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Everything posted by David

  1. Vampirism - Information and How to Cure Getting Infected How it Works The most common way players become infected with Sanguinare Vampiris (the name of the disease) in Skyrim is through combat with Vampires casting Vampiric Drain (each VD spell has a 10% chance of infecting you). If you want to become infected, it's beneficial for you to keep your distance with the vampires so they attempt to cast the spell instead of engaging with you in melee, as the spell is the only way for you to contract the disease. You should be notified under the Active Effects menu when you're infected with the disease. Vampire Dungeons and Locations The following dungeons are locations of generic enemy NPC vampires. Broken Fang Cave Pinemoon Cave Mara's Eye Pond Haemar's Shame Morvath's Lair Bloodlet Throne Fellglow Keek Curing the Disease From Infection - Sanguinare Vampiris From the moment you're infected, you have exactly 3 days where you can cure the disease just like any other. You'll know you're in this stage when you start getting messages such as "You feel a strange thirst come over you" at sunset and "You feel strangely weakened by the sunrise" at sunrise. At this stage, you have three options... Drink a potion of Cure Disease Recieve a blessing from inside an alter or temple Ask a Vigilant of Stendarr to cure you. Should you wait longer than 3 days, you will progress into vampirism. After this point, normal potions and methods of removing the disease will have no effect. You will have to take the following steps below in order to remove the illness. From Vampirism After becoming a vampire, you must complete a short quest inorder to cure yourself. To start the quest you must NOT be a stage 4 vampire, as NPC's will attack you on sight. If this is the case, skip to the follwing section on feeding to revert to stage 1. A quick walkthrough of the quest involves the following steps: Visit and inn and talk to an innkeeper; they will refer you to Falion of Morthal. You will begin the quest Rising Dawn. Falion will request a filled black soul gem. You may purchase an empty black soul gem from him for a little over 800 gold. Note that you can NOT use the Black Star for this quest. Fill the black soul gem by killing a human NPC. To do this, you either need to cast Soul Trap* (see below) on the NPC and kill them, or kill them with a soul-trap enchanted weapon. Return to Falion and speak with him. Meet Falion at the designated summoning circle, a short walk from his house. Observe the ritual and rejoice! *You may purchase Soul Trap (spell) from Farengar Secret-Fire (Dragonsreach), Phinis Gestor (College of Winterhold), or Sybille Stentor (Solitude). Other alternative methods include: Become infected with lycanthropy and turn into a Werewolf. But we'll assume replacing one disease with another isn't your primary goal. If you're using a PC, you can use the console code setstage 000eafd5 10 to remove the disease. If you are a stage 4 vampire, NPC's (including the inn-keepers) will be hostile towards you, rendering the quest impossible. But don't worry! The following steps are all you have to do to revert to stage 1 (NPC's will not be hostile). Feeding as a Vampire Must... Feed... Blo... Blood! As a vampire, you must feed on the blood of a sleeping NPC. After finding a sleeping NPC, simply crouch (use sneak) and stand over them and press feed when the option appears. Note that you should be alone with your victim when doing this, as all other onlookers will immediately become hostile and attack you. Easy targets for feeding include the following: One exception to the hostile NPC rule are the Companions guild members. They do not attack you while feeding so long as you've joined their guild before becoming a stage 4 vampire. You can feed easily on your companions/followers by ordering them to sleep. Barracks in cities have sleeping guards day and night, although getting there may be difficult. There's a farmer in the Temply of Kynareth who is nearly always sleeping. If you want to randomly search for NPC's, your best bet is to sneak into a city at night and break into locked houses. After feeding you will revert to stage 1 of vampirism. Vampirism Benefits and Stages It's important to note that after you progress from the intial infection (after 3 days) and become a vampire, you will continue to progress over 4 stages (each lasting 24 hours). Being a vampire isn't all bad; after all, you get to stalk the night and prey on defenseless humans as they sleep! You also get the following benefits (and a few weaknesses), sorted into the four different stages: All Stages 100% disease resistance 100% poison resistance Illusion spells are +25% more powerful. +25% Sneaking While in daylight, health, magicka, and stamina have a stunted stunted regeneration rate of 100%. Simply put, the totals will remain the same but your stats will not return after use (e.g. using a spell will deplete your magicka bar and it will not restore automatically as it usually does). Stage One +25% resistance to frost. 