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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. But kaiden :0 i have the Second most amount of Posts on our website (24 posts behind mono) lololol. but you are definitly right about the events. I really need to get cracked down on them!
  2. Bump.I've made 250 Sets of Iron So far. So mine and Blakes combined = 350 (A set to me is composed of; Platebody, Platelegs (not skirt, since skirts are just for girls and legs are multigender) and also FullHelm)
  3. Really good work! and also yeah your probably not gonna be able to do 30 again next week since when your levels get higher, it takes longer to level. BUT next week i think you will be able to get 20 Once again, Congrats!
  4. Sadly im too much of a dumb ass to get back on the forums and write down that my sister needed me to head to my nephews baseball game. Im very sorry i wasn't able to be on and VERY VERY sorry that I didn't get on here before i left to say that i wasn't able to make it. Im so sorry.Closing Topic.
  5. Quiet frankly, Farming sucks balls and is very tedious X.X
  6. Lmfao im sure your on to something there tyler xD hahahahahahhaha. I missed you guys so much xD. The Feeling probably isn't mutual
  7. I guess i should host this event right?EDIT: If so, we will make the event at 7:00 PM Eastern
  8. Ok so my internet was out for the last 3-4 days, it sucked huge elephant balls. Like literally. lol. Well my cable chord that runs underground somehow got cut (Dont ask how, i literally dont know!) lol. So ive been having to live without Internet and T.V. (though i never watch t.v) for the last 3 days. But it hasnt been too bad, since ive been playing alot of baseball with my brother outside, and I went to the Celebrate Freedom of Atlanta Concert saturday with a really close friend :3Anyway, Dear Hoes and Pimps,IM BACK :3
  9. First off, i laughed my ass off a couple thousands of times watching this xD And mono, kanye is good and all, but he was mean to taylor swift >.<Sorry i just cant let things go >.<
  10. Congrats deus, it was well deserved to you this week
  11. I loved this series and I really hope they dont end it soon <3 I hope they keep finding new stories to add to the story line
  12. Good job fairy Don't let Tynisa photoshop it though. Tynisa is a terrible terrible person Lol jk. But good job Fairy!
  13. How much is needed right now? (Approximate number)
  14. Aww i was hoping for MoTM 2 months in a row! :PLolol jk
  15. Also once again thank you for involving TRR into the CCS events! If you could next time, Please Make a new topic for the other days Ex:(2nd Day has its own topic) (3rd Day has its own topic) (4th Day has its own topic) We ask this to keep our calender links organized so no one gets confused. Thank you once more!
  16. Thank you sisqo, adding to our calender now!
  17. when do you think you will be done with 99 Fishing btw drunk?
  18. Rick Rolling Pro Award Please!
  19. I see, i hope the real world treats you well bro. Come back if you wish. Either way bro, have a good life.
  20. I think ill probably play more on it :)and congrats on 85 slayer!
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