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Everything posted by David

  1. Item: Far Cry 3 Price: $29.99 Don't see deals for physical copies on the PC often. If you prefer physical, this is a great deal. System: ,PC, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0050SZE2G/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0050SZE2G&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the record
  2. Comes with free shipping! There have been tons of these deals lately; you'd be nuts to ever buy this at full price. Update It is now out of stock temporarily, but you can still order it for the $34.99 price by clicking Amazon from "More Buying Choices" on the right. You still get the deal, but just have to wait a bit until it's back in stock (a few days). Update 2 Deal appears to actually be dead now. These things pop up regularly, though, so check the main deals page often.
  3. Item: Xbox Live 12 Month Gold Membership Price: $34.99 Comes with free shipping! There have been tons of these deals lately; you'd be nuts to ever buy this at full price. System: ,360, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0029LJIFG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0029LJIFG&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the record
  4. When I wrote "3 readers" I was just trying to joke a bit that it wasn't a lot, not that it was literally just Blex, Jake, and Fergal. Then they were the only 3 that commented and a little bit of me died inside while another part laughed.
  5. So instead of deleting a spam post on the original thread, I accidentally deleted the entire topic and didn't realize it until today when the back-up was permanently deleted by an automatic task. My bad. Spent an hour figuring out what happened and re-linking this to the article (that was fortunately not deleted). The 19 comments are unrecoverable, though. I actually did the same thing with a few of the better Skyrim Question threads, which weren't so lucky as to have an unrelated back-up. :
  6. Slight mishap, old thread was lost. Re-post your dates for bragging rights when it is actually released. November 11th, 2013.
  7. I think most probably knew this, but I've seen several posts here saying both "I hope it's not another shitty 3rd person MMO" and "It had better be 3rd person."
  8. Newegg is once again offering Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm for $29.99 with free shipping after a -$10 coupon code. The release date is 03/12/2013. Code: EMCYTZT2976
  9. Item: Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm Price: $29.99 Newegg is once again offering Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm for $29.99 with free shipping after a -$10 coupon code. The release date is 03/12/2013. Code: EMCYTZT2976 System: ,PC, Retailer: Newegg Deal Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=32-127-012&Tpk=N82E16832127012 Click here to view the record
  10. Actually I didn't. L2Read. Edit: (nvm, the joke went over my head. I am shamed). However, now that I have a few hours of sleep in me I realized I did forget 3-4 small things as well as the entire reason I started the blog in the first place. Oh well, I guess that means I can write another entry in a few days. And you really should, I enjoy reading your stuff. Your Netflix blog has nearly 3k views from actual search traffic. Eh, I haven't Liked it myself to be honest. Though that's because it seems slightly narcissistic. Hell, I would sleep with myself if I could, though. So why not? I know my 3 readers notice, just no one else. <3
  11. It's been a long time since I've bothered to document any changes/updates that have either been completed or are in the works. Mainly because no one ever reads/responds to these blogs. Since I miss the days of 2-3 new, original blog posts a week, I figured that I may as well take the plunge and post a quick one of my own. The HeaderRemember the days when navigation consisted of bookmarking "View New Content"? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Nothing really fancy here, but you knew that already. You've been staring at it for months, after all. But if I didn't include ancient changes I would have nothing to write about here, would I? At any rate, since the purpose of these is to generally explain why I changed what I did (because fuck change, damn it), I suppose I'll delve into that... The LogoSince I know the majority of you have alzheimers here's what it used to look like. Sort of bummed the logo is now gone from the top, but I have OCD about things being symmetrical. My reasons for switching it up are actually that petty for most things. The Category MenuThis is the black fade-in/out thing that no one actually uses. Did you notice it even changed? Probably not. Want to know what did, after months of arduous planning, engineering, and development? I got the drop-down columns to light-up in white when you hover over a sub-element. I also re-ordered everything so that it, you know, made some sort of logical sense. But no one cares about that. Fa-Fa-Fa-Facebook LikesEvery day, as soon as I wake up, I jump out of bed and sprint to my laptop. I then quickly load the site to see if we've received any new Facebook likes. The number 37 once again appears before my eyes and I just think to myself, "There's always tomorrow." This has gone on for 4 months. Meanwhile, rival sites have been created from scratch, thrown up a Facebook page, and are now over 1k likes over the same 