25% weakness to fire. While in daylight, health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 15. Stage Two +50% frost resistance 50% weakness to fire. While in daylight, your health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 30. Stage Three +75% frost resistance 75% weakness to fire. While in daylight, your health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 45. NPC's will refuse to speak with you. Stage Four (Feeding) +100% frost resistance. 100% weakness to fire. While in daylight, your health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 60. Most NPC's will attack you on sight. Well, that's about it for the guide. Feel free to leave suggestions and questions in the comment section below! View full article
  2. Vampirism - Information and How to Cure Getting Infected How it Works The most common way players become infected with Sanguinare Vampiris (the name of the disease) in Skyrim is through combat with Vampires casting Vampiric Drain (each VD spell has a 10% chance of infecting you). If you want to become infected, it's beneficial for you to keep your distance with the vampires so they attempt to cast the spell instead of engaging with you in melee, as the spell is the only way for you to contract the disease. You should be notified under the Active Effects menu when you're infected with the disease. Vampire Dungeons and Locations The following dungeons are locations of generic enemy NPC vampires. Broken Fang Cave Pinemoon Cave Mara's Eye Pond Haemar's Shame Morvath's Lair Bloodlet Throne Fellglow Keek Curing the Disease From Infection - Sanguinare Vampiris From the moment you're infected, you have exactly 3 days where you can cure the disease just like any other. You'll know you're in this stage when you start getting messages such as "You feel a strange thirst come over you" at sunset and "You feel strangely weakened by the sunrise" at sunrise. At this stage, you have three options... Drink a potion of Cure Disease Recieve a blessing from inside an alter or temple Ask a Vigilant of Stendarr to cure you. Should you wait longer than 3 days, you will progress into vampirism. After this point, normal potions and methods of removing the disease will have no effect. You will have to take the following steps below in order to remove the illness. From Vampirism After becoming a vampire, you must complete a short quest inorder to cure yourself. To start the quest you must NOT be a stage 4 vampire, as NPC's will attack you on sight. If this is the case, skip to the follwing section on feeding to revert to stage 1. A quick walkthrough of the quest involves the following steps: Visit and inn and talk to an innkeeper; they will refer you to Falion of Morthal. You will begin the quest Rising Dawn. Falion will request a filled black soul gem. You may purchase an empty black soul gem from him for a little over 800 gold. Note that you can NOT use the Black Star for this quest. Fill the black soul gem by killing a human NPC. To do this, you either need to cast Soul Trap* (see below) on the NPC and kill them, or kill them with a soul-trap enchanted weapon. Return to Falion and speak with him. Meet Falion at the designated summoning circle, a short walk from his house. Observe the ritual and rejoice! *You may purchase Soul Trap (spell) from Farengar Secret-Fire (Dragonsreach), Phinis Gestor (College of Winterhold), or Sybille Stentor (Solitude). Other alternative methods include: Become infected with lycanthropy and turn into a Werewolf. But we'll assume replacing one disease with another isn't your primary goal. If you're using a PC, you can use the console code setstage 000eafd5 10 to remove the disease. If you are a stage 4 vampire, NPC's (including the inn-keepers) will be hostile towards you, rendering the quest impossible. But don't worry! The following steps are all you have to do to revert to stage 1 (NPC's will not be hostile). Feeding as a Vampire Must... Feed... Blo... Blood! As a vampire, you must feed on the blood of a sleeping NPC. After finding a sleeping NPC, simply crouch (use sneak) and stand over them and press feed when the option appears. Note that you should be alone with your victim when doing this, as all other onlookers will immediately become hostile and attack you. Easy targets for feeding include the following: One exception to the hostile NPC rule are the Companions guild members. They do not attack you while feeding so long as you've joined their guild before becoming a stage 4 vampire. You can feed easily on your companions/followers by ordering them to sleep. Barracks in cities have sleeping guards day and night, although getting there may be difficult. There's a farmer in the Temply of Kynareth who is nearly always sleeping. If you want to randomly search for NPC's, your best bet is to