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Everything posted by Kaiden

  1. My lips are larger than yours. That's not nice D:
  2. Words out of my mouth. Maybe now friendly discussions between TLOL and TRR can finally happen.
  3. Looks like a new chunk of my life is being thrown at Mini-games then...
  4. Type of Image / Size: Forum Avatar (I'm not sure the filesize/dimensions for Forum avatar's)Image: Dr. Manhattan from The Watchmen. Main Text: NoneSubtext (if any): NoneTRR Logo (yes/no): NoAdditional Comments: Make it interesting. Not sure exactly how to describe it, but if you can have the Blue hue of his body stick out from the background (of your chosing) then that would be a lovely slice of pie.Most Recent Past Request: N/A
  5. Fantastic work, all of you
  6. The pictures aren't showing up for me D: I wanna seees.
  7. Kaiden


    I think this would be a fantastic idea. It'd be great
  8. I don't honestly think I could pick a single favorite Album. Ever.
  9. It's locked, problem solved.
  10. I'm most certainly getting the Melee/Mage and Range/Mage armors.. Just hope it doesn't take tooo long.
  11. Thanks for that Crazy. Nice work.
  12. Whip is like third on a tier of weapons against KBD. Like Mono said. Chaotic Rapier > Korasi > Whip...
  13. Thanks Timber. And thanks Drunken. I'll get it eventually
  14. When I get paid I'm gonna probably order Skyrim off of Amazon so I can help the clan.
  15. My Skilling outfits generally revolve around a Skillcape. Never anyone in particular, since I swap mine out all the time.
  16. Kaiden

    Feel like Poo

    Mine has Hamsters. They cute.
  17. Shoot. I can't remember how difficult it was to buy anything before the GE. Now, you just throw your money at it and relax as it buys for you instead of having to spam around banks and other places looking for whatever you wanted to buy.
  18. I'll boss til I die. I do not, not only for the moderate amount of money it brings in (considering supplies consumes versus drops obtained), but it's also exciting and dangerous at the same time.
  19. Kaiden

    New Forum Look

    I like the topic changes. They're kickass.
  20. Nice event. Sorry I couldn't attend, I was too high up on my floors to even hope to help.
  21. Nice reflection man, keep them coming.
  22. I'm a Carolina fan, even though they neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr do anything.I don't care.
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