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Best bang for your buck

I God-Apollo

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5 members have voted

  1. 1. Best bang for your buck?

    • Ahrim's set
    • Infinity set

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Ahrims vs Infinity set

Ahrim's set

[*]Degrades after 15 hours of combat

[*]330k to repair entire set (with staff)

[*]230k to repair without staff

[*]4.2mil for complete set

[*]Staff give 10% max damage boost

[*]Total of 135 hours of combat till the repair prices put it up to infinity set (without gloves+boots)

[*]Total of 210 hours of combat to put it up to infinity set (with boots/gloves)

Infinity set

[*]Doesn't degrade

[*]7.4 mil (without gloves and boots since they can be used in ahrim's set)

[*]9.1mil full set

Stats comparisons:

Note: Ahrim's staff bonus works even without set so it will not be counted in stats

Note: Same applies for infinity gloves and boots so they will not be counted in stats


Magic attack:............................+58...........................+45

Magic Defence:.......................+58...........................+45

Slash Defence:.......................+80...........................+0

Stab Defence:.........................+100.........................+0

Crush Defence:......................+115.........................+0

Ranged Defence:...................+0..............................+0

Summoning Defence:...........+105.........................+44

Stat comparisons:

Note: Ahrim's staff bonus works even without set so it will not be counted in stats

Note:Ahrim's is so much better ill let infinity get its gloves and boots in this comparison

Note: With these statistics Ahrims can last 210 hours of combat till repairs bring it up to infinity set+gloves+boots.


Magic attack:.........................+58.............................+55

Magic Defence:....................+58.............................+55

Slash Defence:....................+80.............................+0

Stab Defence:.....................+100............................+0

Crush Defence:..................+115............................+0

Ranged Defence:.................+0..............................+0

Summoning Defence:.........+105.........................+49

End Comparison:

Ahrim's set vs Infinity set, Ahrim's wins because of better stats in every single way, and if you add infinity gloves and boots to the ahrim's set it wins by even more. So unless your doing more then 135 hours of combat with Ahrim's set and infinity gloves and boots, or 210 hours of combat with ahrim's set without gloves and boots, ahrims is the best bang for your buck.

If you want me to do more of these just ask, Crazycow this is for you <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I don't have either, and don't plan on buying either anytime soon, but nice to know thanks. I have a request, people are always complaing about how I should sell my full dragon and get bandos (I'm working on buying it as well) the only real reason I have full dragon is 1. It looks awesome, and sense I was f2p I always said I would get it 2. its not bad armor, but always wondered the big difference between if its just minor or a decent amount.

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Dragon Armor is in terms better than Bandos if you plan to TANK. It has a good amount more defense to protect you, but you lack on the Strength Bonus.Bandos on the other hand. I would recommend it, if you are 85+ defense and can afford it. At that point you really have no need to tank any longer and can afford the small lack of defense for the +12 strength boost :)

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Thanks Apollo, and I've planed on getting bandos, I actually had 10mil saved up towards it but just bought a dfs bout a week ago, as I want to have bandos with dfh and dfs with my whip, so I need about 34-37 mil more for it, but I've been training my combat more then making money, although I'm making a little money at zombies, picking up drops about 150k a run which runs last about 3 and a half hours, which ain't good, but considering I'm just training not bad, I should do slayer but I hate that skill with a passion.

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