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7 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is better?

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So I've been thinking about starting this topic for a while. Despite what the topic title might suggest this isn't so much about who would win, rather its about which is your favourite/ who you think is better.


I far prefer Batman for a few reasons, firstly he has no superhuman abilities he just uses his own skills and money to do what he does. He has the same weaknesses as any other human. Superman on the other hand has superhuman abilities (he can basically do anything) and only one weakness (Kryptonite) yet he fails just as much as batman if not more.


Superman is also way more of a sook than Batman and far stupider. I think even DC prefer's Batman, after all it is called DC (as in Detective Comics, which Batman appears in) rather than Action Comics (superman comics). Batman is also far more intelligent and can get by on that alone even when he is old and crippled (which doesn't really happen to Superman yet he is far more ready to give up on being a superhero anyway).


Aside from the way I've been brought up (my dad is a big comic book fan, particularly Batman) a lot of my opinion on this is based on the graphic novel "The Dark Knight Strikes Again" (or DK2) by Frank Miller, which I highly suggest you read if you can.


So yeah, you don't have to be a huge comic book nerd or anything just give your opinion and give reasons if you can, If this is popular enough we can probably ask similar questions like Marvel or DC for example.

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Superman is in desperate need of a major reboot for several reasons, the least of which is his incredibly homosexual outfit. Hopefully Man of Steel brings about said changes. I noticed there are no red outerpants, so it's a step in the right direction so far.

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Superman and Batman BOTH wear their underwear on the outside of their costumes.   Superman however decided "FUCK DIS SHIT, I WAER MAI UNDAPANTZ IN DA CULUR RED SO U CNT C DEM"


At least Batman tried to blend his shit in, instead of making it blaringly obvious he is wearing his shit the wrong way round.


Fucking idiot, god i hate Superman, who invents a superhero who has no weakness's apart from a space rock.

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I hate the discussions about who would win in a fight though... Batman would ofcourse loose if he didn't happen to have kryptonite.

Yeah, thats why I purposely mentioned that it wasn't a who would win thing. The comics I mentioned actually have this awesome scene where Batman (wearing a kryptonite glove) beats Superman up (trying to beat some sense into him).






Superman is in desperate need of a major reboot for several reasons, the least of which is his incredibly homosexual outfit. Hopefully Man of Steel brings about said changes. I noticed there are no red outerpants, so it's a step in the right direction so far.

I'm actually sort of interested to see how the Man of Steel is, especially when I first heard Christopher Nolan was involved in it since the way Bruce Wayne was portrayed (in terms of how much of a sook he was, and kept giving up on being Batman) is actually how I see Superman.

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I really thought this would be a bit more balanced. A lot of people I've talked to about this are completely in support of Superman (mind you without any reasoning behind it). Maybe the superman supporters are all just being a lot quieter about it.

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You've probably talked to people who are comic book fans. The vast majority of people here, myself included, have really only grown up with the movies. Batman has produced the excellent Dark Knight trilogy, while Superman... Well, he was in the Justice League on Cartoon Network I guess.

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Im interested to try the new superman movie, but i have never appreciated the fact he has pretty much no real weakness, unless someone hits him with green rock.


Gonna give the new film a shot though, im hoping that nolan will have had a decent effect on it.

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You've probably talked to people who are comic book fans. 

Surprisingly the people I was thinking of when I wrote that are probably less into comics than most of you guys since they aren't really gamers either (and the 2 tend to cross over a bit)


Its weird being seen as a comic book fan here since I really don't consider myself one (I've barely read any comics at all, its mostly just exposure to that culture growing up)


 Batman has produced the excellent Dark Knight trilogy, while Superman... Well, he was in the Justice League on Cartoon Network I guess.

As was Batman XD Although from memory he seemed to be off doing his own thing in most of that cartoon.

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mate I grew up to the superman TV series!!!


Batmans just a glum prick that wants to live in a cave, on his own.

I noticed you had voted for Superman so I was interested in your opinion.


I actually didn't know there was a superman TV series until you mentioned it, but it's not surprising really.


Obviously I disagree on Batman being glum and wanting to live on his own, He does get portrayed that way sometimes (its one of the things I disliked about the movies) but he has loads of people he cares about such as all the sidekicks he has had (all the robins/nightwing, batgirl/oracle etc), Catwoman, Alfred, and the other members of the Justice league (though argueably less than Superman). But I can see your point in that he definitely avoids close personal relationships in order to protect those people. I've also seen a lot of stuff where Superman gets really depressed and completely isolates himself from everyone (and lives in his own "cave" - The Fortress of Solitude)

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I've also seen a lot of stuff where Superman gets really depressed and completely isolates himself from everyone (and lives in his own "cave" - The Fortress of Wanking)


Everyone needs there own space to beat one off....


given Superman is a pompus fuck lol

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