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Everything posted by David

  1. Are you talking about The Bloodstone Chalice? I don't think Serena is supposed to follow you for that quest.
  2. There are three things that guarantee that people will be disappointed regardless of how good (or bad) the game actually is. 1) It's a TES game not developed by Bethesda. 2) It's not going to be Skyrim. 3) It's not going to be 2007 WoW. I'm sure there will be a lot of panicking at release due to bugs / game-play issues but these days games grow a great deal over patches. Skyrim wasn't even an MMO and just compare v1.9 to vanilla.
  3. Unfortunately right after I promised that this will "move faster," exams rolled around and I was swamped... But anyways, I'm posting to let everyone know that this IS still moving forward. Eventually. I updated most of the Sorcerer skills tonight and will continue to add some each day.
  4. In short -- no. If you have your heart set on modding Skyrim you should just buy the PC version, which can be found on sale for ~$35 with all DLC if you go for the Legendary edition. There's honestly a lot of misinformation in this thread. You can't mod Skyrim on your PS3 in a similar manner to the PC without jail-breaking it (which you don't want to ever do), and even if you did, you open both your game saves and PS3 to a myriad of unsolvable issues. It's not even close to worth it for mods that likely won't work anyway. Now, what people have been discussing in this thread is a bit different. Some people download "modded" Skyrim save files from the internet and just add them to their PS3 with a USB stick. All that these generally consist of are a few additional sets of armor/weapons already in the game. You have no ability to actually "mod" anything yourself, it's like what would happen if you saved your Skyrim file to a USB stick and traded with a friend for theirs. If you want to have control over what the file contains you would need Skyrim on the PC anyway: people take a PS3 save, convert it to PC, edit it, and then convert it back. During these conversions there are a lot of opportunities for screw-ups that waste the whole process. tl;dr buy the PC version if you want mods. Any claimed alternative methods for consoles are a waste of time or complete BS.
  5. I was considering adding a "Theorycrafting" or some similar build-oriented forum since that seems to be the majority of new threads these days. The other ideas in this thread are good for when ESO is released and activity picks up.
  6. That is cringe-worthy. Like, if I was going to come up with something that perfectly embodies every negative hipster stereotype, I literally could not come up with something better than that. Feel good quote made up of hippy buzzwords that doesn't actually make sense? Check. Obligatory angst-ridden, non-conformist secondary message? Check. Alternative language that has presumably nothing to do with the recipient? Check. Homosexual and/or pagan imagery? Check. The only reason I'm not buying a plane ticket to cull this guy from the gene pool is the slight chance he's doing it just to get in the woman's pants.
  7. What sort of glitch? Much of the information hasn't been entered into yet if that's what you mean.
  8. David


    Welcome to the site! I look forward to seeing your around. I'm assuming you're planning on playing the PC version?
  9. David

    Idle Questions

    After thinking about it awhile, I would want the ability to read the minds of females. Then again, my brain would probably just explode.
  10. ...Or maybe it won't. Update The chat is hosted on an external server that we pay a small bit extra to utilize. Basically it's down until... [*]Someone donates $10 for it, or... [*]I upgrade the site sometime in the next 2-3 months (hopefully). For the use it gets every few days or so I'm not extremely worried about it unless there's an outcry of support.
  11. David

    Idle Questions

    Obligatory more wishes comment.
  12. It's the official blog of Bethesda. Brodo posts every news / article tagged with Skyrim or ESO.
  13. Top 30,000 in Canada. It's aboot time.

  14. Should be fixed now, but it might take 10-30 minutes to take effect.
  15. Nah, you're right - it should just be "bonuses" in English. Boni is straight-up Latin (and possibly other Romance languages). I don't know why we're speaking Latin for particular words, but it did bring a smile to my face since I never thought I would ever see an instance of it "in the wild." To post an image, you just need to copy the image URL (ending with an image extension, e.g. .jpg .png .gif) and paste it into the box that pops up when you hit the image / photo esque button that's next to the hyperlink button in the editor. Anyways, I'll bow out of this thread since I'm breaking my own rules and carrying everything off topic.
  16. 4 semesters of college Latin checking in. Can confirm that the plural of "bonus" is "boni". Caveat: in Latin, the endings change depending on the word's use in a sentence. "Boni" is correct when used as the plural subject, so the following gets an A+. Though since we're speaking English it's just "bonuses," so I can understand why it sounds peculiar. Carry on, gents.
  17. Story I went to my college Latin class and my extremely enthusiastic Latin teacher showed up in, well... The costume was great and more "authentic" and less cheap looking than that, but you get the idea. Apparently he had gone to all of his graduate classes, staff meetings, etc. for the day in it. It was hilarious because this guy was really into his subject and wouldn't drop character for anything. He eventually played some sort of suspenseful soundtrack (name is on the tip of my tongue) and delivered a speech. This was hilarious because I typed the same thing before seeing that was your guess. Sadly, I didn't do anything for Halloween this year. If only Deathirst was still around to design me a costume.
  18. There's another document that, according to the author "mestema," is more updated with current stats. There is also a notes tab that answers some questions I've seen on the forums in the past few days. Can anyone check the two and verify which one is more accurate? This is what the author mentioned for the changes... So it'd be great if someone has some extra time and can catch some of the more major differences. I've already noticed a few percentage differences here and there; whether they're accurate I'm not sure, but I plan to use that doc moving forward. Also, would it be helpful to color-code the database with colors based on stamina, magicka, and ultimate like the docs?
  19. So far I've just been using this document since it has a table-esque format as well - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AjzrYVUYy7dIdHhfMUZ0U09BS0RwRmNuOTJHOGJoMmc#gid=0From what I've seen it matches all of the skills that I posted here several months ago in ESO News, though I plan on going over it after the database is full and has completed its "first draft."
  20. Are you sure it's thrown? I thought it was planted. That also raises the question of whether I should just be listing the effects of the skills (in a standardized format), or if it's more helpful (as stats will likely change) to have nothing but descriptions like Tamriel Foundry. I've been doing almost solely effects and pruning the more descriptive elements, such as "create a path of shadow" or "throw a standard."
  21. I cracked up when I saw this because of his University of Michigan track jacket (or whatever). I PM'd him on Bethesda forums months ago and, knowing he was a fellow Michigan fan from his forum interests (I attend U of M for those unaware), signed off on my PM with "Go Blue!" I'm convinced it was the only reason he responded to my rambling at all, albeit it was weeks/months after I originally sent it.
  22. I just moved your post so the other thread had some context to make sense, but I was aware of it. I still have to input all of the descriptions / effects / costs / etc for most of the skills -- I know there's quite a lot missing right now. Update Fixed the following bugs... [*][ Fixed ] Table Toggle: it requires two clicks to open a second table consecutively. [*][ Fixed ] Table Toggle: no animation. [*][ Fixed ] Table Toggle: toggle individual cells, and then toggle the entire table - the table cell button markers don't show the correct status until after you hit the table button again. The remaining "bug" (might just be a general jquery issue) is exceptionally minor and has no usability implications at all. Started inputting data for the Nightblade. Now that the script is basically done the data will go in much faster.
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