sneak into a city at night and break into locked houses. After feeding you will revert to stage 1 of vampirism. Vampirism Benefits and Stages It's important to note that after you progress from the intial infection (after 3 days) and become a vampire, you will continue to progress over 4 stages (each lasting 24 hours). Being a vampire isn't all bad; after all, you get to stalk the night and prey on defenseless humans as they sleep! You also get the following benefits (and a few weaknesses), sorted into the four different stages: All Stages 100% disease resistance 100% poison resistance Illusion spells are +25% more powerful. +25% Sneaking While in daylight, health, magicka, and stamina have a stunted stunted regeneration rate of 100%. Simply put, the totals will remain the same but your stats will not return after use (e.g. using a spell will deplete your magicka bar and it will not restore automatically as it usually does). Stage One +25% resistance to frost. 25% weakness to fire. While in daylight, health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 15. Stage Two +50% frost resistance 50% weakness to fire. While in daylight, your health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 30. Stage Three +75% frost resistance 75% weakness to fire. While in daylight, your health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 45. NPC's will refuse to speak with you. Stage Four (Feeding) +100% frost resistance. 100% weakness to fire. While in daylight, your health, magicka, and stamina are reduced by 60. Most NPC's will attack you on sight. Well, that's about it for the guide. Feel free to leave suggestions and questions in the comment section below!
  3. David

    Happy New Years!!

    I sat at home and played Skyrim. -_-First time I haven't done anything in my life, but meh.
  4. You're right that it can't be compared to Skyrim in the sense that Skyrim is an open world, but it definitely holds its own in its own right.My only problem is that I can't play it unless I want to start a new character or pay $20 for the PSN cloud service, because you can't transfer saves...
  5. Well done, good to see you around again by the way. :)If you're interested, you can help us promote our new site by making signatures and avatars members can download from the gallery. Here's a quick text-only example (and the only one atm ) http://eldersouls.com/gallery/image/1-signature/If you do, just log in there (there's no need to register, accounts are linked to here) and post/upload whatever you create on that forum.
  6. I can't believe a game as good as this doesn't get as much exposure - it's fantastic. I know the difficulty turns people off, but the series is great, and about as enjoyable as The Elder Scrolls series (the two can only be loosely compared).
  7. When I explore, I have a tendency to take EVERYTHING - even the things that I don't necessarily need. Although all of the generic items are eventually sold, I have the same issue with quest items that become worthless after the quests. I could probably create a whole room just to display all the garbage I've stolen during the questlines. Diabella statues ftw.
  8. Just keep saving... the prices will change dozens of times before you have enough anyway, it will come down again. Plus I'm sure it's even cheaper online.
  9. According to the wiki this does indeed work in the Solitude house. It also works on dragon priest masks.
  10. I just don't like the premise I guess. "Hey, look, this tediously complex series of puzzles is somehow built into the environment that I must pass though. Huzzah!"And on you go.
  11. 100/Master Level Speech - Extremely Fast! Glitch Status: Unpatched Requirements [*]None! Directions North of Riften is a location known as the Black-Briar Meadery. Travel there, and look for the shopkeeper known as Ungrien. Approach him to talk, and select the option "Tell me about Mavan Black-Briar." From here, you have a set of dialogue options based on your personality skill; one of the options, "Come on, get the truth off you chest. (Persuade)" is what you should select. From here, the conversation begins a never-ending perpetual circle where you can select "Tell me about Mavan Black-Briar." again and go back to the persuade dialogue option. Continuously press the speech button through the conversation to level up as much as you want!
  12. Since turning it back on like 7 hours ago we've had 4 people register, so unfortunately it does appear to have been an issue with people actually trying. T_T
  13. Yep, it was just an issue with this site; not TRR.
  14. I discovered that there was a bug with a setting and no one could register here even if they wanted to.Yes.$90 in advertising.No possibility of new registrees.Fail.
  15. As a Playstation 3 owner, blu-ray was a large selling point to me. However, I actually don't find myself using it very much; I tend to stick to Netflix and abandon physical movies in general. What about you?
