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Recruiting/ The Runescape Rebelz are open again


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well guys im posting this here as the rebelz section isnt open on here so anyway we are re open since it closed in November last year and are recruiting those still playing runescape no requirements to join.


forums are therebelz.boards.net , you will need to register then an admin will accept pending registration for you to then activate your account which the code is sent to your email once activated log in and post an application in app section.


if interested to join back would be great to have as many of you back as possible 

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Would have thought the founder of the clan wouldn't mind eh, David! Added it anyway, I was actually going to originally but forgot, lol.


On a serious note, things are actually going well, CC is active (no IRC up yet, will get onto that) - Would seriously appreciate if some old TRR members would join, not even stressing activity an awful lot, we have a war coming up (fun) in a few weeks and could really use some experienced people, so even if ye would turn up though, it would be awesome!

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Would have thought the founder of the clan wouldn't mind eh, David! Added it anyway, I was actually going to originally but forgot, lol.


On a serious note, things are actually going well, CC is active (no IRC up yet, will get onto that) - Would seriously appreciate if some old TRR members would join, not even stressing activity an awful lot, we have a war coming up (fun) in a few weeks and could really use some experienced people, so even if ye would turn up though, it would be awesome!

we got a war coming out?!? how did i not know this? Too much slothing...

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we got a war coming out?!? how did i not know this? Too much slothing...

Different forums bro! therebelz.boards.net/ You should just register and apply even if you don't play much, could use the extra firepower in war, full out. In-game recruits dun know how to war! lmao

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With regards to those signing up - (So far dy3nasty, Eric and Deathirst) - do you guys want Clan Friend or to become a Clan Member. Just post an app if you want to apply though.Edit: GAH. War canceled, load of bs in the first place really.

I'd rather be clan friend. Can't even be bothered logging in to RS.
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Clan Friend. I logged in to Runescape for a few minutes yesterday and there about 10 people around me who were in the same situation (hadn't logged in for a while, and then log in to find they can't even play f2p anymore since they have to many items in there banks from being p2p and its just not appealing anymore.)


It sucks about the clan war falling through too, Hopefully you can find another one soon because that will really help reboot the clan.


And if there are any clan ads on other sites that I started that you need removed so you can change the info on them, just let me know.

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