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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. I see you point but I don't know if it's worth it considering I bet no one will even bother to post.
  2. Well, I got 1 week free. Didn't bother with the full year insurance. And lost it maybe a few days after a week had past.
  3. This clan have been around for years, and ever since we have always been looking at ways to improve the clan and keep people interested. Yes, I am requesting that all your serious suggestions are posted. All suggestions are welcome and will be seriously considered, as long as they are reasonable.So yeah, please post!
  4. Considering we are lacking an event team greatly, say hello to our new events system. First of all, I would like to point out that Saturday and Sunday are free of events. I'm open to filling them with suggestions if needs be. Both days can also be used as an opportunity to host your own events.Now, as you can see, each of the days have their own "theme" of events - for whoever turns up to each event, can decide what they want to actual event to be. For example, if it were a Monday night, they could decide which boss to fight. On a Wednesday, it would be a choice between F2P and P2P Dung. You get the idea. Now, onto the times. All the times are negotiable, so please, if you want a change in times, just ask - after all, we want the highest attendance as possible for events. So I'll just put down a time for all events firstly. TIME CHART ----------------------------- GMT Time (GMT) - 10PM Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) - 6PM Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) - 5PM Central Time (GMT -6:00) - 4PM Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) - 3PM Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) - 2PM Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) - 1PM Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) - 12PM (Midday) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". ---------- I'm free to all suggestions on improving this, so please do post if you have ideas!
  5. I'm going ahead with this idea, since no one is really disagreeing with it.
  6. Well done bro, keep up the good work!
  7. I love the upgrade, even the IP Board skin isn't too bad, considering it came with the board.
  8. Bought a phone before for €130 - lost it about a week later.
  9. Just my draedric sword, a bow and maybe a few other weapons such as a dagger. Don't particularly bring many weapons with me because they weigh a lot.
  10. I was pretty disappointed when I finished it, I was expecting it to be more exciting. Then again, it wasn't awful.
  11. It's terrible to see you go, but I guess we could all see it coming. Have fun in TR or wherever it is you go.Best of luck in life bro, gonna miss you. :/
  12. They are pretty much the same - MW3 for Kill/Death ratio and BF for teamwork. Although I've only played BFBC2 offline because of a 3gb update that I wasn't downloading. I have MW2 though.I don't have MW3, but I have played it, it was a letdown for me, I was expecting something amazing but even MW2 is probably better. (Black Ops ftw! ) That said, MW3 is still a decent game.I haven't played much BF3, even though I have the game, but it is actually really good in my opinion - I rather like the big maps and large teams.
  13. You're missing a lot of the point. The reason pretty much no one shows up for events anymore is because yes, we lack activity, but mainly because people aren't aware of events and the hosts aren't even showing. If the event's are always on, every day, same time(ish), then you'll see that more and more people begin to come and eventually we'll be back on track event-wise.
  14. Yeah, I'm pretty curious if this even happened considering they never checked back anymore. Would have been fun if everything went through though. :/
  15. Traaginen pretty much said it all, but yeah, feel free to hang around for a while before making any decision - after all, there's no point joining a clan that you'll leave straight away.Any particular questions?
  16. Sooner or later, I'm going to get Skyrim on PC/Steam. The mods are enough towards PC from console.
  17. I was thinking that this would be the best option. I've used this idea in my previous clan, and it seemed to work well.Basically, one day of every week has a different event "theme", such as Monday being boss-hunting night, you know?And every other day would have something else - the actually event/boss wanted to be hunted etc would be determined by whoever shows up.This way, we don't need to worry about a lack of events - and generally people don't forget about events because they are usually hosted around the same time every week.Thoughts?
  18. -Double Post D:- Did this event go ahead? If not, Destiny, there's no point making events you aren't even going to show up for yourself.
  19. Fergal

    Forum images.

    I don't think we have anyone in the clan anymore than can/will - or do we?
  20. Fergal

    Forum images.

    I'm sure you've all noticed the images near the description of every forum. Vote on the poll above whether or not you think we should keep them!Really this is because we can't see Gangsta finishing them. There's a few forums without the images, making it look messy.
  21. Don't really see the point to this, having 2 voices in the game (besides tutorial) and nothing for the other characters is stupid. And there's too many to even bother to get more voices.
  22. Mass hl me on IRC and I'll turn up, otherwise I'll forgot. I never remember events. @_@
  23. Whatever the case, this should be something PvP methinks. Bronze war or some wildy event would be fun.
  24. Hmm, whenever I get P2P again, I really think I should do some clues, considering I get so bored on RS. Haha.
  25. Well, don't blame me - the guys on YouTube said it was. D: But I do imagine it would be pretty profitable at 99 alchemy if you made a lot of potions, but then again, that takes way too long to gather giant's toes etc.
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