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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Looks like it will be a good handheld, but with that ridiculous price, no thank you.Not like I would ever choose a handheld over my PS3 or PC anyway, no point. UNLESS, I'm like in a car or something, but even then, I don't like the idea of small screens and shity versions of games.
  2. Oh, well, it is €10 for me, don't ask me why, maybe because I'm from Ireland; I tried a few days ago.But anyway, what time for these 2 events?
  3. This stuff is interesting. Bonus xp weekend is always good, anyone have anything planned?
  4. Oh man, I hate agility, how on earth did you level it to 64? D: Well done nonetheless.
  5. On the TRR index, I believe you use trr.eldersouls.com for that.
  6. What...? As you can see, it was Blexun.
  7. Grinderscape sucks Dy3nasty, its pretty inactive. Near Reality ftw.
  8. I have no method of paying besides my phone, and I'm not wasting credit.But sure, maybe boss hunting for P2P and clan wars or point for F2P?
  9. Anyone play them? I do from time to time, they are fun. If you don't know what they are, they are just like RS servers made by other people, not Jagex. Generally you can get maxed in a really short time, the whole point is for PKing and stuff. Anyway, I think they are fun to PK and stuff, even though I suck. Edit: 1000 posts!
  10. Aha, I lol'd irl when I read this topic.
  11. Topic cleaned. With the return of our forum header/announcements box, there is the return of the Achievement of the Week.Please post away!
  12. Updated all the header and links besides the announcements part, which is the most annoying. Guess I'd better do it now. :P

    1. David


      Good work. You should remove the Ventrilo link under "Programs" though; it's on the same line as TS atm.

    2. David


      Oh, and the "Friends Chat" is wrong under the Communication drop-down. Should probably just remove it since no one uses it anyways.

    3. Fergal


      I forgot a line break for the Ventrilo thing, couldn't notice it because of my screen size, fixed. I believe the friends chat is right though, since there isn't any space in it? Removed anyway.

  13. The Clan Chat is locked, and is something that KEEPS happening, which is frustrating since we're running out of good FC names, things like "TRR FC" (or CC) suck. :PSo yeah, we can't update any rank. There's literally no point to it right now anyway. The only odd person in there is just someone that probably won't talk.If we need a FC for an event or a war, there's nothing wrong with just using someone else's FC anyway.
  14. Psst, for the record, we were drawn on votes. Lol.
  15. Congratulations to Traaginen on receiving the 2012 January Member of the Month award. An extremely large effort has been put in by the guy, especially with Elder Souls and the conversion. So well done! _______________ With that, it's also the start of the next month, so it's time to vote for your February MotM vote! I'm hoping for a much greater number of votes this time! I'm sure by now, everyone knows the whole story of what to consider for your vote. Just remember to pm ME with the vote!
  16. The funny thing is, I have had a long time of P2P in my RS time, just I've nearly paid for any of it. Almost all of it was just free out of the kindness of their hearth, one I did pay for in gp though.So I don't know. I have no way of getting P2P without using the PayBySMS option, which is €10 credit, so no. Lmao.
  17. Ah, lol. This is because of the forum conversion/merge. You see, at the end of every forum link, there is a thread number and name - this one is 1559-request-for-more-rank-applications/ - It doesn't matter what the last words are, it's just the thread name and doesn't effect the link. With the conversion, all the thread numbers updated due to there being forum topics already posted on Elder Souls beforehand. To avoid confusion, I've just added the form and you can post your app here.
  18. Yeah, nice guide. And it sucks that the images aren't embedded properly, but guess it couldn't that long to finish. Is this outdated though?
  19. I have the TRR index bookmarked, as well as the Active Content.I only use the RuneScape subforum link when I'm looking through Elder Souls/the Skyrim part anyway.
  20. Looking good David, however, I only have the power to change Forums & Categories, nothing in Look & Feel etc.If I find a RS logo for the skin, I can show it to you, but there's not much need.
  21. Oh that annoying guy. I killed him because I hated his voice. Lmao. Think I still have his outfit.
  22. So tempting. I used to play a lot of similar games, such as AoE. I remember my friend used to play C&C Red Alert. Don't think I'll bother though, since I won't end up playing much of the game and if I really wanted it I could just torrent/crack it.
  23. You think so? Good to know someone thinks it's a decent enough guide. It's not 100% finished by way of throwing in a few more armour images, but I don't think I'll bother, so it's fine.I thought all those articles were Skyrim based only though?
  24. Throw in members item into a F2P "Squeal of Fortune", which I'm pretty sure you have to drop. Damn it Jagex, not everything has to be P2P. Lol.
  25. Yeah, I think it would be better just at the TRR index. Anyway, great job with this, looks good. :)The rank-specific images sound good too. Oh and you mentioned a logo for TRR only too, is that possible?
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