable skill to have!
  17. Cant live with 'em, can't use their internet with out 'em.
  18. Davids good old rantings xD Thats what makes the clan so great <3
  19. Get some internet Plox, we miss you bro :3
  20. Its Corny, but its actually a pretty nice video.
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