  16. Who do you think is going to be the next US president? Write down your pick here and now, and you'll be able to brag about it down the line when your chosen victor wins.
  17. I'm unsure, I do not own the Solitude house yet - perhaps you could test it?
  18. Skyrim: Duplicating Apparel Glitch Status: Unpatched Requirements [*]Completed Dark Brotherhood questline [*]Have achieved the Mannequin upgrade in the Sanctuary. [*]Travel to Dawnstar (location of Sanctuary, but you already knew that...). Directions Pretty simple. All you need to do is activate the mannequin and store the apparel you need to dupe inside; however, you must not exit out of the deposit menu. After you deposit - and without exiting the menu - withdraw your items. Equip your apparel, and exit the sanctuary. Upon re-entry, you should find that the mannequin is wearing your previously deposited armor! The nerve... Oh, wait... YOU ARE WEARING IT TO! What the deuce? Whatevs, you now have two sets. Continue as necessary and enjoy. 1. Do above steps. 2. ???? (Just kidding, it's really fucking obvious) 3. Profit
  19. How to Get a Free House Glitch Status: Unpatched Requirements [*]You must have enough money to buy the house you want for free in the first place. [*]You must be within quick reach of a storage unit when approaching the seller of the house. Directions This glitch should work with every house. All you need to do is follow whoever sells the house until they're near some sort of storage unit you can deposit things in (e.g. chest, drawers, cupboard, etc.). When they're in a good location, I recommend saving your game so if you fail you can easily retry without any negative effects. Talk to the NPC about buying the house. As soon as you get to the confirmation screen, when you say "I'll take it!" (paraphrasing), click on the speech option confirming your purchase and QUICKLY press whatever button on your console exits conversations. Again, from here you must QUICKLY click on the storage unit, browse to the MISC section and deposit your gold (the original amount should still be there if you were fast enough) in the storage. From here you should be able to talk to the NPC, receive your house key, and still withdraw 100% of your original gold out of where ever it was you stored it!
  20. I would like to welcome you into our clan; congratulations on being accepted into the RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Friends Chat: TheRebelz Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR, we all look forward to getting to know you!
  21. I'm currently working on setting up our main/home page (currently called "Pages" on the nav bar, although this will change). The add-on we have, IP. Content, allows us to have a rather complex and fantastic "home page" system featuring anything we want; in our case, it will mainly be used for guides, articles, and news. If you look to the right on the page I linked earlier, you can see a few of the categories I've already added - Community News, Guides, and Miscellaneous. These are major categories, and each one of them can have their own format (for example, Community News has a blog format whereas Guides has something closer to a normal page linking to other content) and sub-categories (in Guides: Skyrim, Black Ops, etc). Everytime an article or guide is moved or posted, it is linked to a forum thread here. You can comment on the article by posting in the commenting area the main page, or by posting on its forum thread; your comments will appear in both places regardless!Right now I'm just using the forum index as our home page, since we currently have no content. However, after we've established ourselves a bit this will replace the index as what you see when you visit eldersouls.com (the forums will be changed to something like eldersouls.com/forums).Anyways, I'm asking for those of you interested to start submitting your own guides and articles to be posted in this database. Anything can be promoted to the front page, be it a blog post, thread, topic post, etc. So don't worry about where to submit it, just post a thread on whatever it is that you want to write about. I know several of you have many tips and tricks that others could benefit from. Write a guide!Please note that although you can submit any guides you want, only those of the highest quality will be submitted into the knowledgebase.This post has been promoted to an article
  22. One time the database was compromised or something, the other times Allan just had that itch to move us around. It was usually for better servers and such.
  23. This is version 1.0. I tend to change them a lot, so we'll see. First thing is to make everything but the sword smaller, if I ever get to that (likely not). Can you find the hidden E and S for Elder Souls?!
  24. Had we not switched forums so often in the early days, we would easily be over 100k now. Probably would be on our way to a million, since we'd be much higher ranked in google as well and therefore would have many more members. Tons of forums have over 100k, and many over a million. When you get many active members it really does go fast.
  25. AOE2 was a masterpiece for sure, one of my favorites. Did you play #3? I have it and it was a major let down for me. Didn't really like the timeperiod and the limited type/number of units.
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