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Everything posted by DovahkiinDemon

  1. Ulfric is more fleshed out and passionate about his work. Tullius is a quiet little prick who really doesn't give a rat's ass about what happens to Skyrim, just as long as his Empire's law is upholded, and Skyrim remains supportive of the Empire. I've gone through both quest chains, and I believe Ulfric is a better leader. He is more in-tune with his fellows. Tullius on the other hand, isn't much cared for. As far as military prowess goes... Eh... both are even matched. After all, most of the Stormcloaks are ex-Legion soldiers. So it's basically Imperial Legion vs. Imperial Legion. Both of them have different mindsets and morals.
  2. All of this Dungeons & Dragons nonsense
  3. Why can't I just walk into the dungeon? o_o
  4. DovahkiinDemon

    Wall Ninja

    Now this... This is a true story...
  5. Actually, they can go back and change the whole DRM thing anytime. Also, the developers can make the games with DRM if they so wish, and I'm sure that a few of them would be more than happy to. I think Microsoft is going to start their greed-on-speeding-rails trip, right down to rock bottom. Next is probably Nintendo, or maybe EA. Who knows? I just can't see Microsoft not pulling some of the same b/s in the future, and you know what is ball-grinding? The fact that there are gamers out there who support that DRM shit. After the company who supports the online service goes away, you won't be able to play your games anymore. Theyre just installed files. Useless. I truly hope that gaming won't become that.
  6. Still have no answer to my problem ._.
  7. It's sad because it's true ._.
  8. Is this an altered version of a 1980's "Don't have under-age premarital sex" cartoon?
  9. So I went to play Morrowind earlier today, and decided I was going to visit Onnissiralis, and get the Adamantium Helm of Tohan. Well, look at what I saw when I swam to the island... Et teh hrel? At first I was like Then I was like And then I was like And then, the friggin buggers who give the quest weren't there. AND THEN I found a scamp on the bottom of the sea. Is this game trolling me again? Morrowind is prolly all like:
  10. Lol. When you mentioned League of Legends, it reminded me of that kid getting 8 years for joking about killing someone.
  11. DovahkiinDemon

    I had a sad.

