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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Did this today, found it out on another site though. Remember to keep pressing X (or whatever it is in Xbox/PC) to skip what he says every time.
  2. What did you choose? I went with Nord, just because it looks like a human; couldn't even imagine myself as a elf etc. xDHeard Nords were well rounded too, so I think it's a nice choice.
  3. Oh really? I thought both of ye might have been there, since ye were around during the time of Heavy Blade/Reg---- whatever the clans were called. ;)On that case, what would you consider a TRR v2 (2008 - now) veteran?
  4. Fergal

    Movie Genres

    Favourite type of movies? I could watch almost anything, but if I specifically went on the internet to find a movie it would be comedy/teen-comedy or some sort of active film.I love active movies because I think they are pretty cool. Comedy when I just want a laugh.
  5. With TRR open since 2008, you'd think staying for a few years would make you a proper vet, but does it really?Just taking into account the "old" TRR, led by Green in the Clan History.(Another random and pointless topic, raising forum activity ftw!)
  6. Bump. Everyone should read this. Interesting read.But I still go back to my other post, we need to do a more recent clan history summary, like of TRR v2.
  7. Not sure if others use these or not, because almost all I've seen of these are Irish related. They are like random funny facts/stories, kind of. Not sure how to explain them. O_o Daily Quotes - Just a page that shares them. FreakQuotes - One of the few pages that you can make these "likes" on. Seem to be where Daily Quotes get a lot of there's. Just wondering, this is one of the only things I look through my Facebook anymore...
  8. Guess this is the right forum.Do you like warring? Like in Clan Wars. I love it, but I know there are some people that can't stand it.Or do you not like it, but still would come to fight with TRR in a war?Just a random question.
  9. Nice - dead person leading your clan.
  10. Don't know much about PS Vita. My brother would though, he has something to do with it. Even has his PS Vita jacket.
  11. Prisoners can vote in the USA? Didn't know that! xD
  12. I wasn't/amen't. Dunno if it works for me or not because I haven't got any replies to topics I'm following.I've always used email notifications though.
  13. Fergal

    google +1

    Bebo would have been my "MySpace" from a few years back. And he's right, I never saw Facebook overcoming Bebo and MySpace so easily. No one using them now.And yes, Google has a vast amount of power on the internet. They even own YouTube, yeah?
  14. Fergal

    google +1

    Google+ is meh. None of my friends use it so I can't exactly say it's bad, but I didn't like it when I used it to check it out.Facebook 4 life. >
  15. Facebook: I use it, has a lot of those lulzy "likes", kinda random facts. Other than that, it's alright, usually just have it open all day and look at it sometimes.Google+: Never really used it because pretty much none of my friends are on it.
  16. Care to explain how this event goes about?
  17. An hour earlier works fine. I go to bed @ 11PM on school nights.
  18. Oh dear god. Never. Ever. Do. Hide & Seek. Or a race, all those events are boring and people don't want to turn up.
  19. Found this site a few days ago. I'm sure there are better guides, but for noobs like me it's good. xDhttp://www.gamersher...-leveling-guideEdit: Didn't even realize we had our own leveling guide that's much better. Carry on!
  20. The emotes are awesome, noticed that.And I have like 40 posts, pfft, 15?But I'll try, I just don't know what to make topics on, I'm not that much of a gamer. All I do is play Skyrim (which I have fuck all experience of) and Black Ops. I have other games, but I don't play them much. Lol.
  21. Oh god, sorry. I had a friend over so I couldn't make it. I'll be at the war of course though.
  22. Black sally + ice bursting ftw! Fucking owns. However, very costly.
  23. I chose Camilla from Riverwood. Purely because I just knew I had completed The Golden Claw and was too lazy to go about doing other shit before getting married. xD
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