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T ranger101

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Everything posted by T ranger101

  1. Thats amazing drunk xD Keep going You got this!
  2. Thats actually pretty awesome :3
  3. David i may buy from amazon! It comes out 9 days before my birthday :3
  4. And it was definitly worth it ;D
  5. Event: Late Night Dungeoneering! Amount of members present: 4 Names of members present: T_Ranger101 85Gangsta Crazycow73 TOM Notes: We had started out meeting at the dungeoneering place-a-ma-jig and we got put into crazy's party . We started on a low level in the dungeon and rapidly progressed! We were having fun saving one another and helping one another. We even made some wise cracks at the stupid which by calling her some profanity words :3 Later Crazy and Tom had to leave, but me and 85 ended up finishing that last round by facing a Glutonous behemouth and we were Double Penetrating it. Front and back. Just the way TRR likes doing it. *Cough* ahem, anyway. We all had alot of fun and i even made 85 a tier 6 2H. Hope you all enjoyed tonight as much as i did! TRR For the win! Sports bras ;D This guy is getting gangbanged! Notice this epic picture of me and 85 holding down a wave of enemies! This should be in the history books! Me and crazy were double penetrating this poor little....huge dinosaur! <3 Me and 85 hugging and jumping in the air after a nice huge victory against a boss! Me and 85 double penetrating the behemoth, notice me dieing hahahahaha FTL!
  6. Haha i hope you can come bro! Exactly why i made this event because there are alot of games on runescape that aren't played anymore and they need to be remembered
  7. The chick on Crazies sig for tragic
  8. Ooopppsss!!!!!!!! Make that 5 days ive dominated :3
  10. If your a true 90's kid, then you know this. More like the end of the 90's. THE GREAT DAYS!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd2aeZhu9xY
  11. I call dibs on him :3Btw, i love your post you first put up here kaiden. Didn't know you felt that way about me
  12. I think im gonna Download it today. Add My gamertag. Sean TripleX!
  13. Event: Pest Control Amount of show ups: 5 and one of kaidens friends Names of show ups: T Ranger101 (no body likes that guy) CrazyCow73 (Crazy For Council!) Heated Dues (Dues For Council!) (The guy i steal trophies from :3) Arcuse (The all legendary Kaiden) Rebel4lifex7 (The best protector we had all game!) Description: First we had decided to meet up on our home world 64 and we were gonna play pest control on the easiest level. We played tiredlessly through many games and I was the only casualty we had all night (I died once :c). We had fun killing things, raping things from behind and well Kaiden offered me his whip :3 (which i can't use cus im a noob :c). We were joined right in the beginning by Kaidens friend who seemed pretty cool . He could be a possible new recruit in the future *cough* *Cough* :3 Pictures :3
  14. How dare you! *runs off and cries*
  15. Aliath, we both know it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to beat your amazing tetris score xD

  16. Its because me and kaiden are bosses. :3
  17. So basically i've dominated the Arcade leaderboards for 4 days now? Awesome. Try harder today and who knows, maybe you will be as high as me ;D COME AT ME BRO!
  18. Listen to what dues had to say What he's saying is true.
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