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Why trust the people you think you know?


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Why trust the people you think you know? I mean, even if you put a little trust in them, and they 'show' trust in you for a small fraction of time, it comes around to a false sense of trust. I personally have loaned out countless times, and have not recieved anything back, I have looked upon other peoples words to do things that they say they would do but never do. I have seen a friend hack my acct after asking for a small bit of help. I'm just curious, why is RS so scandalous? Why are people so un trust worthy? And even those who are, why dont other trust them? Even when the trust is proven? RS. Related Only

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Deus, I trust you, and I trust most people in this clan. and alot of them trust me. I feel I am a trutworth person. It's just not in my nature to not lie or decieve. I have a mind where improving everyones general experience of life and advancing the knowledge and information that we have. I do not do anything to stop these things and the only way our world can advance is through trust and not lieing.Argument keystone - The Bible.

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I think that trust in Runescape or otherwise is gained over time with people that you spend time with. For example, if you had experience with one friend of loaning out small amounts multiple times it is only quite natural that you would trust for larger and larger amounts as time goes on. If you loaned and didn't get anything returned you would stop loaning right? This is the same concept in real life. I have family members who ask to borrow $20 or whatever, if they consistently pay me back I don't feel bad about loaning again or loaning more the next time. In other words, I don't think trust in the game is gained any differently than in real life. The main difference is that online people often don't know the people they are ripping off personally. If they knew that you had their address and might show up at their house to collect they are more likely to pay off a debt don't you think? Morals have a tendency to get thrown out the window when there is enough distance involved and/or enough gain, the temptation is there in any case.

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I believe that people are inanely evil and all have that greed gene. I don't care what any of you say, you have thought about it before. Trust can only be taken so far on a virtual world. In real life, it is a whole different ballgame. You need to choose your friends wisely and understand what will happen if you do not. Just my opinion.

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I trust people with my stuff knowing what could happen. The fact that I trusted you with the stuff probably means I don't care about the thing I'm trusting you with. Sure, I'd be pissed, but I'd be more pissed knowing you thought a virtual item or currency was more important than even a moment of my happiness. If you don't have the respect or dignity to not steal my shit? Steal it. It's better I learn you're a douche before I actually become attached.

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I trust people with my stuff knowing what could happen. The fact that I trusted you with the stuff probably means I don't care about the thing I'm trusting you with. Sure, I'd be pissed, but I'd be more pissed knowing you thought a virtual item or currency was more important than even a moment of my happiness. If you don't have the respect or dignity to not steal my shit? Steal it. It's better I learn you're a douche before I actually become attached.

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osted Yesterday, 10:39 PM I'd definitely scam an online acquaintance for the lulz, but I wouldn't scam anyone in my clan or my friend. Mono tried this with me and ended up scamming himself when the nats sold for 50gp moren than he expected.Anyway, just a brief overview. I've had friends like blue trust me with a few mil, Mono with over a 100m, John with all his chaotics, a divine, 250m cash, full bandos, claws, fury, Zerker ring, basically all the barrows sets, friends like Tom trust me with bandos and claws.and yet my bank is only worth 8m..... Tells ya something doesn't it?I've trusted David to tranfer tassets to my account, Paul on my account, John, Tom, Blue, Reace, Martain and Ozzy. I am a very trust heavy person.

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I don't know anyone really here. I've only "trusted" one person here, and I *believe* it was Kaiden. Not 100% sure to be honest. I needed someone to build something in their house, so I can do something for my achievement diary, I didn't have the level for it at the time, gave Kaiden the materials for the item (about 150k), and gave it to him, on my first or second day in the clan. He didn't scam me, so :(.In Runescape I only trust one person truly, and it was a friend I used to play with. I had a friendship with her for nearly 2 years on RS, and we knew each other's passwords, pins and everything, and I know I never stole anything, and I don't believe she stole anything lol. Unless it's someone you can meet irl, or have a real long friendship with, it's hard to trust. I used to play Neopets (shut up), and was a guild leader with 4 close friends, and we talked everyday on MSN, spoke about the clans, did the plots, blah blah blah. One day I woke up, spoke to one of the co-leaders, and she was scammed for millions (which actually is just as hard as there as here lol), and it was just such a shock. Can't trust everybody...I would love to find other players I can trust and vice versa, but you'll always have that thought in the back of your mind that it could all go wrong.

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Ive trusted a lot of people throughout RS :( mostly lasses tbf "/ most of em I still talk to even though all my FL no longer plays rs :') Ive even trusted one of them with my personal bank details 0.0so yer id trust any long term member of rebelz tbh, cause I have a feeling they dont want to thrown out of the clan and be scolded :)

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