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Everything posted by Kaiden

  1. Meh, it's an Okay Minigame. If I'm not working I'll attend.
  2. I think Fletch is more prestigious for 99 capes than Cooking.
  3. RS is shit ever since they stopped caring bout the players.
  4. Tbh, I won't do much on the 2x weekend. I might splurge on Summoning or Ranged, but that's it. I never go overboard on them.
  5. I don't want that Reward, lol. GOP is lost to me. I hate it. I'm playing the other Mini's to get the real useful Hybrid armors.
  6. Very nice man, way better luck than I've ever had in Barrows.
  7. xDThanks everyone for the well wishes. I'll do my hardest and best for the Clan.
  8. We do, but we need 5k timber for the Upkeep.
  9. GOP is quick and easy and doesn't take anything to get. The other rewards, however, are more infrequent.
  10. I'm not quitting til I have it, to be honest. I really want it.
  11. I still don't have the reward yet D:
  12. Edit Pest Control weekly Event to Mini-Game Monday or something. Alternate out a series of various Mini's.. and people might show up :]
  13. I needed a chuckle today. Granted, this was more of a lol, but a chuckle was needed regardless. Twas funny.
  14. New Quest, yay. And the Monster Tower is going to be interesting, as well as the Slayer Dungeon.
  15. Too large, and it didn't automatic downsize it. Can you make it 120x120 for me?
  16. Thank's Terra, lookin' good. I like the first one the best. I'll add it on my profile when I get off work this afternoon/night.
  17. Meh. Whip is still better than Brackish I think.
  18. Most of the old Randoms honestly need to come back. Mindrape everyone who is used to the new ones.
  19. Also hated when they took away the hatchet messing up and the broken picaxes.
  20. That's actually not a half bad idea.
  21. Edited the original topic for both of our pictures. Obviously mine isn't complete. I still need to buy more TMNT pouches, a lot more Brews and Restores, as well as more Bolts for the KC and more Diamond and Rubies for Kree'a.Edit: Also, my EEK is not pictures.. getting that soon. And I'm not wearing Snakeskin boots in the picture, but I will be in the actual duoing/trioing of Armadyl.Edit2: Hurr, forgot my PPots in the picture. I have 2k even of them.
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