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Updates: ibEconomy, Reputation Hook, "Like" Ability, and More


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Forum Updates

Reputation Hook

They say you live and die by your reputation, and with the addition of this hook that's never been more true. Members now display their reputation on every post they make. As you can see in the example image below, it's located slightly below your avatar among all of the other profile information you choose to display.

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A certain member appears to have been a good boy recently.


Guest Message

With our new community angle, we're dropping the "Clan Applications" forum in favor of an open board. Since there's no longer a rigid joining process for them to follow, we've resorted to the good 'ole fashioned method of convincing them with features. Whenever they view a page on our board (ANY page), this baby follows them.

The following image is a message to all Guests; hopefully a few of them will actually register now instead of creeping! D: (Just kidding, guesties, I love you).

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Oh, by the way. If you think that sucks, I'm very open to suggestions as to what I should be adding/saying.


Like Member Status Updates

That's right, TRR is now introducing a social network worthy of competing with Facebook... I call it, AvatarNovel! Err, just kidding. Actually, you just click "Like" to tell people you approve if you're too lazy to leave a comment. Because... You know, being social on social networks is teh sux. Oh, and don't worry; the actual Facebook is not integrated with this feature. You don't have to worry about ruining your RL social life by accidentally liking the fact that Nelson scored a Arma plate. Because that just wouldn't be cool.

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Someone is about to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

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Oh, so that's who's been stalking me. @_@


Calendar RSS Feed

In case you didn't know, updating that 'Clan Events' feed every day is a huge pain in the ass. As a result, I installed an RSS feed which automatically does all the work for me! ='D

Cons: it's ugly as hell and slows the site down to something resembling post-wheaties constipation. It probably won't stay too long.

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ibEconomy Stocks

You can now buy stock in your favorite administrator! Or you can buy stock in me and, you know, actually profit. ._.

But seriously, here are the stocks you can buy...

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The subjects of the stocks all involve actual things on this forum. For example, if I go crazy and post CONSTANTLY, my stock price will reflect that. On the flip side, if I do nothing for a month - my price is going to tank. It works the same way with the other stocks. You just have to pay attention to the type, and what is affecting it (the variable).

Risk is how much the prices can change whenever the market closes (once a week). If the Community Members aren't posting enough, there stock could theoretically fluctuate down to 20% (but lets not have that happen... I have a 100% investment right now. >.>), since their risk is 80%.

If you're bad at math, it's because 100% (current price) - 80% (risk) = 20% (worst case scenario). I'm not sure if that's how this works, actually. It just makes sense that way. I couldn't find any help files. Oh well, we'll live and learn through it and edit things accordingly.

Here's a FEW of the hundreds of ways you can get points:

Topic Creation: 80

Posting: 20

Points Topic Creator Gets Per Reply: 5

Give Reputation: 5

Receive Reputation: 40

In the future, different forums (Guides + Events) will be worth more. Until then, they're the same.... Besides Spam & Forum Games being 0 regardless.

Oh yeah! I also added banks and 401k's and shit. But who cares?

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