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Everything posted by David

  1. Are you sure that you don't have an incomplete quest that gives you a follower? Sometimes that's the issue - check all of your active quests and make sure there aren't any like that.Oh, and was Farkas your follower because you were completing the quest that forces him to follow you, or was it after you completed that quest?
  2. Yes, the 360 will have its own version of the patch, which you'll be able to get assuming you have it connected to the internet. Make sure that your issue isn't any of the fixable ones listed above though; the patch may not be required. There's also no guarantee that the patch will fix it, but it is a good sign that it's mentioned in the release notes.
  3. Haha, you'd best not. We need multiple people answering every question; 95% of the time we have different information and perspectives. You've had some great answers, plus I'm rarely on when you are mid-day so it works out. Too bad Mageman has recently disappeared.Let us know if it works, Brogalor.
  4. I've found 3 bugs related to this quest, you'll have to determine which fits your specific case since the causes are different: [*]If you have already captured Odahviing in Dragonsreach, you won't have the option to give him the message. Finishing the game and returning to talk to him fixes this. [*]Note: This may only apply if Odahviing is still trapped IN Dragonsreach. I believe by "finish the game" it just means "complete the main quest." [*]If you have started the quest Season Unending then there is no option for talking with the Jarl. There are only the dialog options for setting up the trap to capture Odahviing. There is currently no known fix other than to complete the game and return afterwords. ~Ps3/360/PC [*]I believe this will be fixed in the upcoming 1.4 patch. It's still in development, but should be released soonish. http://eldersouls.com/topic/161-skyrim-patch-14-release-notes/ for more information. [*]If you join the Stormcloaks and deliver the Jagged Crown to Ulfric and HAVE NOT finished "Before the Storm," Jarl Balgruuf will not speak to you until you finish Dragon's Rising, and you cannot deliver the Axe from Ulfric. Also, Irileth and the Whiterun soldiers wil disappear, leaving you to kill the Dragon on your own in Dragon's rising. The guards will appear shortly after you kill the dragon. Go through the dialogue with Balgruuf about being a dragonborn, then he will be able to receive the axe. I added my notes as a sub-bullet to each message. ______ You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  5. David

    Hey man, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

    1. dan


      Thank You! Loving the site already, You did an excellent job! Looking forward to a great time!

  6. According to the release notes on patch 1.4, they fixed "numerous issues with "Blood on the Ice" not triggering properly." The patch is still in development, but should be released quite shortly. So it appears you're in luck! ______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  7. It's absolutely hilarious how many people have found our site by googling things about what to do after killing Mercer. "kill mercer frey escape?" and " what to do after killing mercer frey" are currently our main google searches, all pointing to that one thread. Beats out all of our guides combined.

  8. You can post them here and I'll mess with it if you want, since I'll have to do it anyway for the one on the main page.
  9. Added it to the database. Really good job on commenting on the max enchantments/potion bonuses and everything. I've been looking for confirmation on that for awhile.Should add some images to it. Maybe pictures of the perk trees with the requirements/suggested perks highlighted?And how the deuce did you get the sub-bullets to work? I always instintively hit tab and I know THAT doesn't work.
  10. ES wins race by ONE MEMBER. :o

    1. Fergal


      I TOLD YOU! Ha =P

  11. Hey man, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

  12. Only if you commit a crime. If you just brawl with each person the guards won't try to attack or arrest you. Of course, it's possible that you already had a bounty in the city before getting the money from him, so that may not be the cause.
  13. Hm, interesting. Before I get into other possibilities I'll just add to make sure you're holding down the shoot button instead of just tapping it. Assuming you're doing that, check your controller for issues - maybe switching for a different one will solve the issue.There is a bug associated with bow. Some times you can fix it by unequiping your bow and arrows and switching them out for something different. You could also try firing 10-15 arrows since apparently it fixes itself after awhile occasionally. ----You should also consider creating an account here - it's free and has plenty of benefits!
  14. I was so excited to finally see this. xDI'll comment and critique on it tonight when I have some time.
  15. Unfortunately, no, you never learn to play an instrument; nor is there currently ANY way to play anything. Perhaps it could be an item included in future DLC? Essentially all you do during the Bards quests are the standard find/return quests, except it's based on items specific to the college.
  16. Well yeah, you will have to reload an autosave from before you entered the room to try those methods.
  17. Hm. Have you tried going on with the quest anyways? Perhaps he just lost his voice and is being registered as going through the dialogue anyways. If that's the case, you can try talking with Tolfdir and seeing if he advances the quest.This is right after you cast a spell on the amulet/wall, correct? I read one thread where a player casted "Fury" instead of a damage/destruction spell at the wall, and that solved his issue. Perhaps you could try that? Cast a non-hostile spell.Per the wiki: you can also fix this by quickly running in and then out of the room. Once the spirit appears, walk back out into Skyrim. This will allow the quest to continue.______You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  18. Are you talking about the quest Discerning the Transmundane? If so, you transcribe the lexicon with a dwemer puzzle located deep in the Alftand ruins. You can solve the puzzle by completing the following steps with the controls: Press the second button from the right until the Lexicon opens and the third button from the right lights up.Press the third button until you see the overhead lenses directing light onto the sphere, and the fourth button lights up.Press the last button and retrieve the scrollIf not, you can reply to this message using the field below. Let us know, we can help out if this wasn't the answer you were looking for. You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  19. Fire spells will be your best bet if you're a magic user. If not, try to hide - if there are any town guards or NPC's in the area, they should join the fight and help you out a bit. You can also summon atronachs to divert the dragons attention from yourself if you're able. Once the dragon is focused on something else, just spam it as much as you can with attacks on its sides and back.Worst case, if you still can't beat it, you should lower the difficulty by pressing start, and going to gameplay settings. Just remember to turn it back unless you want everything else to be a cake-walk.Hope that helps! Let us know how it goes.
  20. Meh. As long as the PS3 gets the DLC within reason I'll be fine with it. Hopefully it will be a matter of a few weeks, even if that's unlikely.
  21. Keerava is the manager / bar-tender of the Bee and Barb inn, which is located more or less in the center of Riften.
  22. It's hard to say since there hasn't been an announcement yet even about what it will be based on; it could be several months. Apparently Microsoft bought an early timetable for their DLC - so if you have a 360 you'll probably get it a bit sooner than PS3 owners.I know at the moment they're still testing/releasing patches, like v1.4
  23. What are your picks?For worst, I'd have to say Lydia - she seems totally unable to NOT kill herself with a basic trap.
  24. Ha, yeah, I'm getting more and more paranoid as well. Just browsing Yahoo Answers, there are thousands of questions posted every day about "z0mg quest r brok3n!". Course, our support forum here isn't any different.Why do you have to play the unpatched version though? I'd just take a USB stick to school and try to get the update. That's what I used to do for the PS3 firmware updates - not sure if they have the PS3 Skyrim patches online as well.
  25. Is that the most gold from any merchant/fence in the game legitimately? I've read that Belethor can glitch to like 10k-ish, but I've never had that happen.
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