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Somehow I can openly rave about glam rock and disco queens, post public statuses about Barry Manilow being romantic, play a pink Nintendo DS with Pokemon Black in public areas that are very crowded...Yet I can't bring myself to post RuneScape related stuff on Facebook. Somehow that's the one thing I'm afraid will make me a social pariah more than I already am.

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Personnally i dont care anymore, Also since I'm a HS Graduate it makes it "Easier" on not denying that I play Runescape. Personally gaming is my hobby and Runescape is my like favorite in the category. Honestly, if your friends are gonna make fun of you for doing your hobby, then dude GET SOME NEW FRIENDS. :] Basically everyone knows that I play runescape, I'll put a status or two sometimes on facebook (though i never tag anyone in my runescape status's because i understand their lack of self confidence). My aquantances, friends, best friends, Katie, My parents, my church and my family know it. :] Runescape basically helps show others who I am and so does video gaming, so why hide your real self from others? Be happy who you are! :]

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Personnally i dont care anymore, Also since I'm a HS Graduate it makes it "Easier" on not denying that I play Runescape. Personally gaming is my hobby and Runescape is my like favorite in the category. Honestly, if your friends are gonna make fun of you for doing your hobby, then dude GET SOME NEW FRIENDS. :] Basically everyone knows that I play runescape, I'll put a status or two sometimes on facebook (though i never tag anyone in my runescape status's because i understand their lack of self confidence). My aquantances, friends, best friends, Katie, My parents, my church and my family know it. :] Runescape basically helps show others who I am and so does video gaming, so why hide your real self from others? Be happy who you are! :]

More power to you my friend.:-P
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Holy shit, no joke that is the funniest Runescape related thing I've ever seen. And the fact is you are so good looking (no homo of course) that it doesn't matter what you say.

Thanks!Lol I never rely on my looks; looks in general can't really get you very far in life (as a male anyways). I have always relied on sheer humor, confidence, and charm.
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