4 month period. It made me sad. Following a few hours of frustrated crying I decided that I NEED MORE LIEKS and that EVERYONE should ALWAYS have to STARE INTENSELY at the facebook like counter as it scrolls with them ON EVERY PAGE AT ALL TIMES. It's been 2 weeks now and we still have 37 likes. Buttons, LelTo quote Blexun, "somethingsomething Fancy somethingsomething I'm gay." At least that's what I think he said. The main point is that the buttons are, like, beveled and stuff, man. Here's what they used to look like. This was all fine and dandy for damn near a year, if not longer. Then, one fateful day, I accidentally copy-pasta'd the CSS for the above buttons into itself. The resulting abomination was surprisingly appealing, and it is now.... A wild incompetent Admin appeared! God used Buttonception. It was super effective! David vs. "Where's Lydia?"Once upon a time someone posted the 15th thread about "omg lel I lost Lydia wut do?" After writing painfully detailed "If you did X, then you must now Y" solutions 14 times, I typed up about a paragraph in all caps tearing the person a new asshole for daring to not just search for an existing answer. After finishing my rant, I realized that since we switched to the new skin, I had never re-added the search function. So here we are. People are now able to search everything to their heart's content. The Lydia threads have at least slowed. Brad continues to post pictures of himself pooping dildos in the Premium forum. This is all because some kind soul told me to re-add the search bar through a Lydia question. Social MediaThis was added because I liked the little grey-scaled icons next to the links. Yep, that's the only reason. In fact, as Jake pointed out a few weeks ago, the Youtube link goes no where. Because fuck you for clicking it. The FooterI was sort of annoyed with the boring black line at the bottom of every page, so out it went. I was pretty happy after another several weeks led me to the final result below; a boring black line with a boring gray line on top of it. Did you know that hovering over our logo not only causes the thing to fucking GLOW, but clicking it will bring you to the top of the page? Of course you didn't. You really need to slow down and just smell the roses, man, it's the little things in life like this you need to appreciate. We Have a Privacy PolicyNo part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13. NO. PART. OF. THIS. WEBSITE. Please disregard all textual references regarding video games. Please disregard all images regarding video games on this website, especially the 8 million pixel HD background image. Please disregard the gray-scale theme, clearly intended for the Male Under 25 demographic. Please disregard this website. Also don't sue me and stuff, because all I have are empty pizza boxes and unused condoms filled with taco sauce. © 2013 ElderSouls.comI will sue you, though. The BackgroundIt has snow-capped mountains and trees and things. Also it fades into dirt. That's sort of cool. I guess. So? Why am I here?I don't know, man, this is pretty pointless. It's also 4:20am (huehuehue) and I don't know why I'm still up. Here's what all of the above changes have added up to, though. Here is the old. Click to enlarge, obviously. Contrasted with the new that I started this blog with. You are now shocked. Just try not to seize up and die in amazement because I only have 3 readers and need all of you.
  12. Should buy things as deals for them are added to our database. I know that feeling, though. Some people claim this bundle has been as low as $170-$200 on Black Friday, though I'm not sure if I believe it. Even if they're right, $240 is still a good price.
  13. So it has returned and there isn't even one post about it. Says a lot.
  14. David

    RuneScape Combat

    Old RuneScape is back. Are you guys happy that we can return to this pinnacle of gaming? /s
  15. Can you share what you already tried? If it's being temperamental you may just need to try a different place. Sometimes things act oddly when too close to other objects.
  16. Your goal is going to be to get to an armor rating of 567 when wearing all four pieces of armor. To do that, you're going to want 100 Smithing, as well as boosting it as much as possible using enchanted apparel and potions with Fortify Smithing. For additional help boosting your Smithing, try this guide; the extent you have to dive into it depends on what your Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy skills already are. Anyways, from there you just use your boosted Smithing skill to improve the armor using a work bench and whatever materials you need. Such are the cons to having the forum open to guest posting, sadly.
  17. There's a menu called "Active Effects" which is located at the bottom of the Magic in-game menu. It lists all of the current effects your character is subject to, including those created by potions and the like. It doesn't list the total amounts if you have different sources of effects, but it does group them so that they're easy to add. I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not. Some guy did upload a preset Excel sheet that helps calculate XP based on level. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21569 As far as this, though... I'm not really sure what you mean. If you're talking about how much the skill can possibly be boosted, I know of no mod that will tell you that. Otherwise the above is probably your best bet.
