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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I've always enjoyed being a Werewolf over Vampire. Pros [*]Unlimited transformations if you have that ring [*]Sprinting when in beat form is pretty fast [*]Very high damage when you are lower leveled [*]Cool howls [*]No physical differences [*]Transforming into werewolf clears out most graphical glitches Cons [*]No rest bonus [*]Useless at higher levels [*]Being a wolf is a crime, but honestly, who would just transform in town [*]No regeneration when in wolf form So I like Werewolf more, but Vampire is probably the most practical. And I'm not a fan of Night Vision. Never really found it useful.
  2. It is a possible enchantment. Out of my 5 characters I made, I've only seen one, while I was dungeon dwelving at around 45~. Not saying this is the level you have to be, but it may be that you have to be high leveled to have a chance of finding one. The only guarantee'd weapon that I can think of that has this enchantment is Chillrend, which can't be disenchanted, but it has a pretty good base value and can be improved to be on par with some of your other weapons. Not sure if you know this or not, but paralysis in Skyrim isn't a 100% occuring effect. In other words, your enchantment might look like this. Chance of paralyzing the target for X seconds A chance is better than no chance at all, but at high levels, I find it easier to just tear everything with regular weapons.
  3. I took Skyrim out of my Xbox today. Found out I not only have a Skyrim disc, but the box with a manual and a map :o

  4. On my best character I had, I had a bow, a dagger, and two one handed weapons. Bow was for sneak and long distance stuff (since I didn't mage at all), dagger was for sneak 30X damage kills, and I dual wielded.Right now I'm on a pure mage, so no weapons. D:
  5. When I actually had enchantments on my weapons, I had one with Soul Trap and the other with Absorp Hp. I could of probably swapped the Soul Trap, but I meh.
  6. I don't get why you hate The Blades. I'll pick this apart for both games.Oblivion: Almost escorted the Emperor out of the jail safely. Tbh though, the Emperor died while you were guarding him. Helped close a couple of gates. Defended Bruma while the Great Gate was there. Fought to Mehrunes during the invasion of the Imperial City. Gave you guidance during the Oblivion Crisis. Defended Martin in Cloud Ruler Temple. Safe to say, they did their job.Skyrim: Obviously no where near as awesome as they were in Oblivion, but that was 200 years ago. The Alderadfsdafkl Dominion killed most of them and they were ultimately replaced with the Penitasdufus Occulus (?). Regardless, they still managed to gather what strength they had and helped you end the Dragon Crisis. Also, I never thought of them as whiny or unskilled.
  7. This one is pretty tough. I can see this both ways.Oblivion-At it's time, the graphics were colorful and pretty. It was pretty much the best RPG out there and I would say had the best open world to explore. Combine that with the story, quest, and the skills, and you could pretty much suck hours and hours out of it.Skyrim-It's graphics are a bit better than average compared to what is out now. Still probably best RPG out now, if not definitely up there. The world of Skyrim is still really impressive, but I would say not as impressive as Oblivions, especially compared to when Oblivoin came out. However, Skyrim seems to have a bigger following than Oblivion did.I think Skyrim is my favorite, but Oblivion is more impressive relative to when it came out.
  8. So we all know the bizarness of internet game advertisements we see while doing whatever. What are some of the weirdest you've ever seen. And just to make a note, I wouldn't recommend clicking on any you see. Here is one I've seen before, but most recently, today. Guess which one it is.
  9. My only guess is if his schedule involved him wadering outside, did he get killed by who knows what. Maybe got killed during a fight you started in town. Not real sure.
  10. Not any perk, but the ones that have a _/5 or _/3 (you get my point) can be invested more to boost whatever effect the perk is.
  11. Well the obvious question is are the soul gems filled? I'm pretty sure you they are, just want to get that out of the way.This seems to be a bug. I found a lot of cases like this and they all are PS3 related. It's been reported on Bethesda forums and it'll eventually be patched. I guess you'll have to soul trap the ol' fashion way.
  12. I guess you mean the mine. It is located in Dawnstar, towards the east (I'm saying that off the top of my head so don't quote me on it). Here is the video that of where the mine is. Have to watch a bit of it =/
  13. Maybe "to bring the claw back" is code?
  14. The exact words are "Failed to set a new photo". It may be the size. I figured it would just shrink the photo for me like EVERY OTHER FORUM I USE.
  15. I will have to say Mjoll because that guy moves in with you if you marry her. Should I be concerned?
  16. May I ask which weapon you are trying to recharge?
  17. Yeah once you start smithing and enchanting, werewolf form is pretty much useless. However, I keep it around to take care of graphical glitches, sprinting in the wild, and just for basic naughtiness.
  18. Decided to finally get an avatar, but when I try to import a picture, it says it failed. It's a jpeg. Any suggestions?
  19. Can you trade things with a traditional wife? I've always married a follower, so I wouldn't know.The rule is if what you give her is better than what she is wearing, then she'll equip it. So I guess, in theory, if you enchant her clothes, then she'll equip it. Of course, I've always married followers, who only wore armor.
  20. The perks are more important then the levels, but then again, you need like 80 alchemy to get the perks.Sadly you can't mix food to make a bunch of restore stamina potions D:
  21. As far as I know, a challenger will randomnly appear and challenge you to a magic only fight. Not sure what triggers this random encounter, but I'm fairly certain it is based on your magic skill. Just duel him if you want, or you can decline his challenge.Besides looting whatever he or she has, the point of the challenger is to just add to the experience to the game. This is just one of the many random encounters that you can run into. Others include a thief approaching you while on the road and asking you to hold onto an item for him, a kid randomly telling you where he found treasure, some bandits pretending to be soldiers and trying to get you to pay some tax, and many more.
  22. I know you can't talk to him about if you haven't done Dragon Rising or if you are on The World Eater's Eyrie quest and a certain someone is still outside of Dragonreach (trying not to spoil anything). Not sure if that helps. Edit: Beat me again. I give up.
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