    This is horribly depressing.
  12. Personally I'd like the system to be the player who was most active in the seige to become emperor. Or rather, the guy who has the most underlings active in the war, and that boosts him up. If you are to be crowned emperor in the seige, you would have had to be active in at least 4 battles in the past. I don't think the thing has to do with arenas or badges, just how much effort you've put into the war. One thing I wonder about is the whole guild-involvement. If a guild member has been the most active in the war, will he become his GM's superior, or will the guild kills add up and automatically crown the GM? And if the GM is crowned, will he be able to appoint his guildies positions in his court, and/or will they be able to recieve special perks as well (more than the other members of the alliance)? I guess these questions will be answered when the game comes out.
  13. It would be better for it to be like that. Personally I think if they want to use keep fast travel, that one would have to first 'discover' the keep, then be able to travel to it, similar to what was done in the other games. I like exploring and adventuring, if you haven't noticed
  14. I don't mind the wayshrines, but if you wanted to make the game more immersive, one would take out such a thing as clicking on an icon on the world map and warping to it. If you could fast travel to your keep that would be pretty shitty for your enemies, considering that you would be able to have a continuous stream of allies coming in. If that were allowed then it would be virtually impossible to crown a king. Also, Morrowind hit the whole fast-travel ordeal spot on. Don't get me wrong, fast travel is extremely useful and it in no way breaks the game. I just find that using boats, silt striders, carriages, horses, and your own two feet are better than clicking a button and appearing in a town. EDITED!!! O_o
  15. I am curious to see as to what the fan base wishes to see in this upcoming, epic, Elder Scrolls-themed MMO. You can say anything, from hoarding sweetrolls, to player housing, to being able to purchase mounts that are able to be kept in city-side stables. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I'll go ahead and say what I want: 1. No fast travelling. Such an addition to the game would wreck it. *Goes into Cyrodiil.* *Massive Nordic army warps in* Me: FFFFFFFFFFFFF I don't know if they have specified it yet, but I am seeing them put in travel systems such as boat travel, silt striders, carriages, and other such stuff. It would also be cool to have gondoliers in the game, so you could be able to tour cities with canals and stuff in it. *Cough* *cough* Vivec *couch* 2. Permanent game experience. I know that sounds a bit weird, but I'm not referring to skills points, I'm referring to the game itself. Take World of Warcraft for example. If you look at vanilla, and look at the current expansion, Mists of Pandaria, you notice a huge content jump. iece Over the years, quests have been sliced away, piece by piece. Entire storylines are missing, just to make way for the new content. I would like for all of the vanilla ESO story to remain, but when they add additions, to let the original stuff stay. You know about the whole expansion deal with the previous games, it adds content, and takes nothing major away from the game. I truly hope the whole taking-away-story-from-the-game deal doesn't happen. 3. Player-run cities. Oh yes indeed. This takes abit of inspiration from Star Wars Galaxies. Although I haven't really ever played the thing, there was one interesting aspect in it, and you guessed it (I think)! Player citites! In addition to capital cities and regional industrial centers, the players were able to make a sandbox world. They could go out, buy land, and commission a city to be constructed. As long as they had funding to keep the buildings from falling apart, the city could exist. Also, any player could come in and build a home there. They were allowed to do things like any civilian would be able to do, like voting for the mayor, going down to the cantina, have some fun at the theatre, and being allowed to buy a ticket to have them flown off world. It was an incredible thing that sadly, most MMOs dont have. At any rate, if we aren't allowed to make our own villages, I hope we can at least take one over or possibly construct guild halls in cities. I would like something in the game to make me feel like an actual Tamrielic citizen. To make me feel like I've left a mark in the world. 4. All the lycanthropic races to be added. Not going to say much here, I just hope the Weresharks and Wereboars appear in this game. 5. All the breeds of Khajiit to appear. There are tons of breeds of Khajiit. Some are very cat-like, some are very similar to men, some are buff, some are weak. I just hope theyre all featured. Even if you're not promted to choose a breed, there could be a slider added to make how human you want to look, or at least look like the different breeds. Idk. I wonder what they will do about this. 6. For Boethia to actually appear as a man. Idk about you, but I cant take Mr. Hips very seriously when he is in his form with breasts. 7. No Elder Trolls. Good God. Some of the supposed Elder Scrolls "fans" scare me. They say they're a fan of the series, and they always shit on the older games, which is confusing, and rather tends to grind my balls, because when you say you're a fan of the series, that tends to mean you like most of the games released (if not all). And then there will probably be fans of the older games colliding with the pissant Skyrim fanboys (Don't get me wrong, its a fine game, and I'm not insulting you, Mr. or Mrs. (or perhaps even Ms.) Reader) Also, all the damn thieves and athletic characters, well, not even that. Heres a scenario that is popping into my head constantly: *I walk into town**Sees people jumping on top of barrels and rocks in order to move around." *Sees people hoarding the mines, not allowing other players to extract ore from the precious veins* *Players monopolize the game, and steal all of the respawning items (like bread, sweetrolls, and potions) and have them sold at auction houses, because the players can't get to them fast enough* *Sees players pickpocketing everything* *Sees players T-bagging everything* I could go on and on but, you get the idea (I hope). That about sums it up. If you read this whole thing, contact me or leave a comment, I'll give you a sweetroll.
  16. Again, I think this is interesting. The delayed release has me bummed, though. I don't see the point in putting out the game on all platforms at the same time if they can't even play together. I believe the people who are going to play the PC will get the PC version, and the people who want to play on the console will get the game on that. But, due to all the beta plays, I can see where Zenimax has to work on the game a bit before it's release. I just hope I can get a computer to run this. Most of the people I know are going to purchase the PC version. I like the keyboard/mouse way better than using controllers/microphones when it comes to online games. Communication by typing can be much less deafening than listening to bad mics and people blowing on them when its basically in their mouth. Plus I plan to join a PVP-RP channel to get away from those annoying Elder Trolls, and I wouldn't mind doing a bit of RP on this, since, after all, this is The Elder Scrolls we're talking about.
  17. I imagine the factions will be World of Warcraft-esque. If they are then your race will be set to the faction, with the inability to switch sides or otherwise "ally" yourself with the faction. If you are allowed to waltz into an enemy city of whom you would like to call a friend, the guards are still gonna bring down the pwnhammer on you. Still, not much has been released on ESO factions and their significance, but I am pretty sure there will be PVP locks, and I can't see there being a universal Dark Brotherhood, especially if you are a major PVPer. Basically this means, if you are able to join the Dark Bros., I seriously doubt you can go into a Morrowind haven and chill with the big bad Dumner. Course, I still could have completely misunderstood your question.
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