  18. Nope, and unfortunately it's unlikely that will change.
  19. Comes with free shipping. Not bad at all if you're in the market for a 360 and either game.
  20. Item: 250GB 360 with Skyrim and Forza 4 Price: $239.99 Comes with free shipping. Not bad at all if you're in the market for a 360 and either game. System: ,360, Retailer: Newegg Deal Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=68-105-075&Tpk=N82E16868105075 Click here to view the record
  21. Amazon is putting on a massive "Farewell to February" sale on PC digital download games running from 2/21 to 2/28. Enter the following code... CODE: CAGROCKS 1 use per customer. Link to the deal is both below the list and here. at the checkout page. You'll save an additional 25% on your order, on top of existing (up to 75% off) promotions. 2/17-2/23: Hitman Absolution - $16.49 Hitman Absolution Professional - $19.99 Monkey Island Bundle (all Tales of Monkey Island Games - $8.99 2/27-2/28 Guild Wars 2 - $39.99 Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe - $59.99 2/21-2/28: 1C King's Bounty: Warriors of the North [Download] - 14.99 Men Of War: Assault Squad [Download] - 17.49 Death to Spies [Download] - 5.96 Death to Spies: Moment of Truth [Download] - 22.49 Death Track: Resurrection [Download] - 7.49 Freight Tycoon Inc. [Download] - 7.49 Kings Bounty the Legend [Download] - 7.49 King's Bounty: Armored Princess [Download] - 18.74 King's Bounty: Crossworlds - Expansion [Download] - 11.24 Men of War [Download] - 11.24 Men of War Red Tide [Download] - 18.74 Men of War: Vietnam - Standard Edition [Download] - 26.24 Men of War: Condemned Heroes [Download] - 22.49 NecroVision [Download] - 9.74 Reign: Conflict of Nations [Download] - 14.99 UFO Trilogy [Download] - 14.99 Activision Modern Warfare Bundle [Download] - 39.99 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [Download] - 34.99 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Download] - 14.99 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Download] - 14.99 Call of Duty: Black Ops [Download] - 24.99 Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 [Download] - 39.99 Call of Duty: World at War [Download] - 14.99 Call of Duty War Chest [Download] - 14.99 Prototype 2 [Download] - 23.99 Prototype [Download] - 9.99 Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse [Download] - 39.99 The Amazing Spider-Man [Download] - 39.99 Transformers: Fall of Cybertron [Download] - 49.99 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD [Download] - 3.49 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 HD Revert Pack [Download] - 2.49 Transformers: War for Cybertron [Download] - 9.99 Singularity [Download] - 7.49 Cabela's Bundle [Download] - 24.99 Aspyr Sid Meier's Civilization V - 7.49 Civilization IV: Colonization [Mac Download] - 7.49 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Mac Download] - 9.99 Civilization IV [Mac Download] - 6.99 Call of Duty 2 [Mac Download] - 4.99 Call of Duty: Deluxe Edition [Mac Download] - 6.99 Sid Meier's Civilization V Denmark-The Vikings DLC [Online Game Code] - 2.49 Sid Meier's Civilization V Explorers Map Pack DLC [Online Game Code] - 2.49 Duke Nukem Forever [Mac Download] - 4.99 Sid Meier's Civilization V Game of the Year Edition [Mac Download] - 11.49 Doom 3 [Mac Download] - 4.49 RAGE: Campaign Edition [Mac Download] - 4.99 Company of Heroes Complete: Campaign Edition [Download] - 9.99 Quake 4 [Mac Download] - 4.49 Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings [Online Game Code] - 7.49 Sid Meier's Civilization V: Korea Civilization and Scenario Pack [Download] - 2.49 Sid Meier's Civilization V: Wonders of the Ancient World Scenario Pack [Download] - 2.49 Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete [Download] - 4.99 Call of Duty: Black Ops - Rezurrection [Download] - 7.49 Call of Duty: Black Ops [Download] - 17.49 Call of Duty: Black Ops "Annihilation & Escalation" Content Pack [Download] - 11.99 Borderlands 2 [Download] - 29.99 Borderlands 2 Mechromancer [Download] - 4.49 Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett [Download] - 4.49 RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum [Download] - 14.99 Black Forest Games Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams [Download] - 4.98 Deep Silver Risen 2: Dark Waters - The Air Temple DLC [Online Game Code] - 3.38 Emergency 2013 [Download] - 10.18 Iron Front Libreration 1944 D-Day DLC [Download] - 3.38 Cursed Mountain [Download] - 1.68 Gravity [Download] - 1.68 Rush for Berlin Gold [Download] - 1.68 Secret Files - Tunguska [Download] - 3.38 The Humans [Download] - 1.68 Risen [Download] - 6.78 Risen 2: Dark Waters - A Pirate's Clothes DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Risen 2: Dark Waters - Treasure Isle DLC [Online Game Code] - 3.38 Dead Island Game of the Year Edition [Online Game Code] - 6.78 Dead Island Upgrade Pack [Download] - 3.38 Secret Files 2 - Puritas Cordis [Download] - 3.38 Lost Horizon [Download] - 6.78 Nail'd [Download] - 6.78 Prison Break: The Conspiracy [Download] - 10.18 Secret Files 3 [Download] - 10.18 Iron Front Liberation 1944 [Download] - 10.18 Dead Island [Download] - 5.08 Carcassonne [Download] - 3.38 Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters [Download] - 10.18 Dead Island: Bloodbath Arena DLC [Online Game Code] - 3.38 Dead Island: Ryder White DLC [Online Game Code] - 3.38 Deep Silver Hits Bundle [Download] - 31.58 Deep Silver Hidden Gems Pack [Download] - 20.99 Devolver Serious Sam 3: BFE [Download] - 11.99 Serious Sam 2 [Download] - 4.99 Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter [Download] - 4.99 Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter [Download] - 7.49 Serious Sam Double D [Download] - 2.99 Serious Sam: The Random Encounter [Download] - 2.49 Serious Sam 3: BFE - 4 Pack [Download] - 29.99 Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter - 4 Pack [Download] - 12.49 Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter - Legend of the Beast DLC Pack [Online Game Code] - 2.49 To-Fu 2 [Download] - 1.99 To-Fu: The Trials of Chi [Download] - 1.99 Hotline Miami [Online Game Code] - 4.99 Serious Sam 3 Jewel of the Nile [Download] - 4.49 Double Fine Psychonauts [Online Game Code] - 4.99 Costume Quest [Online Game Code] - 7.49 Stacking [Online Game Code] - 7.49 Oh So Fine Bundle [Download] - 19.98 Namco Networks (Old School) Journalist Journey: The Eye of Odin [Download] - 1.99 Burger Time Deluxe [Download] - 1.99 Cat Wash [Download] - 1.99 PAC-MAN Pizza Parlor [Download] - 1.99 Star Trigon [Download] - 1.99 Tinseltown Dreams - The 50's [Download] - 1.99 Antiques Roadshow [Download] - 1.99 Pool Pro Online 3 [Download] - 1.99 Mishap 2: An Intentional Haunting [Download] - 1.99 Mishap 2: An Intentional Haunting [Download] - 1.99 Stroke of Midnight Standard Edition [Download] - 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7.49 The Saboteur [Download] - 4.99 Mass Effect Trilogy [Download] - 23.99 Need for Speed Ultimate Digital Collection [Download] - 7.49 Dead Space Bundle [Download] - 7.99 FIFA 13 Bundle [Download] - 27.99 Ignition Blacklight Tango Down [Online Game Code] - 1.49 Interplay Fallout [Download] - 3.39 Fallout 2 [Download] - 3.39 Death and the Fly [Download] - 3.39 Kalypso Dungeons: The Dark Lord [Download] - 7.48 Tropico 4 [Download] - 7.48 Airline Tycoon 2 [Download] - 7.48 Disciples 3 Gold [Download] - 7.48 Disciples III - Resurrection [Download] - 9.99 Disciples III Renaissance [Download] - 9.99 Dungeons - Into the Dark - DLC Pack 1 [Online Game Code] - 1.99 Dungeons [Download] - 7.49 Jagged Alliance - Back in Action [Download] - 12.49 Jagged Alliance: Crossfire [Download] - 7.49 Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse [Download] - 2.49 Patrician IV - Rise of a Dynasty DLC [Download] - 6.99 Patrician IV Gold Edition [Download] - 7.49 Port Royale 3 [Download] - 12.49 Port Royale 3: Dawn of Pirates [Download] - 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14.99 Mount & Blade Collection [Download] - 14.99 East India Company Collection [Download] - 14.99 Hearts of Iron III Collection [Download] - 14.99 Ship Simulator Extremes [Download] - 14.99 Mount & Blade: Warband [Download] - 9.99 Victoria II [Download] - 9.99 Cities in Motion [Download] - 9.99 Magicka Collection [Download] - 9.99 Warlock: Master of the Arcane [Download] - 9.99 Majesty 2 Collection [Download] - 9.99 Naval War: Arctic Circle [Download] - 9.99 Mount & Blade: Warband [Online Game Code] - 9.99 Crusader Kings Complete - 9.99 Cities In Motion (Mac) [Download] - 9.99 Pride of Nations [Download] - 9.99 Hearts of Iron III: For The Motherland [Download] - 9.99 Majesty 2 Collection [Online Game Code] - 9.99 Hearts of Iron III: Semper Fi [Download] - 9.99 Victoria II: A House Divided - Expansion [Download] - 9.99 King Arthur Collection [Download] - 9.99 Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 [Download] - 9.99 Sword of the Stars - Complete Collection [Online Game Code] - 9.99 The Kings' Crusade [Download] - 9.99 Pirates of Black Cove [Download] - 9.99 King Arthur Collections [Download] - 9.99 Victoria