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Posts posted by .:Spoogan:.

  1. Yeah I know, already done to death elsewhere on the internets. But always like new opinions. I have BF3, no MW3 yet. Haven't even installed BF3 because of Skyrim addiction. But I've played BFBC2 and MW2 before.With BFBC2 it was more squad oriented, lone wolves would get cut down pretty quick unless they had some sort of backup. Although I had moments where I would get into the zone and go on a solo rampage.MW2 was more about everyone just doing their own thing, mini encounters 1v1 instead of working together with team mates to take an objective.So can I assume that the above is still true for BF3 and MW3, or have there been some changes?Also, subjective opinion: which do you like best, for those who have played both?

    If you're refering to Andy, he is returning it lol
  2. Took me 16 hours to beat the campaign in the ~ 30 hours i had it.... Now im working on Insanity. I've played ME 2 some with friends but not entire. I might consider getting it..O and the ME3 online is full of either 1) people that suck. 2) a group of 3 people that kick you right off the start because they want a friend in (use private matches then). or 3) a guy will sit there and not click ready after the rest of us are sitting here for 20 mins (requires all people in party to be ready to start)

  3. This happens to every clan just as Traaginen has stated. This topic has been brought up several times and bringing it up ONCE again will not make the clan go poof and everyone magically starts getting super active... All we need to do is keep who are still active, active, keep doing events, and recruiting...

  4. What is your primary RuneScape account's name?

    - Spoogan_464 -

    Your account's combat and total/overall level?

    Combat: - 108? -

    Total: - 1700ish -

    Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?

    - yes, Heavy Blade, The Chosen Ones, The Shadow Warriors -

    Where did you hear about TRR?

    - The kid sitting next to me getting raped by Penn State in NCAA 2011 football (David) -

    What were your first impressions of us?

    - Clanny -

    Why do you wish to join our clan?

    - I've already been coming to events-

  5. Well yea its like Cod, your restrained to going one way. No vehicles, no special shit. Just the basics, that's all Cod is (besides the dumb killstreaks). i would choose the BF3 beta over Cod anyday! you have some chance of sniping and you dont have to worry about attack dogs spawning behind you and raping you...

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