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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Until Raleigh, North Carolina is on that list, I guess I have no hope.
  2. Besides the over-generalization of religion towards the beginning of the video, he made solid points. Liked the bit when he said we should do what we want to do.
  3. Can't relate to attack cape cause I like the gold trim, but I like untrimmed strength over trimmed. Red trim on the strength is too Christmasy. Basically, sometimes the trim messes up the look.Now that I think about it, I'll like to add mining trimmed to favorite looks cause the black with light blue trim is nice. Master Dungeon wins for best emote.
  4. This isn't the first time the News Bot messed up a news story. I'm canceling my support.Edit: By the way, 8:04 is creepy.
  5. White capes look the best imo, so prayer, summoning, and runecrafting. Firemaking is the best though.
  6. Ocarina of Time is probably my all time favorite. Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Majora's Mask, Sarge's Heroes, and Mario Kart are all favorites. Good times.
  7. So new Rs Players=somewhat fucked until they buy membership. Meh.
  8. Oh sweet fuzzy dice, I will miss thee.Not really. Never used them. New website looks sick.
  9. What is the point of being two chats? We only really need to use the Clan Chat, and that gives us a friend chat to be in when we want to do events and lootshare or just talk to somebody else.You are not a genius, my good sir.
  10. Na I think stores are on limits for them. If Crazy is still doing this anyway.
  11. 1. Not sure of the point you were trying to make with this argument to begin with. Why would we want to leave the Clan Chat anyway? If it's to leave the clan, the CC supplies us with a permanent leave option. If it's to leave cause you want silence and don't feel like turning all the chats off, the CC allows you to leave the channel, but not the clan. If it's to go visit another CC, you can join as a guest so you can talk with the other people.2. You wouldn't ask which one we prefer, then go about listing pros and cons of each while heavily disputing one if you weren't considering a switch anyway. 3. I like your use of "Mhmm" here 4. Yeah, but I can dream. Oh boy, can I dream... 5. Indeed 6. Only if the other person is like "Meet me on Ice Plateau. I refuse to move from this spot!!" In which case, he's an infidel. Most recruits are in cities or major areas which isn't hard to get to. Only the lazy complain, and the lazies are also infidels. 7. True, but if we are in another Clan Chat, don't you think that would imply we are in that clan?
  12. 1. You are able to leave a Clan Chat without having be re-invited.2. We already moved from the Friends Chat to the Clan Chat. Moving back won't be worth the trouble3. The Clan Chat gives us the cape and vexillium, which is just too legit to pass up4. I like to think one day we MAY give the Citadel a shot5. We can be Clan Chat based and still use the Friends Chat, but if we are Friends Chat based, we can't use the Clan Chat6. Having to find somebody on Rs and inviting them isn't a big enough hassle to constitute as a disadvantage7. Having us based in a Clan Chat allows us to use to be in whatever Friend Chat we want toSo yeah.
  13. And FMoRS wins another one. Thanks a lot guys.ROFL:ROFL:LOL:ROFL:ROFL ______|_____ L / LOL=== [] L ______________ | | ----- -------------/Edit: I give up. can't make a damn ROFL copter on this stupid forum
  14. I was never a fan of waterfiends, but I'll kill a few for lulz.
  15. I agree, but at the same time though, I would imagine bringing it back did greatly increase bot activity, probably giving them a better idea of what bots are out there and how to counter them.
  16. The week of bonues (3x slayer xp, 3x zeal, etc) and this weekend of Double Loot and Double Dungeoneering xp doesn't count?
  17. Decision.Rev hunt all day or Dungeoneer?
  18. Jagex made a lot of players happy by keeping the bots out. I doubt they will stop doing the updates. The only thing I see happening is the bots working around it.
  19. I definitely liked this quest better than Murder Mystery. Most of the voice acting wasn't terrible and the new music sounded nice. And Murder Mystery was more about who committed the murder while this quest was more about why did whoever did it, do it.
  20. You just made your signature worse...And no, I can't say I do play.
  21. "Why, oh why, did I post that app on Zybez!!!!"
  22. I also live in Toledo.Joking. Welcome to the clan and I hope to see you around a bit.
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