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Everything posted by David

  1. It will depend on the ultimate ability, but according to the leaked info above most of them don't. Of course, this might be just something they're doing in the beta. Since I'm sure there are going to be some sort of limitations on using them we'll just have to wait until they explain the system in more detail. The only official word is that it's supposed to come out in 2013. From what beta testers have told me it's still quite early in the beta process, so I'd guess (and that's all I can really do at this point) it would be (very) late 2013.
  2. I'm surprised they were so forthcoming with information about ESO considering how strict they've been. I did chuckle at your beta invite request. I would have asked as well! What do you have to lose? It's good to see there will be a native Mac version at any rate. Mind if I ask what Mac site you were referring to? I'm just wondering if it's one that I frequent.
  3. Dark Brotherhood is pretty much always the best in the single player games. I'm looking forward to how they'll integrate it in an MMO.
  4. That's interesting. Where did you get the confirmation?
  5. The least you could do is come into the Chat Room and not leave instantly.
  6. It's really too bad Square Enix is utter trash now.
  7. I feel like I really missed out on some great games because I never played any of this series. Everytime a new one comes out I'm like "Welp, can't get that since I didn't get xxxxx first."
  8. I can understand personal issues, but you really need to write something to keep your position. The last article I can think of is the PS4 article in February. 4 months is a longer grace period than necessary imo.
  9. 1. Significantly more general traffic. 2. Almost 0 forum activity or "vets" logging on. I've wondered why for a long time. Plus, is it me or are there almost no vets posting anymore? Getting more new people, but vets are on the decrease.
  10. You can buy it back from the store provided it's been less than two in-game days. After two days, all of the stores reset.
  11. This is all speculation on my part, but you can probably spend skill points anywhere you want. Nova is just unlocked at 12, meaning you can probably get it whenever you want following that point provided you have the means to invest in it. I don't think that's how it works, but I could be wrong. Again, everything I've said here is speculation because no one knows for sure what they're going to do with this system.
  12. Watch to see what happens...
  13. TRR has ceased operations (and most other RS clans), unfortunately. We still have the old clan chat open if you'd like to hang out in it, though. There are also a lot of members still around the forums, so we'd still like you to stick around. ESO is the next big MMO and we fully intend to be heavily involved in that.
  14. CVG displays and discusses new first-person footage from ESO.
  15. Click to play.
  16. Hm, nice catch. I must have accidentally skipped them. They've been added back in above Destruction Staff.
  17. Tired of bots. Look at how many hits the video game music article has.

  18. Clicking it takes you to a page with pictures of your friends. Friends that are in the pathway of a tornado. Apparently weather.com figures they will all be dead by Friday, so they took the time to assemble a nice photo montage so we can all celebrate the good times and memories that were had.
  19. David


    It's really hard to say if that's the intended behavior of the game or Moonlight Tales causing things to go haywire. To confirm the issue, you're going to have to disable the mod to see if anything changes.
  20. Haha, that was great. Guessing the next one is going to be Pulp Fiction?
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