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Status Updates posted by Blakelington

  1. mesa Elder Soul now!

    1. David


      mesa too!

      Jar Jar Binks?

  2. Inverse, Ignite, Ideal - check out my blog peas and corn.

  3. response after watching shutter island: am i completely insane or was that supposed to make sense??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blakelington


      The ending pissed me off. I know I should watch it again for it to make sense (like Inception), but I don't really want to.

    3. Tynisa


      Inception is the dogs nutsack. It makes a lot more sense the second, and even third time round. However i shutter island really did pish me off.

    4. Blakelington
  4. apocalyptic movie night 2!

  5. hahaha, what the hell?? "WARNING: Your computer is infected with malware! Just kidding. But seriously, our Clan Citadel is in ruins! Make sure you log on to help the effort! Mine timber and chop stone, bitches."

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      From the creative mind of the Brilliant David himself (im sure) Its pretty funny tbh xD Kudos to David! :)

  6. not sure what that thing is at the top, but it smells like a good idea

    1. David
    2. Blakelington


      it was like "hello guest! welcome to trr, blah blah blah"

  7. never thought id enjoy blogging this much.

  8. decided to offer my services, please check it out in the rs discussion!

  9. after watching crazycows video of him and illini, i REALLY want a rs best friend :P

    1. Aliath


      Eh. Illini and Crazy aren't RSBFFS. Crazy is MY RSBFF.

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      crazy is a god, therefor he is all our RSBFF

  10. is semi coming out of my break. if you havent noticed already

    1. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Very glad to hear! :)

  11. personal record is 2-0 thanks to all the awesome people in TRR!

  12. got a new signature picture.

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