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Skyrim Character Race


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Well, Wood elf was what I was in IV, so i decided to use it again. Great for sneak attack bonuses, and I hardly ever have to fight much at close range. I'd rather take out my enemies like some kind of fantasy ninja. If they're dead before they know I'm nearby, that just makes for more dungeon time. And dungeon time is the best kind of time!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I chose high elf in oblivion so stuck with it in Skyrim I use a lot of magic so it's good to start off magically very strong but I also build up my one handed skill

Ha, yeah, I did the same thing. High Elf in Oblivion and followed it into Skyrim. As I level up I find myself using my one-handed enchanted sword more and more - magic just doesn't have the damage output that melee does in this game. It's a shame since magic was so dominant in oblivion, but I guess it's more balanced this way.
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  • 2 weeks later...

First Playthough-Dunmer. This was my first TES game and I thought the races were only aesthetic.Second Playthough-Breton. You can't beat 25% magic resistance. Best race in the game, as numerous guides will tell you.From my research, the best races are:1. Breton2. Orc3. Altmer4. Dunmer5. NordIn that order, except Altmer and Dunmer tie.

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Honestly the race you choose really doesn't matter, as your skills will all be damned near maxed by the end of the game anyway. You could make slight arguments for which has the better power, but with the exception of Breton they're all pretty much useless and most players don't even use them. At least that's been my experience. 25% magic resistance is the best power (depending on your play type), but even that isn't really worth choosing a Breton over something you'd rather play as.

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I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Although I've never played as an Orc myself, I know they have Berserker Rage, allowing you to deal double damage and take half damage for 60 seconds. This becomes BETTER as the game goes on. Dunmer is also good, since fire is a common element. All the others will become less useful with time though.

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My current is an Orsimer, I wanted to be an elf, that looked at least a little similar to a human, but i also wanted to be strong, I went through four or five Races but I wasnt happy without the superiority of an OrsimerBesides the High Elves Looked too horse faced, please no offence to anybody, they are atill three times better with magic that the OrsimerI may be the only one here that has not played OblivionBut did u guys know that the simbol used on the case of oblivion is actually a deadric alphabet O

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I don't think anyone will take offense to debating Skyrim races. ;)

As I said earlier, my first Skyrim character was a High Elf. It did take me awhile to get the face how I wanted it, but it came out looking pretty decent/normal in the end. Something that I'm unable to do with Khajiits or Argonians.

Oh, and you just reminded me that Skyrim has no Posted Image (S) on the cover. Now I feel cheated, Bethesda.

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