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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. Muscle, you just made me lol. +1 Rep for yous xD
  2. This is true, but The best Prestigious 99 cape to me would have to be Summoning since it rely's upon an item that is only dropped 10% of the time from killing monsters and only come in a pack of one per drop. So in my opinion, Summoning 99 Cape = 1stRC 99 Cape = 2nd
  3. Lolololol +1 Rep on that Blake xD
  4. Funny how the hurricane "APPARANTLY" hit east Georgia, yet i didn't get anything? Wtf, i want a hurricane
  5. Lololol BFBC3 Ftw <3We need to play again sometime bro
  6. I am VERY proud of him He's doing an amazing job tbh David, im really sorry about the amount of bitching that i've been doing lately! You proved me wrong!
  7. Honestly he's right. The CC is The Rebelz. But David you are doing an amazing job with the Website, keep it up!
  8. Tbh, the reason why you dont hear much about Smithing is because its very time consumming and there's hardly anything you can make that will give you really good exp. For instance, Smithing a set of Throwing knives that are Mithril only give you 50 exp i believe. Which is almost nothing X.X
  9. Excited because i go back to my old high school tomorrow to get my Transcripts for college :3

  10. Thank you so much sisqo for the invites. I have added this to our Community Calander so people will be reminded!
  11. Nice We will celebrat your achievement soon
  12. 1 hour / Total time people spend on the internet in one day. Probably not that much :PPersonally i do it at night whenever im not working or going through already made plans
  13. I understand now david See i read mono's post wrong xD lol.
  14. Tbh Drunken, your right. It only takes maybe a hour minimum for me to get 1k resources. It's VERY easy
  15. Personally i like the Jurrassic Park Theme song
  16. Had a really really rough day :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      lol actually Video games make me more depressed (Common Psychology) but talking to my buddies like you David and all the rest of the people in the IRC cheer me up :D

    3. Deus


      Hope you liven up a bit bro :)

    4. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      :P I had, thanks for the encouragment guys :)
  17. I love how yall like abusing my mom AKA: The Clan Slut:D
  18. True, but lets say that unlimited sprint was awarded to ONLY people that had 99 Agility. Not any lower. See, not many people have 99 Agility. Actually approximatly only 19,453 people in runescape have 99 Agility and there are more than at least 5 million players on runescape (Including F2P). So that 19K really is nothing, and this "Unlimited sprint" would be a legitimate prestigious award only for people who have 99 agility. (Btw trust me, i did my Homework on this)Also, Anyone could do binds on a Fleeing enemy. Yeah, it'd be a pain in the ass, but That's what those lucky assholes get for getting 99 Agility :DAlso PVP wouldn't be impossible because eventually everyone would aim for 99 agility, therefor almost everyone has the ability, therefor everyone can keep up with each other and kill each other (No one can out run each other if everyone has that ability, since the ability has become popular and everyone tries to get it)
  19. Event: Community House Party! Who all had Attended: Members of both TRR and TLOL Notes: First off, i would like to appologize alot to everyone that the last two days I haven't been doing well on being active. I have been overwhelmed by work, and Katie keeps telling me to take her to nice places and such... (Woman >.>) So today's event i was really lazy on organizing myself. We had started off though meeting in Relleka Home Portal, so we all could party at Bgs1977(ImissEmily) house. He has a pretty nice house tbh, and i believe everyone had fun in the combat arena . Me and Sare had gone into the dungeon below and killed some monsters and her betraying me and killing me xD (which then a demon killed her right after hahahaha). We had boxing fights and regular fightings going on like i had said, and everyone seemed to have a good time . I ended up leaving early though, since Katie wanted me to take her to a movie X.X Pictures:
  20. Perhaps the ability to burn witch's on a stake? :3
  21. Exactly, i mean it makes it a little more "Realistic" with it having a certain amount of energy you can run, but Honestly we all know its a stupid video game, therefor we dont really give a shit about "Realistic" qualities. GIVE US UNLIMITED SPRINT NOW PLOX!
  22. Blake your not over dramatizing this, its appropriate to worry. Hope your alright 85!
  23. I agree with Drunk, The definition of leader is 'To guide a group or pack towards a desired area, a common goal or to show appropriate behavior accepted within society' Therefor, if we don't have our leaders showing leadership, then the rest of the clan is gonna take note of this and see this "Citadel" as a Piece of shit that doesn't matter and that doesn't need our attention. This goes for our staff as well, but more of it should be on our great leaders Mono and Traag. We all just need to work harder.
  24. Personally i think this is a great official add on and a new eye catcher for lonesome travelors out there that are trying to find a clan. It looks pretty great Good job David!
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