II [Online Game Code] - 9.99 Pirates of Black Cove - Origins DLC [Download] - 9.99 The Kings' Crusade [Online Game Code] - 9.99 Mount & Blade [Download] - 7.49 Elven Legacy Collection [Download] - 7.49 Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour [Download] - 4.99 Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars DLC [Download] - 4.99 Victoria II: A House Divided DLC [Download] - 4.99 Magicka [Download] - 4.99 Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam [Online Game Code] - 4.99 Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword [Download] - 4.99 Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game [Download] - 4.99 Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold [Download] - 4.99 Commander: Conquest of the Americas [Download] - 4.99 Fort Zombie [Download] - 4.99 Supreme Ruler - Cold War [Download] - 4.99 Hearts of Iron III [Download] - 4.99 Swords of the Star - Complete Collection [Download] - 4.99 King Arthur II [Download] - 4.99 Europa Universalis Rome Gold [Download] - 4.99 Sengoku [Download] - 4.99 Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West [Download] - 4.99 Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim [Download] - 4.99 Starvoid [Online Game Code] - 4.99 Pirates of Black Cove [Download] - 4.99 Ship Simulator Extremes: Ferry Pack DLC [Download] - 4.99 Dark Horizon [Download] - 4.99 Gettysburg: Armored Warfare [Online Game Code] - 4.99 Victoria Complete [Download] - 4.99 Cities in Motion: Tokyo DLC [Download] - 4.99 King Arthur II [Download] - 4.99 Commander: Conquest of the Americas [Download] - 4.99 Elven Legacy [Download] - 4.99 Defenders of Ardania [Download] - 4.99 Cities In Motion Tokyo [Download] - 4.99 Sword of the Stars Argos Naval Yard Expansion [Download] - 4.49 Cities in Motion: U.S. Cities DLC [Download] - 2.99 Sigita - Ship Simulator Expansion #1 [Download] - 2.99 Magicka: The Stars Are Left DLC [Online Game Code] - 2.99 Cities In Motion US Cities [Download] - 2.99 Cities in Motion: German Cities DLC [Download] - 2.99 Majesty Gold [Download] - 2.49 Crusader Kings II: Ruler Designer DLC [Online Game Code] - 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2.49 King Arthur II: Dead Legions DLC [Download] - 2.49 Hearts of Iron III: Sounds of Conflict DLC [Download] - 2.49 Woody Two-Legs: Attack of the Zomie Pirates [Download] - 2.49 Commander: Conquest of the Americas - Pirate Treasure Chest - DLC [Download] - 2.49 Cities in Motion: Design Dreams DLC [Download] - 1.99 Magicka: Dungeons & Daemons [Download] - 1.99 Cities in Motion: Design Now DLC [Download] - 1.99 Cities In Motion Design Now [Download] - 1.99 Cities in Motion: Design Marvels DLC [Download] - 1.99 Cities in Motion: Design Classics DLC [Download] - 1.99 King Arthur the Druids - Expansion [Download] - 1.99 Cities In Motion Design Marvels [Download] - 1.99 Cities In Motion Design Dreams [Download] - 1.99 Warlock Master of the Arcane Return of the Elves DLC [Download] - 1.49 Warlock Master of the Arcane Power of the Serpent [Download] - 1.49 Cities in Motion: Metro Stations DLC [Download] - 1.49 Cities in Motion: Ulm DLC [Download] - 1.49 Pride of Nations: The American Civil War 1862 Expansion [Download] - 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0.99 Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Caliph DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Crusader Kings II: Songs of Albion DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Crusader Kings II: Songs of Faith DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Crusader Kings II: Songs of the Holy Land DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Mega Villain Robes [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Gamer Bundle DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: The Watchtower DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Heirloom Items Pack [Online Game Code] - 0.99 War of the Roses: House of York Armor Set DLC [Download] - 0.99 War of the Roses: House of Lancaster Armor Set DLC [Download] - 0.99 Magicka: Frozen Lake DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Peculiar Gadgets Item Pack [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Holiday Spirit DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Party Robes DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Aspiring Musicains Robes [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Magicka: Lonely Island Cruise DLC [Online Game Code] - 0.99 Rockstar Max Payne 3 [Online Game Code] - 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