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Job Request: Affiliate Button


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Hey, one of you talented PS'ers should try their hand at making us an affiliate button.

Here are some examples:

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Posted Image (not the right size)

Dimensions must be 88x31, and it needs to say "The Rebelz" or "RuneScape Community." It needs to be impressive since the point is to draw users from other sites to ours even though there will probably be 20 other buttons next to it.

EDIT: While you're at it, if anyone can find/create a suitable 16x16 team icon for the Graphics Team that would be awesome.

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That's not bad at all, better than anything I could do. Perhaps you could flip the order so that the text was on the left and the image on the right? Just a possible option since left->right is the natural reading path we take, and the words would be wrapped evenly. I do think you should drop "RuneScape" in "The RuneScape Rebelz" though, since we're moving away from that name and you'd be able to make the name bigger and easier to see. The other alternative was adding "RuneScape Community" instead since this button will be for linking to our site's community aspect. Either one would be fine.Not bad at all though! Definitely on the right path.

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Is the 16x16 just an edited version of the Established Rebel image? I'd like something that stands on it's own more; something more unique that we haven't used yet.Now that I see it with bold edges, I think the problem is that the internal text lines (like for the E and B ) are two narrow and hard to decipher from the rest, rendering it difficult to read. It's probably a font issue.Accidentally deleted the following from before your last post:

Yeah, it probably would be best like that. The font is still hard to read (I'm doing the casual scroll by test since that's how it will be viewed), though. Is there anything you could do, perhaps change the color or font, or widen the borders of the text?EDIT: I meant "RuneScape Community" INSTEAD of "The Rebelz," not necessarily with it. Now that I see it with both I do like it though, even though it is more difficult to read. If you're going to do it WITH the community part, Just do "The Rebelz" and "Community." Thanks for doing this btw. ;)

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I did read that, I will see if i can fit a third line, and I noticed the same thing on the E and B, and for 16x16 yeah, I could not think of anything and the first thing that came to mind was the logo I made and swords, but nothing else >.< 16x16's are hard to work on, theres not much there, I will go and see what I can do though

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I LOVE the animation idea behind it! Two things I noticed: 'S' in RuneScape should be capitalized; I think the colors should be more earth-tone/dark with a pronounced text color, just because of the clientele that we'll be targeting (gamers; 12-20 year old males). I really do love it though. I'm sorry if I'm being more anal than usual, but this button has quite the implications behind it. :D
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^ could do with some touching up ;) good colours!Ok, i'll get a greener one...or site themed even! BRBone question...if you want it to stand out shouldnt it be less site themed? just a thought. and by site themed do you mean that light cyan-blue colour at the top mixed with grey?

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