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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Interesting. I'll be sure to keep a look out for this, may learn a thing or two... or a lot. xD
  2. Tbh I forgot about the countdown. I was playing Black Ops with my friends/clan. xDOnly real thing I do for New Year's is eat the dinner and say Happy New Year.
  3. Definitely. I don't even know why I do it. xD
  4. Whoa, that's amazing. Good job!
  5. It was hard to make some final decisions, we even had to scrap some awards - a lot actually. xD Because these were picked a while ago, they might not be as accurate as now, but they seem fine. Congratulations to anyone who received an award - if you didn't, then don't worry, Spring Awards will be coming around in a few months, you might get one there! Well done guys, keep it up. You can stick these in your signature or whatever now if you wish. (Right click and select Copy Image URL for the url.)
  6. This has been a very prestigious event of the years for TRR, it is supposed to be a BIG thing, as Traaginen said.Since fuck-all people have signed up, I'm curious if we should bother until next year when we could have more people.
  7. You cannot survive on PS2. No online, crappy games. I'd go for buy a new PC if anything.
  8. We've decided to bring back the legendary AotW. Every week all post will be deleted from this thread in order to keep this nice and clean. Do NOT post again in the same week if you get more achievements, just edit your post.Achievements make consist of finishing a goal of a high level skill and such. You get the idea.All of these achievements are listed on the forum header/announcements box at the TRR index at the bottom of the "Announcements" section.
  9. I might try it sometime. Never was good with guides though. :oBut yeah, I guess this is something like vBulletin's CMS? Looks pretty similar. xD
  10. Oh nice. Skyrim is filled with lots of little glitches isn't it. xDI'll check it out, lmao.
  11. Can they register now? Because I still have those links up on our recruitment topics...
  12. But I don't.Good to see you back Isaiah, missed you.
  13. The main ones: Modern Warfare 1 (CoD4), World at War, Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3.Favourites? Black Ops has it for me, I don't know why - a lot of people say it sucks, but I love it.I guess they're all good, never played WaW though. But yeah.
  14. Looks awesome David. And yeah, I can see the E & S, hard though.
  15. I've played a bit of #3, yeah, it was kind of a let down. I much rather #2 for some reason.
  16. Only Nintendo DS Lite and DSi. I'm the youngster here! xD
  17. Damn, I loved AOE II. I'll check it out later for sure.
  18. I've only really player Mario and such. I actually think they are pretty fun, somehow they entertain me.
  19. NOES! Goddamnit, I was waiting for this for the past few hundred posts. D:Well done guys! I remember the 20k posts topic on the old forums...
  20. "Watch the UK win the Olympics" - Lolz, nice resolution. xD- Get back to training hard for TaeKwonDo, lacking a lot lately.Fuck, that's literally all I can think of. Guess I don't really have much I need doing since I don't need any job or anything. Lmao.
  21. I know, we'd never have all those topics posted if it weren't for Elder Souls. A lot would have been posted here, but not many.
  22. Fergal

    New Leadership

    I couldn't do anything in the Admin CP as High Council, so with the CL rank I have full control of the forums, most anyway.Drop Party - Maybe.
  23. http://trr.eldersouls.com/index.php?app=members&section=view&module=list&filter=10
  24. You should just ask on TRR forums. I could try to make one, but I'm not great and I haven't used Photoshop in a while so I'm not sure. xD I'll see tomorrow.
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